Amelia, a young woman in her own right, was from a small village called DerSoth, lurked in the dark corners of her fathers secret labotatory. A potion maker was what she'd always dreamed of being, just like her father, yet her mother wanted her to have no part in it and to be a young lady to marry a prince one day. Fairy Tales. Amelia loved her father with a sick passion, and as she was the only daughter she was fawned upon. Amelia was beautiful, having long silver curls and exquisit green eyes. Her body, long and slender, was beggining to shape and ripen with age. Nobody could see that beyond her innocent appearanced lurked a troubled girl. "Amelia?" her father called out, as if just noticing her. The lab was a dark place of cold stone and strange smells and colored potions, something Amelia found herself enjoying. Slowly she emerged from the dark shadows, "Yes father?" she asked, patting down the skirt of her white dress. It hugged her body tightly until fluffing out around her hips and long legs. Her father smiled at her as he wiped his sweaty brow. He was tall with soft brown hair and a beard to match. His eyes were a reflective blue, wise with knowledge. "You must really be curious." he stated, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Something about Amelia's father that she never understodd was that he always seemed cautious, always paranoid f what lurked beyond the corner. She nooded, "Yes father, yet mother wont even let me talk of such skills. I want to one day be known as the best potion maker like Sir Temerlin! oh please daddy, will you tell me the story again?" She asked brightly, always loving to hear her father talk about his inspiration. He chuckled softly as he lifted her onto his small work table, not noticing the fact that she was now too big to just sit on it.
    "Well, legend says that there once lived a man named Sir Temerlin, the most powerful potion expert in the world, not just DerSoth. No, DerSoth was just a stepping stone to this sorceror! As he gained fame he was challenged many a time, never loosing. Always at the end of his battles he would either choose to punish his challenger with death, or forever give him a curse, nobody ever forgot his power this way, you see. Anyways, One day a stranged came to DerSoth, where Sir Temerlin was staying, and challenged him. Now, as the story tells it, everyone warned the starnger of the powers which Temerlin possesed, yet he did not heed their warning. So three moons later everyone gathered. The stranger was so young compared to Sir Temerlin, nobody thought the young stranger would even know what to do or evern if he could conceive the powers of Gorben-"
    "Gorben?" Amelia cut in, not remembering the meaning of the word. "Yes, the word refers to the dark magic which the seven evil lords designed to kill the Sondeth, the bright power. Now, Sir Temerlin never used Gorben persay, he had his own powers. As the match began they fought long and hard, nobody could understand how this young man was able to stand! If you ever see a battle my dear, which i hope you never will, you will realize that if you are too close the colors and odors involved can harm you or worse, kill you, if they are strong enough. It is said that that night the entire sky was filled with red blood. As the match came to an end every DerSothian could see the stranged weakening until Sir Temerlin hit him with his special, and still secret, Amtheria potion. Nobody knows exactly how it works, but this potions ends all battles. It is his secret weapon, every sorcerors destiny in the world is to make their own secret magic, like Sir Temerlin. The stranger, after being struck, stood still and looked on blankly, only falling to his knees when Sir Temerlin commanded him to. Sir Temerlin walked up to the young man, and with his long sorceror's stick, lifted the defeated mans head, and looking into his dark eyes said, 'Your punishment is to withstand the curse which i set upon you.' and walked away. Some say he died, some say he just vanished, nobody really knows what happened to Sir Temerlin, but i think he's still out there somewhere." Her father said, concluding the story with an awestruck expression. Amelia smiled warmly to her father, "I-" she started beore she was cut off by a large BANG against the wall. They both stood at attention as another BANG came from the wall. Her father's laborotory was very secret, only the family knew it's location and her mother was much to small to cause such noise. Yet another BANG sent little peices of rubble from the wall. Amelia looked up to her father, who immediatly began rummaging through his shelves and drawers, finally pulling out a small pink vial in which he added many colred powders and small plants. Amelia watched as he worked, closing up the small vile with a cork and connecting it to a small chain. Quickly her gathered up his young daughter, rushing her to the other side of his lab. The banging was getting louder, she could now hear loud, dark voices beyond it. What was happeneing? "Father, what-"
    "Amelia, my love, please listen to me and listen quickly, for theres not much time! I have been discovering more and more powers and have finally created one which i will not tell you about, for if you knew it's power you would be in as much danger. But they know, and the Goben Colt wants it as their own to give to their master, Zabieth, but this cannot happen or our world will be destroyed!" he exclaimed, ignoring the sound of falling bricks and crushing stone, "Now, i want you to take this vile, and altough you are young, i want you to travel to HerTuth where they cannot reach you, and carry on my work." he said, and as if remembering something he stood and hurridely dug through his drawers more, "Wheres mother?" Amelia asked, close to tears. "Darling," he said, crouching down to her once again, "If we are lucky your mother is dead. these creatures arent to be dealt with. Now, put this on!" he said, jamming a small ring onto her finger, "Never take this off until you reach HerTuth, and take the potion if your in true danger, but not before then! and you only need a drop! Now go!" he said, hurriedly pushing her through a small hidden passageway. "come with!" she cried, but he shook his head as he shoved her in. The passageway was barely able to contain her, quickly he closed it off, but not before she caught a glimpse of the scariest creature she'd ever seen in her life. Large, almost bigger than the ceiling would allow, with four eyes so dark they were lifeless orbs. His teeth were like millions of rows of barbed wire, with long, muscular amrs which reached the floor, tipped with nails as long as pencils. It was blue in color and covered with scales and small horns. What was this creature and what would it do to her father?