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Adorable Noob

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The Stained Rook


"Figures." he huffed, grin falling away once more as she swung a kick to his shin, too sudden for him to properly dodge and thus, adding to the littering of bruises that lay beneath his clothing courtesy of Sera. Avoiding the second kick, he retaliated in typical Zeki fashion; using his osteokinesis to weaken the bone in one of her ankles, not enough to be noticeable right now, but enough to make it much more susceptible to injury during her fight. There was something about harming her, in this way that absolved him from any form of guilt; after all, if it were to be injured, something else would have to act as a susceptible stimuli... So technically it wouldn't be his fault... and even if it was, it served her right for using such a dirty tactic in his game.
"Have fun, Rara!" he grinned, blowing a raspberry at his sister, before running off in the opposite direction, his childish expression taking a more sinister form as he headed towards the school building.

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Trash Waffles

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                                                  TAKASHI KITA
                                                  The Musician
                                                  RANK 49,001

"I wish You'd stop ignoring me
                    Because your sending me to despair
                                    Without a second yeah your calling me
                                                    And I don't think its very Fair..."

                                                  When Adrian spoke once more Takashi swooned, nearly falling over his own feet at the Knight's beautiful voice. Despite his excitement though the Musician tried not to make a big deal out of it, instead just choosing to smile, oddly wildly, at what had to be one of the most attractive men on campus. Ah. damn he was staring again, if he carried on this way he was going to end up with a big red blush on his cheeks once again. "Okay... I'll go grab that.... see you after your match...good luck" Takashi sort of called the last bit to Adrian, rather loudly, across the library as the Silent Knight left.

                                                  "Okay tea..." he thought out loud, which finally pushed the patience of the people in the library who in unison told him to Shush. "Sorry" he uttered, pouting slightly, before he ran off in search of a decent cup of tea.... for his soon to be King. No, stop that. You've just met him, your idolising him.... now stop being an idiot and just go get him a tea, he told himself with a stern voice as he skipped, more than walked, into the cafeteria.

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                                                  "...I BET you
                                                  LOOK good ON the DANCEFLOOR

Adorable Noob

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Adrian Strandford
The Silent Knight


Realising he had unintentionally given some form of order to the person he had only just met, Adrian stopped just before the library door, turning with the intent of telling him that, actually, it was okay, there were no hard feelings on the tea, he didn't have to run about gathering him beverages. Instead what happened was, just as the knight was a about to sign his change of heart, Takashi shouted well wishes across the room, causing the already irritated students to look up at the grey haired boy as well as Adrian.
With the tight pressure returning to his chest, a result of suddenly being a main focus of attention, Adrian went slightly red, gave another awkward smile and proceeded to phase from the room.

When he "reappeared", for lack of a better word, he was near the changing rooms for the main arena. Still a little red in the face, Adrian entered and began to ready himself for the upcoming exam.


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Unsealed Vampire

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"welcome to argent academy"

James looked back at may as her brother passed them and with a voice that was almost aggressive spoke "I don't intend to climb higher because the pawns go first,I enjoy being up front,,,,then again" his voice softened once more "I suppose I could one day go for king or something,,,I just need a good few people supporting me,unfortunately not many people like me",it was then that the odd looking albino girl walked/ran in to him,a look of annoyance then confusion crossing his features as he glared at the new comer "watch where your going,,,idiot".

Kaim took his position at the kings test sat in the judges box along side the number one student and the teacher for the development of abilities class,his face the usual serious one he wore as he awaited the contenders to gather.

"where do you fit in?"


Fluffy Bunny

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💨💫May Augustine AKA Jelly Pawn💨💫


May frowned as she noticed his tone og aggressiveness as he spoke and let her head down a little.She immediately caught the soften in tone and blinked as James said he needed a few good people to support him.Her eyebrows knitted together as a slight frown appear on her brusied pale skin"I support you a 100%!Maybe I'm just not good enough in fighting to be considered a full supporter,but I'm the first one to support you Psycho!"she said as she noticed something or someone crash into James and blinked as she stared st the albino girl and squeezed James' hand "I think we won't be making it to the arena again,Shes a fighter and I'm sure she's looking to fight you psycho..."

Trash Waffles

17,300 Points
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The Sanguine Queen


"I'm no idiot...." she frowned angrily as she pushed herself back from the grinning idiot, her crimson orbs staring at the floor in annoyance. A foot stamp, followed by an annoyed grunt was all she offered at first before her eyes shot up, darting over to the sweet little thing that was stood so innocently beside the 'Pyscho'. "...I found who I was looking for after all, didn't I?" suddenly she leaped forward, placing one bloodied hand on James's shoulder and the other on May's "Yep I definitely did, which means that now I found you I have to tear you apart.... don't worry though I won't kill you, either of you.... don't like that meanie Silver anyways" she giggled, even though she tried to speak with a serious voice.

Then she leaped backwards, twirling as a trail of blood spun around her "This should be fun" she said gleefully just before her blood went flying at the two, whip-like shaped and ready to part flesh and skin from bone.



