• Now.
    Your Idol-
    Whether it be Edward Cullen, or your favorite scientist.
    Take a step back.
    Do you think it may be rediculous?
    Now, somebody who thinks Albert Einstein is their role model in your work, or That Edward Cullen is their favorite twilight character, I belive you would think not, and have good reason. But, someone who WORSHIPS Albert Einstein, as the greatest man who ever lived and more, or someone who LOVES Edward, and belives that you will be Mrs./Mr. Cullen someday, think about it. Is Albert all that great? He was a genius, but he did things that were not godly, as you may think of him, and he is not godly at all in the first place.
    Is Edward all that great? Now, remember, he IS a fictional character. Robert Pattinson I admit, PLAYED Edward, but his personality, and without makup, is NOTHING like your *Dream boy.*
    So, no, you are NOT going to be Mrs./Mr. Cullen.
    And as for the actors/Famous people.
    Do you think if you are one of my second exampled people that MAYBE, just MAYBE, you could drive them insane? Constantly having fangirls following you- in your car, on the street, anywhere in public, knocking on your door at home, screaming and fainting at the sight of you, While you know NONE of them and may already be in a relationship, and the papporatzi, taking pictures and exploiting you in public?
    So, sit back, and THINK. Could you be any more rediculous? Honestly, GET REAL.

    And, You're not the only ones-
    Those who do TOO much on their looks take part in this, too. Now, the people who put on excessive amounts of make-up and fake eye lashes and such are quite the eccentrics. But the worst of all- Those who get surgery and waste their lives on their looks are OFF THE EDGE.
    Honestly, you spend millions and millions of dollars on surgery and make-up and whatever else you use, and then when you're around sixty and nomatter how hard you try you can't look "Sexy" anymore go into depression. But honestly, taking fat out of you BEHIND and injecting it into your LIPS!? I mean, I see a talking cow, and then I've seen EVERYTHING. WHY would you want to do THAT!? It's repulsive! But I'm probably going to get more angry emails than anyone if I continue my fun in typing this, so I'll conclude it now. "Stop loving your actors and stop killing yourself with rediculousness in looks."