• Once upon a time . . . that’s how I would begin this story is it happened a long time ago, but it didn’t. My Name is Ahrlia, and I’m an orphan. Where do I begin? Well, I’m no ordinary 16 year old, I am different, so different that I live in a place where there are scientist trying to figure out why I’m so different and where I came from.
    I know what you’re thinking, why am I so different? I can fly, I’ve got wings. There is something else, I’m not alone. It’s almost like I live at a school, full of different kids that have different abilities, and they are also orphans.
    ‘Oi, freak! I’m talking to you.’
    And just like every other school, there are bullies. I’ve put up with hem my whole life, especially Billy. He can control fire; his body temperature is higher than normal. This makes him think that he can push other around with his ‘gang.’
    ‘I said I’m talking to you,’ he said.
    I yawned. ‘Sorry, I must have fallen asleep.’
    He didn’t like that one bit. His red hair was now on fire.
    I stood up and started walking away. I knew what he was about to do, and he knew it was pointless. Billy threw a ball of fire right towards my head. I dodged it easily and kept walking.
    I wasn’t the oldest one her but I was the first to be discovered. The scientist wouldn’t tell me anything else. When I was younger they would have me on a treadmill. For weeks I was on that treadmill, and one day I had enough. I opened my wings and took flight. I wasn’t going to come down until my demands were met.
    Some people would think that it’s wrong to keep children locked up and have scientist do tests on them, but, I’m glad they do. They are protecting the world from us, and us from the world. Now you see the reason I get bullied so much is because unlike most of the other kids, I have more than one, ability. This makes the others jealous. I should mention that when I said I was at a school full of others like m, well it’s not really full. Including me, there are ten of us. I know, not many. Eight of them where scientifically made, accidents you could say. They were trying to enhance human powers while they were still in the womb, well in this case, in tubes.