• The day it happened was when it was the first day of school. There was this boy named Jake Cooper. Jake was going inside the school to go an help the one of the teachers but before he did, he herd screaming, Jake ran to the football field an he saw everybody running around like something happened. Something was coming from the sky, but what? No one knew what it was so Jake went to check it out; there was nothing there. Then he realized that there was something on the ground, (he assumed it was a wristband) so he picked it up and put it on. He thought, there’s nothing wrong with this, it’s just a wristband, there’s no harm in it. So he thought. When Jake was walking back to the classroom he was helping in, he wasn’t feeling very good so he went to the nurse and she sent him home for the day.
    His little sister Alisa was wondering why he was home so early but she didn’t want to other him like always. Later while Jake was in his room sleeping Alisa came in and woke him up. When he finally woke up after she kept of trying to wake him, she asked him a lot of questions. “Hey Jake, can u make macaroni and cheese for dinner? I’m hungry.” she asked, Jake didn’t reply he got off his bed and went downstairs into the kitchen an started to make macaroni and cheese, Alisa I guess took that for a yes. Later that night Jake was burning up so he went outside to cool off a bit. He was trying to take the ‘wristband’ off but it wouldn’t come off, he went back into the house an got some scissors to see if he could cut it off, but it didn’t work; the scissors got bent. After a few minutes later Jake’s whole entire body was a suit of armor, it was controlling him. He couldn’t do anything besides letting it do what it wanted to do. Jake was thinking, I wonder what this thing wants with me. The only thing the suit of armor really wanted was to find this guy an he looked very familiar to Jake, so after the joy ride was over the suit of armor went back to its original state an let Jake control himself.
    The next day Jake was feeling a lot better than before. When Jake got to the school something happened once again. There was this demon of some sort that only he could see so he thought for a moment, my vision it’s different but no one’s screaming. Am I the only one that can see it? Jake ran into the boys bathroom so he can try and get rid of the demon but the wristband wasn’t reacting it was like it was sleeping. After about 5 minutes or so he herd screaming and the wristband was taking over Jake. This time the suit of armor wasn’t controlling Jake he could control himself; this is going to be a problem how am I supposed to get to the field without anyone seeing me? He thought. Then after a few minutes he figured out a way to get to the field but as soon as he went out of the boy’s bathroom he was no longer wearing the suit of armor, and as soon as he finally reached the field the demon was gone.
    After a week had gone by Jake was called into the main office for something important the principle didn’t tell or didn’t even know what it was for. So the principle gave Jake the note and she went back into her office. The note said, “Meet me in the gym I have something important to tell you.” Jake was headed to the gym when he noticed that there was a hallway with no students, no teachers, and no color on the walls everything was pitch black and once he stepped into the hallway a door appeared in front of him. Jake thought, I’m no longer in school but then, where am I? Jake opened the door walked through an as soon as he was on the on the other side, the door shut behind him and disappeared.
    “Welcome Jake Cooper we’ve been expecting you” a voice said. “Wh-who’s there? I- I’m not afraid of you. Show yourself!” As Jake was wondering around, he was hit in the back of the head and was unconscious. Four hours had passed. When he woke up he was in a house of some sort. A little girl walked in and yelled “He’s awake!” Someone else walked in and said, “Good now lets get going before were late for the lesson.” As soon as they were off she suddenly said, “Aren’t u coming it’s your lesson too you know.” Jake stood up and walked with them. “Oh before I forget I’m Riley and this is my younger sister Lizi.” Well met. Where am I exactly? One minute I was at school and now I’m… where exactly am I?” He didn’t get answered. Then some people walked in and one looked familiar to him but he just ignored it. “Jake Cooper huh… Well it’s nice to meet you. We are the council members of this wonderful academy. You might remember one of us from your past.” The council member walked out of the room all besides one. “Jake this is one of our council members Mr. Cooper. He will be your trainer for this evening. Have fun.” Riley and her sister walked out of the room and left Mr. Cooper and Jake alone. “So you’re Mr. Cooper huh? More like Mr. Liar” Jake said. “Excuse me! You better watch that mouth of yours boy.” “Or what you’ll walk out the door like you did to me an Alisa? Why did you even come back? Huh? Why?” Jake walked out of the room but before he could Mr. Cooper grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Do you want to know why I left? Because your mother wasn’t happy with me there so I left. I never wanted to leave you both but I had to an also your mother didn’t want me around anymore. So does that answer your question at all? Does it?” he said. “Mom never wanted you to leave forever she just wanted some time to herself, but after you left she went out for awhile and you know what!? She never came back! She died; she got in a car accident. Me and Alisa were left there at the house all alone thanks to you. You’re the reason why mom died.” Jake got loose from his grip an walked out of the room, leaving his past behind, after that he went to go find Riley. After about an hour Jake finally found Riley. “Oh. Hey Jake, lesson already over?” Riley said. “I am not having that man teach me what-so-ever in any way no matter what. Why am I here anyway? I’m just a kid I do stuff with friends like everyone else. How am I different from everyone? Huh?” “Jake listen to me. You were chosen among the best and your teacher, well former teacher, Mr. Cooper maybe you’re farther but he’s the only one who can teach you. Your father is the best teacher we’ve had in years an he’s also the one who wanted us to bring you here, so he can try an be your father once again.” She said. “Do you really believe that? You think after all of those years I would want him to come back and be with me and my sister. No I never wanted that. After he went out that door there was no more hope in him. My mom told me one time that he was going to come back home and we would be one big happy family once again. But no. So where do I go to go home?” “Jake just hear me out. Ok? Once you leave this place you” she pauses for a second “you can never come back an also if you leave” Riley looks down at the ground “I’ll never see you again” she looks back up at him and continues “and you’ll never remember what has happened today or why you ever came here nor ever remembering your father ever being alive. So do you really want to leave?” “Riley I …” she interrupts him. “Jake just answer the question please” Jake looks at Riley. “Yes. I really want to go home but” he pauses “I don’t want to forget you.” Riley says, “Then I guess it’s settled then. You’re going home and I can’t do anything about it.” She starts crying. “When you’re ready just go and talk to one of the other counsel member and they’ll take you home.” Riley runs out of the room and out in the academy. Jake could no longer see her.