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wagnas Report | 07/26/2024 1:43 am
biggrin heart xp
CloudBattousai Report | 06/24/2024 4:23 am
Oh I know it hasn't been serious! I was using Gambino to put in my 5 fresh buckets of the day before going to junk xd I just thought it was really funny how we were trading 3rd place for it every few days 3nodding
CloudBattousai Report | 06/23/2024 2:24 pm
3rd Place has been quite comical blaugh
iiYoko Report | 06/19/2024 3:10 pm
Roky! emotion_bigheart

Yoko had to get an ultrasound of her pelvis…
Yoko ish prone to cysts so they wanted to make sure there were no cysts on her insides putting pressure on organs.
There was one but it was normal.
So it didn’t solve her lower right side back pain.
So she has kinda hit a dead end.
The doctor seems to think that maybe the pain ish tied to her spine issues that she has had since she has been little.

It can just get to be very debilitating at times…

Yoko hopes all ish going well! She misses Roky a lot! 3nodding
Razer Report | 06/11/2024 6:17 am
Happy Birthday!
Tyler558 Report | 05/04/2024 8:33 am
Where you friends with the legend of aang account? If so, that used to be me. lol
Brule Latte Report | 04/08/2024 3:02 pm
Brule Latte
Thank you! That was very kind of you! emotion_bigheart
iiYoko Report | 03/24/2024 7:15 am
Reba likes to flush out and then fetch up the birdies after the hunters shoot em.
Well since Yoko lives in the middle of nowhere yoko’s father has Reba during the daytime to play fetch and go for walkies.
How ish Roky?!
Yoko really misses fishing with everyone.
She feels like she hasn’t been able to be on here for forever.
Whiskey-Chan Report | 03/17/2024 9:57 am
My partner and I moved to Montreal because we have always wanted to work in the Game Industry, and I didn't manage to get an art job but I basically test games to find issues with them, see if the devs break anything while adding new features, etc. My partner and I are making our own game during our free time though so I still get to use my art and continue making concepts which is what I love! It's been great, and I hope I'll be able to share my games with you all in the future! I think about you guys often, I wish it wasn't so hard for me to make the time to log in more but I just have so many projects going on and part of me feels guilty for not being active on Gaia which makes it difficult to go back because I feel bad and just yeah... but I'm happy to check in and see that you guys are still around!!
Whiskey-Chan Report | 03/16/2024 10:23 am
Miss you guys!!! crying







Welcome to my profile everyone! I'm so glad to have you here.

Most here on Gaia call me Roku or Roky, and I am all about Gaia's Fishing game!

I love to help others, and try to treat everyone like a friend.

I am in my early 30s living in the United States, happily married to my wonderful husband (who is my Gaia husband too)!

I'm an old-school Gaian, and this has been my account name the entire time since 2005 when I first joined (can you tell I liked Avatar: The Last Airbender?)

Ever since then, I've enjoyed Gaia's classic version of the Fishing game.

After coming back from a hiatus in 2015, I felt so welcomed in the Fishing game that I made it a big goal to help others feel the same, and to help them enjoy the game too.

I have fought fought hard for the game's return in May 2016 (the game had been down for an entire year to a crash in the captcha system). I petitioned for the trophies to be delivered after backlogs.

On top of that, I am the proud founder of the Fishaholics Anonymous guild that sponsors the Fishaholics Tournament. The Tournament received community announcements and even special shiny trophies and a freebie pin during July 2020.

If you can't tell by now, I love the Fishing game, and dedicate much of my time to it. That's all I pretty much talk about!

I've also opened up a news thread in Fishing forums to help others stay up to date on everything dealing with the release of a second version of Fishing (I call v.2) as Flash support ends in 2020.

One of my major goals over the past few years has been to help introduce Fishing themed items for nostalgia and enjoyment via the use of tickets.

If you search "avatarroku05" in the Marketplace as my user tag, you will find a growing collection including flairs, backgrounds, speech bubbles, mood bubbles, and more. I am v

ery proud to help the community have more items to enjoy!

Thank you to the Gaia artists who have helped bring these creations to life.

I consider everyone a friend, and try to be kind and helpful always.

Things I Enjoy:

  • My Husband - I LOVE! heart
  • Our menagerie of pets, many rescues, including over the years dogs, kitties, ducks, chickens, goats, rabbits, and more!
  • Nature/Wilderness Living
  • Crafting
  • FISHING- real life too though it has been many years!
  • Photography





Account Created - 06/04/2005
I will celebrate twenty years of being a Gaian on June the 4th of 2025!

Caught my first rare FINALLY on 12/8/2020. I caught a dawn/dusk Chargin' Chino at Gambino, and am so proud!

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My Rubyback Drawing
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Marriage to my R/L husband on Gaia too!
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Birthday :
Aug. 12th

Click the sound button to play my favorite song

If you ever need help or any information regarding Fishing, don't hesitate to message! I will do my best to help anyone find info, news, items, etc. Let's be "Friends in Fishing"! - Fishaholics Anonymous