• He was extremely red. And heading my way.
    "I told you to come home!" my dad shouted stomping onto the porch. His blonde hair was pasted to his head from sweat. I noticed he still had his pin with his name and the company he works for on it, which means he came right after work. I saw Ellie peek through the window. She looked at my dad and disappeared. I wish I was her right now.
    "And I told you that I would come home when I was ready." I replied, my voice steady though my insides were doing flip-flops all over.
    "I am the father! You need to listen to me! What I say goes! Now get in the car!"
    "I drove here."
    "I'll have it towed."
    "Or I can simply drive it back."
    "And why not?"
    "Because while we're driving you'll probably turn onto some random road trying to lose me. But it doesn't work like that. Now get in the car." He was right up in my face now, and I kinda have a bad temper. I guess I get that from him.
    "So just follow behind me to make sure I don't." I replied between my teeth. I was trying so hard not to lose it.
    "Not possible." he said, spitting in my face.
    "Hey dude, she said she would come home, just give her a bit okay?" Damien interjected. The sudden sound of his voice made me calm down as I looked at him.
    "And who are you to be telling me what to do?"
    "Damien Adams."
    "Is he your boyfriend?" my dad asked, turning to me like Damien hadn't spoke at all. I turned to Damien unsure of what to say. If I said yes, Damien would rejoice but my father would go balistic. If I said no, Damien would sulk and my father woud sigh of relief. And then drag me home. Either way.
    "No sir, I'm not. But I am your boss's son." he replied confidently. I leaned in and looked at my dad's pin. Adams Apple Inc. Huh, guess he is. Didn't know that.
    "Wait, you're John Adams's son? D-Damien Adams?" my dad asked saying his name like he was an assassin or something. His face turned from red to white.
    "That's what I said." Damien looked all smug now, like he was in control or something. Well, looking upon the situation, I guess he is. I looked at Damien and he winked at me. My insides did more than flips, it felt like they were acrobats.
    "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble or anything, I just would like my daughter to come home." my father apologized, sounding like the wimpiest man in the world.
    "And so she shall." Damien said. I looked at him like he was crazy. He simply smiled and gave me a hug. Before he pulled he whispered, "Call me when he's gone." I pulled back completely and looked at him. He winked again. I swear I was going to swoon if my dad hadn't pulled me off the porch.
    "What about my car?" I asked.
    "I'll drive it back." Damien offered.
    "Then how would you get home?" I challenged. He thought about it for a minute and then just shrugged. I shook my head, smiling.
    "I guess you should drive it home." my dad said, glancing at the porch like Damien was going to shoot him down. I looked back to the porch too. Damien was hopping on one foot trying to look at something on the bottom of his shoe. Oh yeah, so dangerous. He's a cold blooded killer. I laughed at the thought and got in my car.
    I followed my dad all the way home without any detours, even though I did think about it a couple of times. When we got there, me, my mom, and my dad had a family chat in the living room. He didn't explode and neither did I. It was actually kinda enjoyable. After he left, I told my mom everything, including what happened on the football feild.
    "I think you two should go out." she said while folding a shirt. My mom looks exactly like me me, except older. And her green eyes don't change color like mine do, I got that from my dad. But my dad doesn't look like me at all.
    "Who? Me and Ryan?" I asked hanging my head upside down off the couch.
    "No, you and Damien."
    "But I'm still with Ryan."
    "But it's a sign. The way you two have never moved away from each other, ya'll were meant to be. Maybe Ryan was just some kind of test to see if yall's love could make it through."
    "Or, maybe, you're insane."
    "I still think it's a sign."
    "But what about Ryan?" Just then my phone rang, scaring the crap out of me. I fell off the couch with a thud. My mom tried not to snicker. I glared at her as I flipped open my phone.
    "Hello?" I said rubbing my head.
    "Oh, hey Celia. Yeah, I was thinking about how you ran after Damien earlier and I really don't think it's gonna work out." Ryan said.
