• "Come here Alexandria." Anne-Sophie said. Her arms extended towards me. I accepted her last embrace.

    The two of us was standing by the entrance door of the airport to Japan. This was my last meeting with her. I took in the scent of her strawberry fragrance for memory, and slowly breathed out. This wasn't a dream after all.

    "My Lady-"

    "Mother." She corrected me.

    "Mother." I slowly said, as I took in the word."Do you only want me to just protect Tamaki, and nothing more?"

    Ann-Sophie smiled.

    "As long as he is safe, I am happy."

    I nodded.

    "But, that's not the only reason why I am sending you to Japan." She added. Her eyes suddenly went serious. I look into her alluring eyes in confusion.

    "She is there also."

    My body froze.

    "Listen to me, Alex." She whispers, as she careless my cheeks."I can't guarantee you that she is still there,but please, just becareful, and not do anything reckless."

    I force myself to respond with a nodded.

    Her smile came back."Good luck with finding your Mother, Alexander Kinmichi."

    * * * *

    By the end of the day, the customers left with satisfaction from the Host Club. Still, I sigh in relief that I didn't have to do anything today. Simply, Tamaki just told me to watch from the pros, or so he says.

    I was about to sneak my way out between the crowd, when I felt the sudden rumble that came from the floor. I was startled by a mechanical object descending up into the room, and what was even weirder was that the it didn't even phase the Host members.

    "Bring him to me!" Seventeen year old, Renge Houshakuji commanded. The twins obey, grinning at me.I did nothing to stop them from dragging me to her. I was force to be pull down on my knees, as I look up at the girl in front of me.

    Long brown hair, with the yellow school dress uniform. Her brown eyes stabbed right through me with a sudden shock.

    "Oh my God!" She suddenly scream.

    I wince back.

    "You are such a looker, I can't stop squealing on how much you look like Usui Takumi-sempai from Maid-Sama*!"

    Honey look at Renge in confusion."Who's that?"

    Renge giggle."Usui Takumi is an extraordinarily talented boy in a number of different fields, including cooking, the violin, chess, and table etiquette."

    I blink.

    "In other words, one of her shojo manga fantasys." Kyuoya explains.

    "This boy." She pointed at me."Have the same golden hair, and the same emerald eyes of hotness! And I bet he's even a ladies man!"

    I herd one of the twins snickered.

    I glared back at them.

    "So anyways, I've herd that you've got put into this club." Renge said.

    "By me, of course." Tamaki said, as he gracefully swipes his blond hair out of his violet eyes."Daddy's always knows what is right."

    "Daddy?" I asked, distastefully."Daddy my as-"

    "Remember that you're a gentleman, Mr.Kinmichi." Kyouya quickly cut me off.

    I snorted, but looked away.

    "You two." Renge said to the Hitachinn Twins."Release him."

    "But he might make a run for it." Hikaru said, looking at me at the corner of his eyes.

    "Well I don't think he will." Haruhi speaks up from behind.

    All of us turn our attention to her.

    That reminds me, what's a girl doing at a boy's club?I thought.

    Then I rethink again. Oh wait, I'm a girl too.....but these people don't know it.

    I sigh."I won't run away."


    They release me from their grip. I still didn't stand up.

    "So what would your type be?" Renge said suddenly.

    I look up then."My what?"

    "Type, my boy." Tamaki cooed.

    "There are different types in many different girls taste in men." Kyuoya explains."There's the princely type, that's Tamaki, the mischievous type, the twins, the cute type is Honey, the quiet type is Takashi, the cool type is me, and the Natural type, which is Haruhi."

    "So what type should you be?" Renge ask again, but mostly to herself. She pressed her index finger on her right cheek as she circled around me in examination.

    "I think he should be the annoying type." Kaoru mocked.

    "Shut up." I snapped.

    "Ohh, how about the bad boy type, since he always got an attitude." Hikaru teased.

    "Only to the likes of you annoying twins!" I pressed back.

    They snicker at me.

    "No, no, no! It's all wrong." Renge said. Thinking harder.

    "He could be the mysterious type." Haruhi suggested."Since Alex always keeps to himself."

    We all look at her again.

    "Why do you guys keep staring at me like that?" Haruhi ask, clearly oblivious.

    "That's it, the Mysterious Type!" Renge agreed.

    "Hm, seems like you could fit into that type." Tamaki approved also. His fingers rubbing his chin.

    "It suits you perfectly." Kyouya said. He was looking at me with an expression I could not describe.

    "Whhatever." Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison.

    "Yay! Al-chan is the mysterious type!" Honey exclaims happily.

    I let out a small smile.

    "Ah! That smile, so suductive, so irrisistible, so sexy!" Renge exclaim, and on a near edge of fainting."You match perfectly! Quick, give me the best mischievous smirk you can offer me."

    I look at her a moment, then I let out a deep breath in annoyance. I suddenly got an idea. I got up from my knees and walked up to her. Silence sneak into the room, as the tension spread. Licking my lips, I snake my arms around Renge's waste. Holding her close enough till our face was inches apart from each other.

    "If that's what you want, my Lady." I softly whisper, cupping her chin with one of free hand."I'll give anything you want."

    I let my devious smirk naturally spread across my full lips. Cunning, sly, and the most sexiest smile I have offered her as she soak into my control. I watch as her face increasingly redden in embarrassment, with a small squeal escape her lips before she fell into consciousness into my arms.

    I chuckled in amusement, and laid her down on the couch. I turn my attention back to the Host members. Clearly they were watching me perform in front of them, and still haven't come back to reality. The Twins was staring at me with wide eyes. Honey had dropped his fork from his fingers to take another piece of cake. Takashi was covering Honey's eyes from view, but his eyes was fixated on me.Tamaki was staring at me with huge sparkly eyes. Haruhi was just looking at me questionably. Lastly Kyouya, his eyes never left mine, as he scribble every information he could in his clip board.

    Whatever I did to cause such a shock, it must of seem interesting enough for him to write about me. Like I said before, my secrets are my secrets. It's none of his business to know anyways.