• told you it wasn’t true,
    That I looked into your eyes and lied to you,
    You said I can read you like a book,
    Then I whispered goodbye,
    Could you read that part,
    The page were I broke your heart,
    I wish you understood,
    Only if you really could,
    For I did not lie,
    We just couldn’t see eye to eye,
    So because of you I suffer,
    And cry,
    With no one by my side,
    I feel like I should hide,
    Truly I guess that you thought it was a game,
    Yet it was some crazy ride,
    And this is the end of my book,
    For you have torn out the last page,
    And the end is forever lost,
    Unfortunately I didn’t cost
    But my heart is now and forever ever died…..