• Okay, so I'm smart. So I have have er... not so tasteful clothing. Why do all of the rich, pretty girls; especially Candice Ian; have to pick on me? They steal my lunch and my dignity. Today I was going to do something about it.

    Candice usually steals my lunch while I am in the restroom, because while I am urinating, I leave my bag on the shelf outside. I always pack a sandwich and apple sauce. I decided to add some special ingredients today: the Super Hot kind of Hot Sauce to my sandwich and some mayo (which Candice is allergic to) to my apple sauce.

    The first half of school went by slowly. Finally it was time for the Sophmore class to go to lunch. After I was done in the restroom, I checked my bag, and as usual, my lunch was missing. I smiled to myself. If Candice "tells on me", then the teachers will know she has been stealing my lunch. So there was nothing she could do.

    I sat about four seats down from her group, intercepting glares from her and her friends, and sat to listen. Candice gave me one of her "haha, I win, you lose" smiles and took a bite of apple sauce. She didnt appear to notice the mayonnaise at first. Then she took a bite of the sandwich, and immediately spit it out.

    "Ew! AHH,water! I need water!!", she screamed at her friends who all started searching the lunchboxes for. Then, she glared at me and yelled "YOU!!" I jumped up, and backed away, then noticed a spot of red on her face, and a little more came. The allergic reaction was starting.

    She had to drink water before she could do anything else, and then started scratching her whole body, which was starting to turn red and swell.

    "Umm, Candice? What happened to your face... and arms... and legs?!" one of her groupies asked. Candice pulled out a compat mirror, and screamed... very, very loudly. The entire Sophmore class turned and laughed. Ahh, sweet revenge.

    Soon a teacher came by, and asked her what happened. "I, I was eating my lunch, and I'm allergic to mayonnaise, so I guess it was mixed into my apple sauce!" Good guess.

    "Don't your parents, or whoever packed your lunch, know that you're allergic?",the teacher asked.

    "THEY DO KNOW!!!", she sobbed. "I STOLE HER LUNCH!", she pointed at me. "She did this to me!"

    "You stole her lunch?!" Candice nodded. The teacher looked at me.

    "How was I supposed to know she would steal it? Maybe I like mayo in my apple sauce and hot sauce on my sandwich."


    Candice glared at me and kept crying. The teacher gave her five detentions, she had the whole class laugh at her, her face blew up, she had a burning tongue, and Little Miss Perfect cried in front of all of the Sophmores. It was a good day.

    And no one EVER stole my lunch again.