iiYoko's avatar

Last Login: 06/13/2024 3:54 am

Gender: Female

Location: Tokyo, Japan...someday

Birthday: 10/02

Occupation: Ginkō-ka~~~


*bows politely* Greetings and salutations to you!
I see that you have managed to land in my humble store~
Please feel free to browse throughout the store at your leisure~

If something catches your fancy, please observe the following shop rules:

(1)Please PM Yoko for any shop related questions~
(2) Please state the name of the item in the title of your pm~
(3) Please state your intent (buy with gold, items or a mixture of the two) should be in the body of the pm, and any other questions you might have.

Failure to abide by these simple rules, will get your pm deleted without being read~

Also, please note that Yoko will be more inclined to accept your offer if you are playing with pure rather then simply items~
However, you are welcome to try and haggle with her~
[*Hint Hint* Rumor has it that Yoko really likes rainbow colored items...]


(Why you might ask?)

***DUE TO***

(1)The lack of appreciation~
(2) The lack of respect~

DISCLAIMER: Unless Yoko and you are Gaia friends.
Then Yoko will highly consider donating towards your cause.


(At least not at this time because Yoko strives to be the lowest in the mp as it is.
Also, the mp inflation ish slowly killing her like a Horror on a rampage~)

Finally, Yoko wants to thank each and every one of you very kindly for your patronage! emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart


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M-U-S-I-C- Is Life! <3 ^^

To All My Gaia Friends ^^

Never think that you are weak.
Never think that you are not great.
Never think that the world has turned its back on you because you are truly 'one of a kind' and no one can ever replace you.
There will never EVER be another you.
You can do anything that your heart desires, just never give up. That's the key. Never stop moving forward. EVER.
No matter what. Even if the world grabs you by the ankles, and is determined to hold you back from your dreams.
You keep going. You keep trudging forward. No excuses. JUST DO IT!
Keep going and achieve what you always dreamed, what you always wanted for yourself---

Just the Tip of the Iceberg...

*bows politely* Kon'nichiwa~ I see you have managed to land on my profile~ Let me see... My Gaia Name is iiYoko but all my friends on Gaia call me, Yoko.

I joined sometime in 2009, but my account was recently hacked at the start of this year (2014), so I am currently trying to recover from what I lost. But with the help of my amazingly kind, and caring Gaia friends <3, I am slowly, but surely coping =^.^=

Birthplace: I was originally born by the ocean. Hm, let me see... To be a little bit more specific. Charleston, South Carolina at the navy hospital. The same navy hospital that I got to see this past spring and strangely it looked more like a prison with all the barb wire around it :S

Birthdate: Oct. 2nd and sorry but the year ish classified information. I tend to not want to give out my age, for fear of appearing...to old? Yeah... something like that, I suppose... Though I do tend to give hints out from time to time...

Specifics? Okies... Etto... I am barely classified as being 5'5. Actually now I think I am starting to shrink and am 5'4. But in any case, I have considered myself to be a fun-sized, short person.

Also I have dirty dishwater blonde hair currently with hazel eyes (I have been told that they are sometimes blue too).

Family? My family is a touche topic, so I will not say anything about them here. However, should you have questions in the getting to know me better phase (via pm), you are always free to ask them. Although, I on the other hand, may or may not give you a direct answer. Sorry but I reserve that right...

I am ambidextrous (meaning that I can write with both hands) and like doing mirror writing with Japanese and Chinese characters.

Current Occupation? Currently, I work a lot of the time at a bank where I live. I am attempting to study many different aspects about the bank, so that possibly one day when my boss retires, I can successfully take over his position. Although lately I have been thinking about switching jobs...

Major and/or Minor when you were in college? My major was business management, while my minor was in management information systems (dealing with computer database technology).

Likes? Roleplaying. So if you are in need of extra people for a roleplay. Feel free to pm and/or comment me to ask if I would be interested. Chances are if I like the plot and I am not already playing a slue of characters, I will most likely look into the request and maybe join. Thus, I like roleplay writing. Fishing with my Gaia friends. Or just pm'ing my closest Gaia friends (you know who you are ^-^) I also like to read... a lot. Manga, novels, etc. I also used to like to draw a lot as well, but I have not done so for a while now because I am usually too busy. And also, I like to watch anime, sing, and listen to a very wide range of music. Everything from Western music (except for country and gospel) to Eastern music (big into K-Pop, J-Pop, J-Rock...ya you should get the gist, right?) So lastly, I also like to learn different languages. Currently, I am well-versed in Japanese, Korean. Still learning Latin. Re-learning bits and pieces of German. Will not touch Spanish. No offense meant, but whenever I attempt to learn Spanish, I feel like I am playing chess against myself. Most likely a mental block of some sort. *shrugs*

Dislikes? Usually I try to be kind to everyone because I know what it feels like to be looked down on. But I really do not tend to like, chauvinists, arrogant people, conformists, those who belittle others and their ideas, hypocritics, and being blantantly ignored in roleplays that I took the time to join.

Personality? I tend to be a shy, yet curious person. I also tend to be a very artistic, laid back, witty, joking, sometimes sarcastic person as well. It just depends on the day really...

