Tipsy Conversationalist

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Doctor Foster
"I'll stitch you up quick I've never had a patient who wasn't up and moving"

The doctor stood calmly outside the elevator door as he finished given his explanation of Wrath’s power and its applications. The doctor had a vision of a future that was obviously unshared by the two officers. It took a moment for his words to sink in before the female officer spoke up. She shouted and for the first time appeared to step outside her shy demeanor. The edges of his mouth extended up into a grin as she stormed to the elevator and demanded her partner’s compliance. ‘Out of the frying pan and into the fryer’ he thought to himself as he followed the two into the elevator. He placed his hand on a screen inside the elevator. The panel illuminated as it scanned his hand before the machine beeped and began to descend.

As the machine hummed and lowered them to the underground prison the doctor decided to dialog with the officers once more. He had several moments to figure out his response to the female officer. How did he keep her from thinking he was some sort of diabolical master mind. “The world is not black and white officer, it never has been. I did not force these women to use their gifts to be criminals. They chose that path, and they chose to plunge the city we love into chaos. I simply choose to fix it. I’m not saying I am the right hands but I am better than murders and rapist.” He words were filled with spite and his obvious dislike for his clients. The elevator came to a halt and the door slide open “Some times you must fight monsters with monsters”

The doctor stepped forward causing the automatic lights to activate. The light cascaded down on the long hall way; every few feet there was a large thick metal door “Some of the patients have proven to be surprisingly strong.” As the reached the last access door the doctor entered the code causing the wall to part. The door opened to a large laboratory type space. The lab equipment was pristine and as neat as the doctor “This is my lab. Shall we begin our interview? What questions do you have for me?” He approached the work table and the various blades besides it. His fingers caressed the cold metal of his cutting tools before he sighed. It was wonderful to be back in the labs where he could make a difference in the world.

Location: Max Security Prison - Server Room
Objective: Occupy the officers
Company: Yaya and Alex