• Two years ago in Scotland, a group of teens from Alabama, fresh out of highschool, had decided to go on a week long celebration. their names were Alan and Carle Parks (twins), lindsey Harold, and Tony Carlos. The boys chose to stay was in front of a hill called Mt. Galarda, on top of wich sat an old, abandoned castle that was known to be haunted. Tony and Alen chose the spot to make the girls feel uncomfortable. One night while they were roasting marshmellow, Tony told them of the prophecy of the castle. He told of an incident from the middle ages that occured over two months and happened between two younge lovers. A young sorceroer named O'Malley and a princess named Sophia. He explained how it affected her parents, King Gulier and Queen Maryona

    The next morning, the students decided that they would go into the castle later that night. They got their flashlights and camera's to see what they might find. Little did they know that there was a curse put upon the castle by O'Malley. According to legend, each night around midnight the events of the two young lovers were replayed inside the castle walls.

    When the students entered the throne room they saw to figures on the thrones. Soon a ghost in soilders clothing entered and annonced that the kings sister had come to visit. Suddenly, a young male ghost came into the room and introduced himself as O'Malley and said he was a sorcerer. The king summoned a soilder to take O'Malley to his room and said that he had been expecting O'Malley. Soon the ghosts disappeared.

    Carla ran after the two ghost heading down the hall and tony chased after her. Alan and Lindsey decided to go to the garden. Meanwhile, up in O'Malley''s room Carla sat on the bed, as soon as she did they went into a flash back. O'Malley was unpacking his things, and headed towards the window and opened it. He thought the garden was amazing, but then something caught his eye. A young girl was sitting underneath a tree reading a book. He called the soilder to the window and asked who the young girl was. The soilder replied that she was sophia the kings youngest daughter.
    Once agian, they found themselves back in the present. They decided to go find the others.

    Down in the garden, Alan and Lindsey saw a heart carved into the tree, inside the it were intials. As soon as Lindsey touched the tree a young girl appeared under the tree. They recognized her from a painting they saw in the throne room, they knew that it was the princess sophia. Suddenly they heard a the wind whistle, and saw O'Malley walking down the path. Before they could move he walked toward the tree and started to talk to sophia. The students could not hear what they were saying, but as suddenly as they appeared they disappeared.

    Tony and Carla came into the garden and they all talked about what they had seen.A few minutes later the young couple appeared and seemed happy. The kings sister, who was looking for the young girl, saw what had happened and went to tell hte king. After KIng Gulier found out, he stormed into the garden. He then told sophia to leave. After she had left the garden he banished O'Malley and said that he could never return. Then King Gulier stromed out of the garden and disappeared into the darkness.

    The boys decided to see the queens chambers. When they entered the room they saw sophia at a desk. She had found out that O'Malley had been banished and was writing her mother a letter.She left the letter on the quuens desk. The queen soon entered the room sat down and read the letteras she read it she cryed. She then picked up a knife on the desk and pierced her heart. The king walked into the room and found his wife dead on the floor. He picked up the letter and read it. He then walked out of the room heartbroken. His wife was dead and his daughter had ran away.

    The boys then went to meet the girls at the castle entrance. As the wind whistled, two figures holding handspassed by them exiting the castle and disappeared into the woods. The students left the castle not knowing the fate of the two young lovers.