• there once was a women with a twisted mind,she swung heavinly to my side,she said in a voice not to be heard,make sure he gets what he deserves,i walked to a man with a petty face,the sun fell away from sight,the man didnt put up much of a fight,there once was a boy named chriss,chriss had the blues,he was full of despair,for his family was fighting,and she didnt care,who would she meet in a night so drear,how about a three headed dragon with a temper severe,what will it do on behalf of its freind,the whole citys at risk-she thought will this be the end?the dragon cant shoot flames,instead he picks up a mace,chriss looks over at his freind with a depressed gaze,all he finds is her geting mawed by a mace,she was on the floor dieing of blood loss,she had finally receaved what she sought.