• The lights so bright and colorful.
    The music blaring so loud....
    Making me want to dance..dance...dance..
    Moving every inch of my body to the beat and sway of the music.
    Sweating just as the song ends, but not wanting to stop, as a new song begins.
    Just as I start back dancing we see new lights off to the side.
    Headlights? No it can't be.
    Then sudden flashes of red and blue lights come in through the window.
    Everyone turns to face the new lights that arn't suppose to be there.
    Suddenly, as the front door bangs everyone runs...
    Running trying not to fall onto one another,myself included.
    We run and run forgetting everything...
    The lights,
    The music,
    The pills,
    The dancing...
    We just run.... run for....home?
    I barley make it inside when they ask...
    'Where have you been?'
    I simply reply...
    But we all know it as The Rave.