• Feeling of betrayal

    It all happened so fast,
    Wasn't suppose to last.
    Wish it lasted longer than it had
    Cause now when I see you it hurts real bad!

    When I see you in the hallway
    I want to stop today,
    I want to talk today.

    But I don't and I can't, so I keep walking on
    Head down, eyes shut, just disappear and be gone
    Because when I see you, I want to forget
    All we had, every thought, every bet

    When I see you in the hallway
    The feeling of betrayal finds me
    You don't even look today
    Don't you see?

    I'm trying to forget
    Everything you left
    All the memories to stop

    Your voice
    Your eyes
    Your hair
    Your stinking personality
    That's when the feeling of betrayal sneaks upon me.