• The young woman bathed in a lake, long, red, shimmering hair flowing down her back. The beauteous figure cupped her hands and let the water flow over them. Her hands raised, filled with water and tilted to let the water drip on her body. After several more times of doing this, she brushed her hair over her shoulder, showing two long scars at each shoulder blade. She swam to the edge of the lake and lifted herself out. Her icy blue eyes shimmered as she looked into the glowing moon. The grass muffled her footsteps as she ran behind a nearby oak to retrieve her clothing. After a cold breeze, she slipped on her apparently expensive garments and flat green shoes. Her clothing was that of a noble, having been stolen from one. The green of her dress made her blend like a chameleon into her surroundings. The redheaded woman was only visible due of her showing skin and radiant hair.
    Steps could then be heard, coming towards her. Her head quickly whipped to see what had created the sound. She peeked out from behind the oak, taking a long look at the figure. A black-haired man stood in the middle of the clearing, his head swiveling to find shelter. After being banned from his town, the man, Darius Jerrold, traveled through the forest to get to the next town. Hoping to find a cave deeper into the forest, he took a step closer to where the redheaded woman was hidden. Sensing he was getting close, she ran deeper into the woods, flailing her arms and screaming.
    Darius's head turned to see the woman. He began to run after her, hoping to find shelter. The woman turned her head to see if he was behind her. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of him.

    She began to run faster, and tripped on her long dress. Darius outstretched his arm to her. Believing her leg was broken, the woman took the offered hand. She stumbled onto him as she got up. Darius took the woman into her arms and carried her forward. "So what is the name of this fair maiden?" Darius asked calmly. "Valentina," she replied, "And you?" Darius stepped over a fallen branch. "Darius Jerrold. Nice to meet you. May I ask when you ran from me earlier?" Valentina couldn't tell him the truth. " Um... I thought you were someone else." she lied.
    "So were expecting someone?"
    "Not really... I, uh, just thought..."
    "It's okay, I understand." Darius smiled. "Which way are we going here?"
    "Left." Valentina said, needing to get home. After her directions, the two arrived at a small camp. The fire in the middle of four tents was burned out and smoking. A small torch at the fire provided their light. "You can go now." Valentina harshly said. "Why? Don't you need help?" Darius asked. Valentina rolled her eyes. "No! Leave now!" A bit hurt, Darius set her near the nearest tent and backed slowly away. A man about 5'8" came out of the tent. He glanced at Darius and rushed towards him. A cold, clammy hand grabbed Darius's arm. It dragged to the torch and lit the fire. "Valentina, what have you been doing with this human?" a voice carried from the man. Valentina shook her head. "Nothing, sir." "Do not lie to me! You have done this enough already, daughter! You will leave us now! Get out and never come back! We are tired of you, my child!" the man screamed at Valentina. A white light flashed as the man put his hands on Valentina's leg. Her leg creaked as she stood up and walked off towards Darius. Her hair blew in his face as she walked past him. "You!" she screamed at Darius. "Take me to town!" Darius led the way out of the woods with Valentina following behind him. The whole way Darius did not get any answers, though he asked many questions.