It's wrong to force somebody to suffer in order to survive for our pleasure. We shouldn't always force somebody to do something just so we're happy. If Kira wants to die, we shouldn't stop him.

    My afternoon nap was short but sweet. It lasted about and hour and, when I woke up, I was lying on my back and Kai's limp arm was draped over my chest and he was hugging me as close to him as he could, resting his head on my shoulder. His shoulders slugged up and down from his steady breathing and his breath swept across my skin. The rays of the afternoon sun were emulating off of his skin, giving off a heavenly radiance to his complexion--although he seemed to show a little irritation in facing the sun.

    Very slowly, I slid out from under Kai's arm and climbed off of the bed. As soon as I tried to stand, I tumbled over. I had forgotten that my foot was still fractured and stitched up; I wasn't used to it. Stealthily, I crawled around the bed and grabbed my crutches and pulled myself up. I made my way to the closet and pulled out one of Kai's large jackets. I searched through the dresser and found a pair of hand-me-down clothes from Orihime. Very slowly and silently, I undressed out of my clothes and into the other clothes--I was too paranoid that Kai would catch me.

    I leaned over Kai and pecked his cheek. I stared in immature awe at the fact that he looked like an innocent child while sleeping. I had never imagined such a scary creature could appear so peaceful when dormant. I wobbled my way over to one window on my crutches and drew the shades shut to keep the sun out of Kai's eyes. Looking back at him once more, I pulled the hood of his jacket over my head and made my way out of the bedroom.

    I leaned against Kai's bedroom door for a moment to gather up my strength to support my pathetic self. I slowly made my way across the hall to Kira's room. My heart was racing but I couldn't allow him to die without seeing him one last time. Instead of knocking on the door, I turned the handle--which, surprisingly, wasn't locked--and cracked the door open. I peeked my head in and Orihime was sitting at the edge of Kira's bed, fixing something onto him. I stepped in and shut the door quietly, although I knew Orihime could hear.

    "Kai?" she turned her head, sniffing the air a little.

    "Oh, no," I rejected. "I'm wearing your clothes and Kai's jacket."

    "Arisa?" Orihime smiled faintly. "Smart girl."

    "May I come over?" I asked nervously.

    Orihime nodded, "Be cautious. Don't move too fast."

    I nodded and made my way to Kira's bed on the side Orihime was sitting on. She finished adjusting whatever it was and stood up, allowing me to sit next to Kira. His appearance almost sickened me; he was even paler than normal, the rings under his eyes were a dark gray-purple, and his lips were barely a shade of light blue. He looked even more like a corpse than usual. In his mouth was a very thin tube with red liquid running through it. I followed the tube up to a bag hooked onto an IV pole.


    "Since Kira isn't conscious enough to drink blood, I had to insert that tube into his throat," Orihime informed. "Instead of him drinking the blood, it just transfers directly into his stomach for nourishment."

    I sat down cautiously next to Kira and stared at him with sorrow weighing down on me heavily. There were a couple of pieces of scotch tape holding the tube down onto Kira's flushed cheek. My heart dropped and I kept my hands in my lap. I didn't want to move too much, just in case my scent would blow through Kai and Orihime's scent.

    "I'm sorry," I mumbled, choking on the lump in my throat. "I'm sorry this happened."

    He didn't respond. He was breathing steadily with his half-covered chest peeking through the covers that his arms fell onto at his sides. He seemed so stiff and uncomfortable; I didn't know how coma patients could lie in such a position for so long.

    "I'm not used to seeing you so...blah," I laughed a little at the pathetic choice of words. "I'm used to seeing you bouncing around and cracking out perverted jokes to Kai and I. I'm used to you just...being you."

    I wished they could bring Kira to a hospital but he would go insane from the multiple scents of blood. His nourishment from blood was instantly drained as soon as Mayura shot him in the stomach. It were probably as though he had been starving for over a week. I reached forward and touched Kira's cheek, shivering at the cold. I glanced down and, on his chest, it almost looked like there were faint purple veins peeking through the covers. It must have been from the leftover miasma.

    "I know you can pull through," I squeaked. "But fight for yourself; not us."

    I slowly leaned forward and pressed my lips firmly against his rigid forehead. His skin was so cold and callous but his hair was silky, brushing against my cheeks and my chin. He still had a sweet scent radiating off of him, much like Kai. I noticed Kira starting to breathe a little heavier and I glanced down as soon as I felt pressure on my wrist. Kira was grappling onto my left wrist; he caught my scent.

