• The Teenage Locked Door

    This is a said phase
    That every teen goes through
    To where rules
    Never really apply

    They say it is normal
    To back talk
    But it is a lesson
    To learn not to do

    Though the adults roll their eyes
    We teens fight
    With hormones we can’t deny
    When we turn that one five

    All we want
    Is to push everything out
    To give our self
    This space that doesn’t exist

    You dads butt your over protective head
    While you moms butt your nosy mouths
    When all we want is this breath
    That we seem to never obtain

    It is all stressful
    To be nagged at repeatedly
    We just want to take a pillow
    And shove it down your throats

    The feeling of pushing you away
    Just grows every year
    We feel as if we gain a life
    A life we made that isn’t your concern
    Just like your life isn’t our concern

    This is that time
    Where we close the door
    And you never see us till morning
    That the only words that spread are
    ‘I don’t know.’

    You urge us to speak
    But that is the last thing we need
    For all we want is a part of us to keep
    All locked up inside our mind

    Our mistakes are our decisions
    Our decisions are our cards
    Our cards are our choices
    Our choices are ours to choose
    Our ability to choose are ours to give responsibility to
    Our responsibility is something
    Our something is nothing you gave us

    It is what we gain
    To feel we aren’t under your chains
    That we are living life
    And not anything lame.