• DAY 1

    It's hell here. Pvt. Johnson.... KIA right in front of my very own eyes.. I knew that man.. 2 years ago we met in bootcamp. We were a squad since the very beggining.. He was blown away, damn mortars.. So many pieces of 'em, it's to the degree of which his soul has been destroyed too. I have a bad feeling about this war..

    Day 2

    It has been a long journey so far. I've seen many bodies on my way here. Surprisingly, I come to an abbandoned underground station. So, I walk down the dark cobb-webbed stairs to a gorey train station. LT. Valentine, leader of the delta squad, ripped and torn into pieces... Too gorey to even call it a KIA. I sure hope this war will end quickly, or I'll become one of the flesh pieces mixed in with Valentine's guts.