Gurren Laggan
Vampire Knight & Vampire Knight Guilty
Blood Plus
Code Geass & Code Geass R2
Ghost in the Shell
Trinity Blood
Wolf's Rain
Yu Yu Hakusho
Kaze no Stigma
Fairy Tail
Mirai Nikki
Devil Survivor
BlazBlue Alter Memory
Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai
Uta no Prince Sama (The second season as well)
Infinite Stratos (The second season of that too.)

And a lot more that I am not going to go ahead and list to save both my hands and to save space on my profile xp

Is there anything else that you wish to share? Um... sure? The following are a list of quotes that I found and I really like.

No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent

Live Everyday As If It Might Be Your Last

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars

Remember that life's most treasured moments often come unannounced

If you believe, it will happen

Live one day at a time

Life is lived in the present. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is yet to be. Today is a miracle.

You can do anything if you have enthusiasm

You're not a failure if you don't make it. You're a success because you tried

Where ever you are, be there totally

The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind

What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of

Never leave that 'til tomorrow which you can do today

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life

To talk without thinking is like shooting without aiming, both are a stab in the dark

The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.

Life Is A Challenge - Meet It! Life Is A Song - Sing It! Life Is A Dream - Realize It! Life Is A Game - Play It! Life Is Love - Enjoy It!

You just stepped onto a whole new playing feild, I hope you know the rules of the game

In the end you are totally alone with it all

If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we may as well Dance

If you want something, go after it...don't wait to be force-fed it.

Just do your best and leave the rest

There is more to life than worrying

Always keep in mind three R's: respect for self, respect for others and responsibilty for all your actions

You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine. You make me Happy when skies are Grey, you'll never know Dear how much I Love you, please don't take my Sunshine Away.

Well, enough about me. I hope you enjoy my remake version of my profile! Any questions, comments or concerns? Feel free to either comment or pm them to me. But most of all. Thank you for stopping by!


View All Comments

Razer Report | 03/26/2024 6:22 am
I hope that you have been well!
AvatarRoku05 Report | 03/11/2024 8:04 pm
Hi Yoko I am glad to hear from you and learn all about your puppy! heart What an adorable breed! How does she do on her hunts? Dogs are such amazing creatures I know that if you are kind to your dear pup she will be happy. Have you looked into a doggy daycare type service around you through just an actual daycare company for dogs or through a veterinarian?
X_Shadow97_X Report | 03/11/2024 4:00 am
Hey yoko biggrin
AvatarRoku05 Report | 03/07/2024 8:35 pm
Tell me all about your new puppy! I saw your status heart
AvatarRoku05 Report | 10/29/2023 2:23 pm
On behalf of the Fishaholics Anonymous guild, we hope that your birthday on October the 2nd was a wonderful one! Thank you for being a part of our Fishing family on Gaia, and hoping you have a wonderful day. ROKU
Razer Report | 06/22/2023 4:48 pm
I miss you, Yoko!
I hope that your health improves.
AvatarRoku05 Report | 06/13/2023 6:31 am
Sending you all the best wishes! I do miss fishing with you all as well.
AvatarRoku05 Report | 06/05/2023 11:20 am
Sorry I have not been around in awhile or chat much with anyone but I saw your status and hope that your scan went alright. Thinking of you friend and wishing you well, ROKU
Usagi Ui Asuna Report | 02/28/2023 11:28 am
Usagi Ui Asuna
IcePrincess_123 Report | 12/27/2022 10:21 am
Awwuh, Yoko! emotion_bigheart you're such a sweetums, you really shouldn't have heehee, l love my giftie tysm emotion_kirakira emotion_hug And you are most welcome in kind, you're so cute for getting all excited to talk that you forgot to mention it the first time around xD

yes, l got what l wanted and then some emotion_bigheart with my family since moving cross country and quitting all their jobs, things have been tight financially yet still l was spoiled crying l am truly blessed to have the fam l do. One of the bigger gifts was a monetary one, and with part of it l'll be getting this daily calendar by artist Kate Allan, she does the cutest, most colorful illustrations of animals along with uplifting or motivational quotes on them...it's something that l really wanted but wasn't sure if l'd be able to get, so l'm quite tickled that l get to order it! heehee

hbu, did you get all you were hoping for? eue

My Christmas was fantastic, though Christmas day l was really missing my mom and feeling quite lonely. My fam celebrated Christmas on the 26th due to my sis-in-law having to work Christmas day, so the day after was much less lonely feeling x3 l painted my 2 and 4 y.o. nieces' fingernails xDD it was great

did you have a nice Christmas/do you have plans for new year's? (:

lmma be spending time with fam some more on the 30th; plan had been the 31st but it's supposed to be thunder and lightning out then o: so instead a bonfire and smores n stuff on the 30th biggrin


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Sometimes it's better to Beg for Forgiveness than to Ask for Permission.
However, if you Sin to the Heavens;
You will have nowhere left to Repent.
For Heaven will have seen the Evils of your Tyranny, and there shall be Ruination for All that you have done.

Ryoko kawaii
Whiskey Wisdom
stella hondatohru
I Joo I
Doll Munch
pi of trinity
Hestia Carrow
rain inthe wind
Kookie Thief
just another fake
jizzed when he
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