• THAT single red rose
    that stands out from the rest, in a sea of white tulips
    then OH it catches ur eye that small but vibrant red amoung the rest
    soft and perfet in every minute detail
    but everytime u try to pick it up, to hold it near to you
    it pricks, for it's thorns are sharp
    and bristle
    u want to hold it soo close and tightly but u just can't and u can't seem to figure out why
    becuz u don't understand this unique red rose
    time and time u keep on trying to pick it up
    and it pricks ur finger each and every time
    and u bleed a little
    that cut even tho soo small
    it burnnss you
    and u can't seem to know why
    for that small drop of blood u lose feels like a big chunk of ur heart
    and u ache more and more
    that urge to touch the flower
    kills u more than
    it's touch to ur skinn
    the pull it's like u were meant to be together but u don't know why u can't jus hold it for one sec without it hurtinn so much killin you
    and u can't decide what hurts more
    the urge for that single red rose or that fact that ever time u touch it hurts more and more