    "Really?" I asked. I don't know why but I felt a pang in my stomach, like I didn't want it to be over. No! You want Damien, I reminded myself.
    "Yeah. You just seemed like you'd much rather be with him than me and I don't be with a girl who loves someone else."
    "Baby? What's wrong?" a girl's voice from the background called.
    "Uh, nothing."
    "Wait. Is that Trisha?" I asked. Trisha is nice, but she's a complete ho.
    "Maybe." he mumbled.
    "No way! You've had a back up plan this whole time?" I asked, astonished. My heart sunk to my stomach.
    "I don't like to call it that. Refer to it as a. . . really long booty call." he said.
    "What?!" me and Trisha shouted at the same time. I heard her let out a long string of profanities. There was a crashing noise awfully close to the phone. I think she threw something at his head.
    "Hey, uh. I've gotta go." he said quickly. Then he hung up. I silently wished I could throw something at him too.
    "So what was that about?" my mom asked.
    "Oh, nothing. I just got dumped." I said, oh so casually.
    "Good." she replied. My mouth dropped.
    "What happened to, 'Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry' or 'He just wasn't good enough for you'. What happened to acting like a mom?" I asked playfully throwing a pillow at her. She caught it and threw it back at me. The pillow hit me in the face before I could catch it.
    "I guess I'm not a sympathetic mom."
    "Oh, is that why you never seemed to care if I fell." She laughed at me and went back to folding laundry.
    "No, I just meant that it's good that you're single cause now you and Damien can be together, at last."
    "Yeah." I grinned sounding like a little girl again.
    "Would like Damien to come over?" she asked.
    "Are you okay?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
    "Yeah." I said again.
    "Simply love-struck?"
    "Well, call him and tell him to get his butt over here."
    "Okay." I said.
    "Hello?" Damien answered.
    "Hola, you up to coming over?"
    "Sure, I'll be there in a sec."
    "Kay." I flipped my phone closed. Hmm, that was a really short conversation.
    "Is he coming over?" my mom asked, picking up her pile of clothes to put it in her room.
    "Yeah." I called to her as she turned the corner, down the hallway.
    "Oh, don't forget to put your clothes in your room." she called back.
    "But I don't want to." I complained.
    "Well, put on your big girl panties and deal with it."
    I laughed and picked up my pile and ran to my room real quick. I didn't bother putting it away, I was too lazy. The door bell rang and I sprinted to the door. I flung it open and pounced on Damien.
    "Oof! Uh, hi." Damien laughed as he tried to keep from dropping me. I got down and smiled at him.
    "Hiya stranger." I said. I love the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith, so I adopted the greeting.
    "So, any special reason that you invited me over?" he asked walking in with out my permission. Like I cared.
    "Other than you told me to? No." I lied. I wanted to surprise him.
    "Oh, well okay then." he replied, not seeming convinced.
    "Oh, hello Damien. I wasn't expecting you here." my mom smiled, rounding the corner into the living room.
    "But you told me to call him." I said, confused.
    "Oh yeah. Now I remember." she said. She walked into the kitchen, grabbed a box of ice cream, and walked back out.
    "I'm watching movies." she explained when I gave her that, "Are you sure you should be eating that?" look She disappeared back down the hallway.
    "Okay then." I said looking to Damien.
    "I think she just wants to give us our privacy." Damien suggested.
    "To do what? Talk? We do that in Wal-mart, it's not that personal."
    "Well, maybe we're talking about something more personal than usual."
    "Like what?" I asked.
    "Like, us." he replied seriously. My heart began to pound.
    "There isn't an us, not yet, anyway."
    "You're not with Ryan, I know you're not."
    "What? How did you find out?"
    "Your mom can text really fast." My mouth dropped open.
    "That little cheater!" I said, all upset. I really wanted to suprise him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.
    "At least now we get to be together now, right?" he said.
    "I don't know, I just think I should wait til' I jump in a relationship." I said quietly.
    "You're kidding, right? Please tell me this is a really cruel joke." he said letting go of me. I shook my head.