• Jonathan is very messed up and he knows being around people is a bad idea because he sleepwalks and he kills people without knowing why he does it. It started happening every night on December 25th after christmas was over. It must of been someone who had done magic on him because he did something bad. He doesn't have a clue. he had almost killed someone but he got bonked on the head. He knew the only way to keep from hurting other people was to go and be someplace where there was no people. So he went and broke into a bank leaving trails to where he was, so he would be arrested. He is confined in a cell. He is lucky to have a cell to himself.

    The story begins when it is midnight. He sleeping peacefully in his cell bed. A guard walks by. "hey what are you doing up! You know its bed time.
    The prisoner is up, but he doesn't know he is up. The guard opens the cell. He takes out the taser. He goes for the shoulder.But then the prisoners hand stops him in time to stop the taser. He then taser the guard. What happens to him next??

    Till next time ! razz