• tab The rain beat down upon the glass window hard and heavy. Looking across, the garden looked meek. No longer the roses bloomed. They died along with my love that day. The sky continued its’ crying and I sat on the bed, no longer wanting to remember her. She had been so beautiful. Long, lovely hair, smooth as silk. Skin like those of a porcelain doll and graceful, nimble fingers. Her laugh could make angels cry and her smile would have softened the devil’s heart. It was her eyes he wanted to forget really. They could pierce any man’s soul. Like crystal that shimmered in a gentle glow, one stare could kill you. That day, those were the last things I saw. The last things I saw full of life and hope.

    tab I sat in a room, and I remember thinking how could a room full of white light be so dark and dreary. You lay in bed, your frail body almost lifeless. The machines kept working till the end, pumping life into you. I knew it couldn’t last. You knew it couldn’t last. With each peak you grew weaker, as did I. All the pain you felt, I felt. All of it.

    tab The TV wouldn’t shut up. Kept going on about how buying a mattress could give you back the life you always wanted. I cursed at it. No mattress could bring back the life I wished we could return to. Nothing could.

    tab The doctor was kind enough. She still had hope, I could see it in her eyes.
    You’ll pull through this, honey; you’ll get through this.

    tab I don’t know how she could possibly think that. In my mind, you were already gone, in a land of imagination and possibilities. Your voice had left, your sight had left, all of your senses had gone along with you. You could not hear my crying at night, or feel my gentle kiss on your forehead. You could not see my despair. You could not smell the death around us.
    My love, you simply stared into nothing. You said nothing. Heard nothing. Smelt nothing.

    tab Yes, you were already gone.

    tab I stayed quiet as my heart silently broke into a thousand pieces.