RANK 500
The Purple Gum Bishop. Rank: 50,000/50,000

"Terrifying moments, yet captivating at the same time..."

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Cruising around in their purple body hurricane, Coyote made what might possibly be the most unsound decision he had ever made in Ulyanin's short and fluffy-haired little life; and that unsound decision was to follow the Sanguine Queen, with the only reasons being that she might be slightly easier to deal with than the Silver King. Other reasons were that her obvious "eccentricity" made her a tad bit more predictable, her taste for spontaneity and chaos appealed to the the Cosmic Joker, and the last reason was that both Ulyanin and Coyote found the crazy lady oddly attractive.

But first, the wily animal trickster has to stop his future boss from attacking the boy with silver hair and the jelly girl before they both get turned into ribbons.

"Not many know when it ends... Or how it started.- Mr. Charisma

Location: In the halls
With: Following Sera, James, and May
Thoughts/Feelings: Ulyanin- Nice lady??? Coyote- This might get risky...
Theme: Get it right
kyonko Banyez

Trash Waffles

17,300 Points
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The Inhuman Bishop

Welcome to the Family

Adrian Standford, The Silent Knight.... cautious, quiet, nervous.... Kenshin considered as he stood in the corner, lent on a locker as the other competitors got ready for the King's test. He observed the young man with those dead eyes, who's emotion had been rusted away, diminished over the years... he still felt, at times but his eyes just didn't seem to shine anymore like other people's eyes did. He checked the boy's body language, the way he moved his hands, the way he styled his hair and came up with an approach.

He would have to put on an act, it was the only way, which meant acting in a way that made him feel very uncomfortable, like he was wearing an ill-fitting suit. One foot dragged in front of the other, while his only hand grasped his arm that was missing the entirety of it's lower half "Adrian right? It's a pleasure to meet you.... I think you and I will be opponents today" he smiled, his fake grin extremely convincing, particularly when he spoke in gentle friendly tones. Kenshin even closed his eyes as he smiled, bringing the focus to his lips instead of his bleak orbs.

♚ RanK 57 ♚

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Adorable Noob

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Adrian Strandford
The Silent Knight


Adrian shifted uncomfortably on the spot, focussing his attention on readjusting his belt and trying to ignore the emotionless eyes that had been analysing his every move since he had walked into the changing room. The sound of feet scraping the floor coupled with a shadow beginning to loom over him a little, forced the Knight to cease in his charade of ignorance.
His indigo eyes flickered up, to meet the blackened pools of Kenshin, the smile that was curved onto the one-armed man's face had an odd unnatural quality to it. Not that it bothered Adrian, who offered his usual, polite, meek smile in response.
The Inhuman Bishop... Rank 57... Odd Alias... One ranked match since arrival... he contemplated to himself, as Kenshin closed his eyes, transforming the odd smile into a rather charming one.
And you,
he sighed back, before fastening a band around his head, loosely tying back the longer strands of his hair from his face. I wish you the best of luck. he added, with a more confident polite smile.


RANK 1,212

Adorable Noob

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The Stained Rook


Zeki picked up the pace, before leaping through one of the windows, re-entering the building in a shower of glass. Sharps dug into his feet, as he began to twirl his way down the corridor, leaving a trail of blood behind him, which he quickly manipulated up into heavy orbs, which he sent flying in random directions, hitting anyone unfortuante enough to be nearby... Sure he had to find Rai and "defeat him for Silver", or whatever, but it didn't mean he wasn't allowed to have fun on the way there surely? Besides, surely this was the best way to vent his frustrations at all the cheaters today?


RANK 501

Unsealed Vampire

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"welcome to argent academy"

James heared may but instead of answering her incredibly sweet words he simply stood staring at the now visibly odd girl,he had already started re directing ensuring the blood that was on her never touched himself or may,instead it floated for a moment before being heated by friction and evaporating.
His eyes glanced between may and the albino girl,James lips parted and his voice sounded serious "may I want you to leave,go watch the match,,I'm",his pupils suddenly shrank to a pin p***k size like a small raft adrift in an ocean of white as his mouth grinned so widely it threatened to split his cheeks,the serious tone gone replaced by the high pitched shriek,ear splitting and full of sheer enjoyment at the fight about to happen "IM GONNA LOVE THIS,,,,JUST LOOK AT YOU,,YOUR FREAKIN ADORABLE,YOUR LITTLE CRAZY EYES,,,,OHHHH I COULD KISS YOU,OR KILL YOU,,,c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon,,,,,FUGHT ME!!!",as he spoke he stomped a foot down loosening the ground around them in places while causing spikes of rock to shoot up,all the while giggling to himself,he hadn't even noticed in this state may would be caught in his range if she didn't listen and leave.

the kings tear shall now begin please welcome the participants,first up we have Raynor the soaking bishop,followed by Carlos the dancing rook,thirdly Adrian the silent knight,fourth Leo the golden knight,fifth we have kenshin the inhuman bishop and lastly a suprise entry Kira the red queen,you know them all from your classes and by rumour,a few students let out a boo as Kira was mentioned and oddly a few cheered at the mention of kenshin,each participant now stood around the arena preparing for the fight.

