• 5 am. Another day we live in fear. My name is john, a high school student. Ever since that fateful day, we live caged up. 5:05. They rain and growling starts to end. I have never seen them, the monsters outside, but those that have never survive. Mr. Johnson went out to fight a few off, we fond him in pieces, and pieces missing. The call them the Unforgiven. They are demons, or that's what were told. They sound more like dogs. 5:30 it's finally time to wake up. I get up, My rooms a mess. My cloths are all over the floor, and my video game mags clutter my desk. I can't even see my consoles in the back. No wonder my mom got mad at me. I head out my door, down a dark empty hall and to the bathroom. Nothing beats a shower in the morning after all that growling.

    Thirty minutes later I'm out. I know everyone is finally getting up, Yet the world still seems so lonely. Maybe its because the house is so lonely. I hear a ring, it's the phone. It may be a simple ring yet it feels so warm and comforting to me, maybe the world is just getting to me. I answer it, "Hey!" It's Nicole, she always calls in the morning, "Did you make it again tonight?" Her tone is playful, reminds me of my childhood, so long gone.

    "No, I'm an officer. I'm here, while the beast are still roaming outside, to check what happened to this mutilated body." The sarcasm is thick in my voice, its a daily routine now. Nicole gives a giggle, "How do you sleep with the beast right outside your window? I always ask, but I don't understand. Even my father locks us up so they don't get to us, twenty feet underground! Yet you, sleep with them outside like nothing." She always asks and I just change the subject. I've never told anyone and I don't think I ever want to, so I give her a lie, "I just got the balls and the messed up eardrums to." She sighs, she knows that's not true. I have a large build and look tough, but she knows I'm not that tough. She stays silent for some time. Its 6:20, the sun is coming out and the unforgiven are going into hiding. "It's almost time for school, guess I got to get dressed. Bye." I hang up before she can say anything. I'm already dressed though, dress shirt and black slacks. I don't understand what uniforms are for but it doesn't mater.

    I head to the door, when someone starts banging on it. I jump back, anyone else would run to somewhere safe but I guess I'm a little tougher then most people. "Help me! Help me please! Open the door! For god sakes! Open the damn door!" A girl is outside the door, most people would just let the person outside die, but I run to open the door, my first mistake.

    I open the door to see a beautiful pale girl with long black hair. She is so captivating, I take a second to stare. She gives me a wicked smile. I don't think at first, then I notice, this was a trap. Her small pale hands become scaly and her nails become yellow claws. Her tongue becomes that of a snake, and her eyes become a glowing yellow. I stood captivated, I tried to close the door, but the outer door is already ripped from its almost unbreakable hinges. She slams the door open and I fly back. Rolling backwards as I hit the floor, I catch myself, I'm back on my feet, I head to the door at the back. The door it ripped off as soon as I look back. A girl with the same features as the other first stands before me. I'm stuck between them. They said they looked like beast but i knew they didn't, yet I fell for this simple trap. I feel a sharp pain on the back of my head and all goes dark.

    Everything is still black. The pain in the back of my head hits me like a freight train. I almost black out again from the pain, but somehow manage to stay awake. "Look, I know we have to hide out, but the damn hunters will be here soon!" A girl is talking upstairs, "The door looks fine, but all that's out there is, a door! No extra plating! Someones going to suspect something!" Oh right I just got attacked by some unforgiven, I shouldn't have fallen for that. A pair of footsteps come down the stairs, I guess I'm in the basement. I try to open my eyes, everything is so blurry. "Are you even listening to me!" The same girl is screaming. I see two figures come towards me. There so beautiful yet I know what they really look like, such ugly beast in such beautiful goddess form, it sickens me. One girl comes over to me, I try to move, I cant, my hands are tied behind what I'm sitting on, a chair maybe. "My name is May, we wont kill you if you help us get rid of the hunters." I look at her, she seems desperate and the girl behind her is looking at her like she's stupid.

    I sit there for some time, I finally feel better, "Go ahead and kill me! I'll make it even more worth your while, No hunters ever come when I'm attacked. I'm the boy that lived!" The girl behind her jumps up ready to swing at me, an unforgiven is so strong even a light punch will put the strongest man in a hospital. May stops her, "You mean the hated one." I nod. "Did you kill anyone." She asks, might as well tell someone the truth about that day. But if I did, they might let me live. So i lie, "I'm the one the killed the whole pack!" Malice and pride in my voice, living as the hated one is so lonely, I'd rather die. May backs away. June steps forward.

    The other girl gives me a evil smile, "My name is June." She unties me, and backs away. Why would she do that? She grabs the shotgun I left sitting on the wall, and tosses it to me. "Lets see what you got." I catch the shotgun and stand up. My second mistake. She sets up to fight, ugly again in her true form. I check what shells I have, flash. I have this fight won, just to hit them. Instead I shoot at the floor, and run away. Sprinting up the stairs. I don't know if I even did anything to them. As soon as I hit the ground floor, I take an extremely sharp turn and sprint Towards the back. The door is back up, but before I even get close, I fall over. My third mistake. June gets on top of me, laughing. I'm dead, I know I am.

    Time passes, I'm still alive. A miracle. I look over, May has stopped June's fist. "You didn't kill anyone, I was there." And that was the end of my normal life. The second time I over lived.