    Orihime pried Kira's hand off of my wrist and I stood up, supporting myself on my crutches, "Arisa, you should leave now,"

    I was surprised; I had expected Kira to go mad and attack me instantly. Maybe it was because he was so close to complete unconsciousness and he was much too weak to attack me? It could also have been that I was wearing clothing without my scent so I didn't smell quite as provocative.

    "I love you, Kira," I choked out. "And so does Kai."

    I left the bedroom and shut the door behind me and leaned against it. I looked up and closed my eyes while sighing. Kira looked horrible, absolutely horrible. A couple of tears drained down my cheeks and I looked down and sniffed a couple of times. I couldn't be selfish and wish for Kira to live so I wouldn't suffer any longer; if he had no will to survive, then there was no need to force him to survive.

    I gathered myself together and went back into Kai's bedroom. He was still asleep peacefully on the bed, only he was holding onto the pillow his head was rested upon. I was still in awe; he was beautiful in every way. I quietly made my way over to the bed and stood behind Kai. I laid my crutches down on the ground, climbed onto the bed behind Kai, and wrapped my arms around his torso with my chin resting on his arm. I kissed his head and sighed unevenly.

    I felt a cold hand cup over my right hand, "What's wrong?"

    I was going to respond but, instead, a single sob broke out of my chest. As soon as that sob broke out, Kai instantly sat up and stared at me in concern. I wiped away a few of my tears and tried to smile in reassurance.

    "I'm fine,"

    "No you're not," Kai chuckled halfheartedly. "You're crying."

    "No, I have allergies," I wiped my eyes again.

    Kai's face fell, "Is Kira dead?"

    "He might as well be," I cried again. "Kai, he looks horrible."

    Kai chuckled and pulled down the hood of his jacket I was still wearing, "You're not wearing your own clothes,"

    "I wanted to see Kira," I admitted. "I needed to hide my scent."

    Kai caressed me, "That was an intelligent idea, but still dangerous,"

    "I'm sorry," I looked down in guilt. "I put my life at risk but I wanted to see him."

    "You did nothing wrong," Kai held me close to him. "Just reckless."

    I breathed out a small laugh and gripped onto his sleeve, "You should go back to sleep. You need it badly."

    Kai leaned back without protest and laid on his back while still holding me close to him. I propped myself on my elbows and we looked into each others eyes for a long moment. He would twirl a few locks of my hair around his fingers and sometimes run his fingers through my hair. Looking at Kai almost made me sad; him and Kira almost looked like twins. Kira was on my mind too much; I needed a distraction.

    "I can take you out to dinner tonight," Kai promised.

    I blushed a little, "You remember what happened last time..." I whispered, subtly covering up the still-existing hickeys on my chest.

    "If it will distract you, then it's worth it," Kai smiled.

    I smiled faintly and embraced him, holding my body close to his, "I love you so much. Despite you were so mean when we met, I still love you."

    "And I love you, virgin or not," Kai chuckled.

    "So it's a date?" I asked, slowly starting to cheer up and clear up my tears.

    Kai nodded, "Yes, tonight,"

    I bit my lip, "Are you worried about Kira at all now?"

    Kai cupped my face, "I worry as much as you. He's my big brother; of course I'd be disconcerted."

    "I had a bad impression of him when I first met him," I mumbled. "He was obsessed with my blood but I didn't know he was a half Vampire at the time." I smiled. "He's a great guy. You're lucky, Kai."

    Kai held me a little closer and nuzzled my neck, smiling against it, "Lucky because I have you,"

    "Shut it," I scoffed. "Quit thinking about me."

    Kai merely cupped my face and pulled it down for a soft kiss, "I wouldn't be in love with you if I never thought about you,"

    "Damn us to Hell for thinking, right?" I giggled and rested my head on his chest.

    I waited for a reply from Kai but noticed he was breathing deeper. I peeked up and his eyes had closed lightly and his face relaxed. Great, he fell asleep. Had I known better, I'd have been offended and thought he fell asleep because of me but he really needed it. He kept his arms around my waist and his head turned slightly to the side. My head weighed down on his chest again and I sighed, playing with his right sleeve. I was unsure about the date with Kai; was he able to move his left arm enough to drive?

    Either way, both of us badly needed a distraction. Another night to ourselves would be perfect...so long as we don't get carried away.