• The Kidnapping of a shy and weak girl

    It was in the middle of winter, a fresh blanket of snow cover the earth, the air was cold and the sky was derived of light as the sun would raise later that morning_
    There were no sign of life, accept for a little girl, though she was loved by her family she still felt lonely, her only friend was the wind, which told her stories as she watched the stars; sometimes the wind would sing her to sleep with a lullaby and other times the wind would give her wisdom.

    She didn’t mind being ignored by the other children, what did bother her was when they would tease and hurt others; in fact they did everything to target her in the end; but never did she shed her tears in front of them.

    The other children thought she was a freak, because of her skills to learn, they were afraid of her strength and courage, what they did not know was how shy and weak she really was...
    She was an obedient girl who would not go against her parents’ wishes, and so after years, she had grown up to be independent, and free in mind and spirit, but weak and restricted in body.

    This night she wanted to ask the wind who she was and why she wasn’t aloud certain things by her parents, such as learning how to defend herself!
    Somehow she knew she already had the answer to her questions and as always she just kept listening to the wind, humming; she started singing words to comfort herself:

    “See the wind blowing strong
    Hear its whispers in your ear
    Feel its gentle touch upon your cheeks

    Let it wipe away all the worries of your soul
    Let it set your heart free
    Let it carry you far away”

    She felt her worries being blown away by the wind, she felt free and she knew she could go further on with her life, she soon fell asleep_

    A peaceful dawning it was not, for during her sleep she was taken, a wicked man had different plans for her than the plans of her parents to keep her safe and away from what and who she could have been, and from somehow winding up in a way that they avoided the day she was born by making the promise to keep her from using her skills of learning, purposely; she knew not of her abilities_

    He wanted to use her!