((OocI'll let epi start,then croft,then me as I really need to figure out how I'm gonna play this,also feet free to auto hit just not auto ring out,remember each of these students has a degree of power))
Also epi feel free to get a random student telling you Rai is on the roof by intimidating em or something
"where do you fit in?"


Fluffy Bunny

15,275 Points
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💨💫May Augustine AKA Jelly Pawn💨💫


The jelly pawn blinked as she watched how Sera reacted to being called an idiot.She fidgeted as the girl's eyes fell on her and flinchef as she felt the bloody hand on her shoulder.It took her a few minutes to notice the whip like blood coming at the duo and blinked as James caused them to evaporate.May listened to James and nodded and was starting to leave as she heard James say Sera was adorable and he could kiss her.She stopped in her tracks a look of hurt coming onto her face as she turned around to look at the two.She felt the grounf loosen and shrieked as she moved to a stable one and ended up getting stabbed in the leg with one of the spiked rocks and winced"J-James?"

Adorable Noob

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Adrian Strandford
The Silent Knight


Hearing the announcement that the match was about to begin, Adrian offered the polite bow to the Inhuman Bishop, before doing a final check for his blades and proceeding to the entrance. It felt like forever since he had last stepped foot into the Arena, but he had done his best to keep his skills sharp over the days since being put forward for the test, hopefully it would be enough. He took a few deep breaths as he waited for his name to be called, the sound of the crowd cheering away was daunting and while it made every fibre of his being urge him to leave, he held his ground knowing that once he was on the field and the match had begun anxiety would no longer be an issue, as was always the case.

Finally his name, and alias, were called out and the Silent Knight stepped out into the arena to the same mixture of cheering and boos that those previous to him had received. It was to be expected, as of current he was, until recently, the highest ranking solo fighter with no team to speak of which, rightly, had rubbed some people up the wrong way, despite the fact that it was not of his own choosing*.

As he strolled across the open arena floor, he offered his usual polite smile to the crowd as well as to, what he supposed were, his rivals for the afternoon. Once in position he awaited the other members arriving on the field, bowing respectfully to each new opponent. Then the unexpected happened...
...Kira?! his face revealed his unvoiced shock as the red-haired queen entered the field. She hadn't mentioned that she had been put forward as a potential king when they had spoken earlier... Perhaps it was something to do with Silver? Either way, now was not the time to dwell, as he caught her eye he gave her a smile, though it was a little warmer than the others, and bowed deeply.

As the bell rang to signal the beginning of the test, Adrian stood, right hand resting gently upon the handle of his blade as he waited for one of the others to make their move.


RANK 1,212

*Adrian did have a King, until a few weeks ago.

Trash Waffles

17,300 Points
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The Inhuman Bishop

Welcome to the Family

Sign language.... interesting... Kenshin considered, as the Silent Knight offered his words of luck to him, which while pleasant, were an unnecessary gesture as the Inhuman Bishop did not believe in such things. However, despite that, Kenshin still offered his opponent his own fake well wishes of good fortune, even going as far as to sign the word for Good Luck at Adrian, which luckily only required one hand. Then with a bow he went to take his place, awaiting them to announce his name so he could step into the arena.

The intense, avid atmosphere that encased the entire arena did not effect Kenshin, who neither noticed or acknowledged the cheers that were called towards him and simply took his place. The hand that had been gripping his damaged limb fell down, returning to his pocket as his eyes simply set their focus dead-a-head, looking through anyone who ran through his gaze.

He would not attack first, it was not his style, furthermore he actually wished to see what attacks the others used before he jumped into the fray.


((Possibly my worst reply ever, which I do apologise for, but I am feeling dreadful. I will try to get a Sera post up too but I can't promise anything)).

♚ RanK 57 ♚

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Unsealed Vampire

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The red queen


🔥🔥🔥The Red Queen🔥🔥🔥
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"I'm the red queen you know what that means right?"

Kira entered the arena as her name was called,a look of determination on her face at least until she saw Adrian and smiled a little,making a bow she took her position at the edge of the arena,the queens uniform had been replaced with a fitted body hugging battle suit made of flame retardant Kevlar,it was something she kept for important matches,her eyes shifted between the opponents she would have to face before her hand signed to Adrian the figure for victory,hopefully she could avoid Raynor his water abilities were bad for her.

It was moments later when the bell rang signaling the start of the match and almost instantly Raynor headed at Kira obviously he had selected his target,what she hadn't realised was Leo had used his ability to warp up next to her and was heading towards her spine with a kick,the queens body lit on fire as she attempted to raise the tempriture enough to evaporate any water the soaking bishop would unleash.

"that's right time to cook scumbag"

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