• I gave up on my life
    I wanted it to end
    If I couldn't be loved
    I was better off dead
    So I slashed down deep
    But I couldn't feel the pain
    So I picked up the razor
    And tried it again

    But Mom ruined everything
    The doctors did too
    If they'd lived my life
    They'd be cutting too
    When I got to the hospital
    In the middle of the night
    They "evaluated" me
    To prove my mind wasn't right

    I woke up in the morning
    And haven't been the same since
    Because sitting across from me
    Was a Dark Broken Prince
    A Prince with brown hair
    And sad hazel eyes
    He'd been through Hell and back
    And nearly met his demise

    I was struck by the sight of him
    I felt my heart beating wild
    I wanted more than anything
    To see this Dark Prince smile
    When we talked
    His voice put me in a trance
    I wondered if he'd give
    Someone like me a chance

    And when we were free of the hopital
    I asked this Prince out
    I tried to stay composed
    Though I was so full of doubt
    The Prince called me up
    And at the sound of his voice
    My heart again started to melt
    And I was delighted by his choice

    He said yes
    And soon we knew
    We'd be together forever
    And our love quickly grew
    Now I look in those perfect hazel eyes
    And see his love for me
    Which he has promised
    That will last for eternity...
