• "What the hell?" I yelled. "You trying to kill me?"

    "Mabey." She replied as she picked her sword out of the ground. "You need to pay attention!"

    Let me give you a background check real quick. My name is Prazel, and apparently my life has never been one big great ray of sunshine. My mother died shortly after delivering me, and my father was a drifter, so I've never actually met nether of my parents. I had a sister, but we were separated shortly after i was born, i was taken in by this old dude i call master, and my sister was taken in by someone else. Anyway, I've been at this temple for about 16 years, training in the art of swordsmanship and sojutsu. And "She" is Rena, she has been here for about 8 years, training in the arts of swordsmanship and healing, she is my best friend here.

    "What where you doing" She said " Daydream?"

    "Maybe." I replied sarcastically. " What are you doing here?"

    "Master wants us, Something about a quest" She said cheerfully.

    "Sweet!" I replied. "But wait, last time he sent me on a quest he wanted me to go get some damn milk"

    "No he sounded serious, we should hurry"

    As we ran to the temple, Rena stopped dead in her tracks.

    " Why did you stop " I Yelled.

    " I smell blood" She said shivering. " Alot of it."

    "Well we should hurry then"

    " Yea. " She said looking around.

    Continuing to run back, i see a shadowy figure jumping from tree to tree, but don't think much of it considering Rena smelled blood. Then all of a sudden Rena runs off.

    "Where are you going!"

    "Something doesn't seem right, I'm going to scout ahead, its to quiet for the middle of the day"

    Anyway I finally get there and i see Rena in a pool of blood next to a figure i soon recognize as our master

    " What happened"

    " He has been attacked" Rena said about to cry.

    " How did this happen, I thought you always have training sessions right about now, where is everyone?"

    " They have all" He coughed " Been slaughtered by a rough thief "

    "Why did he attack you" Rena said slowly collecting herself.

    " I Think he wanted our kleidiá of heart " As he pulled the key out of his pocket and handed it to me.

    "What do you want me to do with this damn thing, throw it in a volcano?"

    "I need you and Rena to collect the..." He coughed again, this time there was a little blood in there. "The other six kleidiá of spirit, fire, water, earth, sky, and energy"

    "What do we do with the keys when we collect all seven kleidiá" I asked.

    " It is not only collecting the kleidiá, you also need to unlock them, the key will glow brightly when unlocked, and then..." He started coughing up alot of blood now, it was clear ho was about to die.

    " Rena cant you do anything to help him!" I cried.

    "The wound pierced both his lungs, severed three major arteries, and there was poison on the blade, he was lucky enough to live this long" She started to break down again.

    " Then you need to unlock the great gate of the void." The maser continued " And there is a rouge spirit plotting something big......"

    The master started coughing again violently, and then stopped altogether. Rena got up and hugged me, crying, and i started to blush a little bit. The master's body then turned into white butterflies and flew out the window.

    "What do we do now? " Rena asked faintly

    " Find out who did this and find the second key" I Said confidently.