• Since creation, Zeus lived on Mount Olympus ruling as King of the Gods while the middle brother Poseidon ruled the oceans and tides, and as always.....Hades, the youngest, ruled the underworld.

    There, in the deepest pit of the earth, far below the mortal world, lies the kingdom of Hades. On a large dark, bejeweled, ebony throne sits a man of 26 with alabaster skin, a bit of muscle, ash gray eyes, black tresses that flowed seven inches past his shoulders, a simple black shirt, dark denim jeans, who would stand 6'5, and looked quite bored.....surfing channels on his 70 inch plasma screen Toshiba. He wore out the remote; "Today's news--" "Dull." Hades droned. "Recent deaths have occured in---" "Reminds me of my job." Hades sighed. "Up next is Barn---" "AUGGH!! Kill me now! Hey, wait. No-one can." He said to himself. "Let's see what's up in the mortal world." Hades groaned. The screen rippled, and what came into view were: fields, rolling valleys, luscious plains, breath-taking mountains and oceans. What I would give to live there!
    "Is there anything interesting?!" Hades shouted. Suddenly, as if by the Fates, the scenery changed to a woman young woman of 25 picking flowers with nymphs. She was stunning; chocolate brown waves flowed down to her waist, her blue-green eyes sparkled in the sun, she stood a staggering height of 6'3, she wore a sky blue sundress that brought out the blue in her eyes that also showed off her slightly curvy figure. "Whoa. Who in the Cosmos is she?!" Hades whispered, shocked by her beauty. "Okay; I've got to see her now!" Hades said. What could be going on in that brain of his?

    To be continued.....