• R E D
    Hot an angry
    Passion and love
    Wanting more
    Needing more

    Today I want to hold you
    Today I want to hate you
    Today I feel I need you
    Today I cannot stand you

    O R A N G E
    Fun and fast
    Bubbles of laughter
    Screams of fall
    And the changing leaves

    We'll run through golden forests
    We'll pretend we're Autumn faeries
    With wings of red, gold and orange
    Until winter falls across the land

    Y E L L O W
    Warm and bright
    A gentle glow
    High as the sun
    Free as the wind

    Racing like the wind
    With our minds clear as the sky
    With golden rays of warmth
    Caressing our skin

    G R E E N
    Lucky and happy
    Corrupt and greedy
    You can do anything
    You can't loose
    That crisp piece of cash
    That darkens your soul

    So throw the dice
    Play your cards
    Ask for more
    (and more, and more, and more)
    Push your luck
    Whatever makes you happy

    B L U E
    Calm and innocent
    Cold and sad
    A bubble of a stream
    Laughter of a baby
    The cry of the mother
    Who lost everything she had

    Through bliss and calm
    We'll walk together
    Through tears of pain
    We'll never leave

    P U R P L E
    Magic and sweet
    Faeries and sugar
    In a land where
    Corruption is a myth

    We'll be queens of faeries
    With pure sweet hearts
    We'll run through lands
    Of candy and sugar