• I sit here in my bed, wondering what have I done? I brought the gun to his head. I pulled the trigger. Blood on my body, blood on the floor. He falls to the ground and mumbles "How could you!"
    Why did I kill the one I love. He would hold me in his arms until I fell asleep. When I was sad, he would be there to console me.
    Even though he is dead, I feel something. I-I feel his arms wrapped around me. Almost as if he was saying good-bye and I love you. Then, I hear a voice whispering in my ear "You may have killed me, but I am here to protect you. For I am your guardian angel."
    My eyes are now filled with tears. I wish I could rewind what I have done. So now, I am crying into the arms of a ghost. Cold, but yet consoling. He says to me "Do not cry my love. I am here to help you, and to guide you."
    I lay down in my bed now, with the spirit of my boyfriend right next to me. Still wondering why I did such a thing. I fall asleep and dream a better dream than the night before. Even though he is dead, I feel happier. Could it be because he is my guardian angel? I sleep, and sleep. Just to find out that I will never wake up again.
    I am in Heaven now, and now understand why I killed him. Him and I together again. In a sinless palace of purity and love.