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Aged Ladykiller

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With Whom: Jean, Fenris, Evan, Natalie ;
Where am I Again?: Cafe ;
Calculated Thoughts: "Why is it ALWAYS a woman!?"

                                                              GUH! s**t! ********! Dante's eyes popped at the suddenly stinging from his ******** damaged are! "Fffff-UCK ME!" He growled and turned his head to glare at the black haired b*****d. "I'd leave your pansy a** behind again, you pain in the a**! Nice passing out after she slugged you!" He huffed and carefully moved to ease himself into a seat; "though, to be fair, not sure which one of us was more the damsel in distress..."

                                                              He flexed his arm to try and stretch out the muscle, the stinging really making him feel alive again. Now that he could remember everything, he could easily appreciate the fact that he'd gone through hell and back again. "Yeah... glad you got out. What's you do, punch through the solid brick wall until it gave way?" He nodded to Evan's fist; what the damned Hell? Talk about bandage city.

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Beloved Agent

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User Image Natalie tilted her head to one side as she observed Fenris suddenly looking toward Evan and then giving a thumbs up, announcing, "He's clear!" Fenris was certainly a strange and fascinating person, but Natalie liked being around her. She was fun!

Meanwhile, it was then that Dante. Woke. Up! He was up and about, even with all his injuries, and spewing vitriol into the landline phone in rapid-fire Italian. She recognized some of the words, as French was her second language and it shared some cognates with Italian, particularly when it came to obscenities, which that last word DEFINITELY was! She felt sorry for the poor phone, and the person on the other end of the line!

He's baaaa-aaaaack! she thought, and for some reason that amused her. Maybe it was just because a return to the status quo meant that things were beginning to heal.

And then he surprised Natalie by remembering her name. She smiled. "You remembered! Well...guess that makes sense, since the source of your trouble is dead and gone..."

Just then, Evan came over and gave Dante a punch on the arm. Not that Natalie blamed him, since Dante HAD left Evan in the hospital...but if it hadn't been for Dante escaping, it was possible that neither of them would have survived...

And then Dante turned around and started cussing and berating Evan for the punch, but it was with a grudging admiration for the guy. "Louie, this looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship!" Natalie thought, thinking of the last line of Casablanca...

((I can do one more if it's quick. Brain...systems...failing!))
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"I remember a certain someone passing out before she even touched him," he shot back, arms crossed and scowl firmly fixed in place. "And you call me a pansy," he scoffed.

That damsel comment did pulled a brief chuckle from Evan, his lips quirking up into a partial smile. "Damsel? I vote the orderly for that role." He felt a stab of guilt at the man's demise.

"No," he denied, "I slammed the head of one of her minions into the door until it gave way." The fact that he'd had to punch it into submission beforehand was obvious. "She could create dopplegangers." Though the creations were weaker than the original. Seeing the guy's eyes on his bandages, he shot a look in his sister's direction, receiving a sly smirk in return. "They'll heal." They always did.

Aged Ladykiller

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With Whom: Jean, Fenris, Evan, Natalie ;
Where am I Again?: Cafe ;
Calculated Thoughts: "Why is it ALWAYS a woman!?"

                                                              Dante was still treating his arm tender before looking at Natalie agian. He almost said, 'no s**t.' He restrained himself. The woman came after him, even after what s**t he caused. Why the Hell would she? If it were him, he wouldn't bat a lash; he'd just leave the b*****d behind. "Thanks," he stated straight; "and... I apologize. I brought a lot of trouble through those doors. Obviously you have enough problems as it is; it's practically a war zone here." Seriously, why did she work here? He'd have hit the trail a long time ago! "The second I have control of my account again, I'll pay for the services I received here. Not sure what the demon did with my wallet, but I at least remember all of my information." Which meant he could just type every digit into a reader manually and send it through.

                                                              That was the best she was going to get from him about his actions, but-- "Also... I pity you for meeting my sis. Piece of work, isn't she?" He nodded towards the phone, pretty much giving the hint who he had been talking to. He just shook his head and turned around, leaning himself against the bar counter; he needed to get out of here, but he was in no hurry to go home. Not after that; not after they threatened Saorla over this.Damn that girl!

                                                              He looked back to Evan, snorting and shaking his head; "Surprised the door gave way before his head cracked like a melon." AKA, he called bullshit. "Also, if that orderly was the damsel, we're pretty sorry ******** knights. Not like anyone with bed head like yours could be considered anything but a rooster."

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"It didn't. But there was enough left for a battering ram." Evan flexed his bandaged hand. Even after Jean cleaned and bandaged every scrape he had, he was sure he still had demon-goo under his nails. Ah well. It would come out eventually.

"Never signed up to be a knight." The hunter smirked. "I'd prefer to be the dragon." At the jibe against his hair, Evan ran a hand through it. Yep, it was pretty bad off. The muscular man shrugged. "So you remember what a rooster is now? Color me impressed."

Beloved Agent

13,925 Points
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User Image The demon could create doppelgangers? UGH! Creepy creepy CREEPY! For a very brief second Natalie feared that the thing could STILL be lurking around...but if Evan and Dante had their powers back, then that meant that the beast was well and truly dead. Thank goodness for that!

She was still trying to hide her strange amusement at the banter between Evan and Dante, but then Dante shocked her by actually being NICE. Which she'd never seen or heard him do before. She smiled warmly. "Thank you for apologizing. And...apology accepted!" She chuckled. "In the grand scheme of things, around here...that was kind of a slow Friday!" Her grin turned back into a soft smile. "It's really sweet of you to offer to pay for the services you got here. You don't have to. But if you really want to...then thank you."

Dante stated that he pitied her for meeting his sister, and Natalie laughed and held up her hands. "You said it, not me!" she said with a chuckle. "All's I'm gonna say on the subject is that she has the one personality type that makes me just twitch...and I think she knows it!" She shrugged. "But...heh, that's all I'll say about it. I mean, I know she's your sister and you love her, and she DID put together a bunch of manpower to help you guys. And the woman's a snappy dresser, I'll give her that..."

She chuckled. "Anyway...I'm gonna get out of your hair for a bit. You and Evan need broth or milk or something, and there's a couple of other customers who need stuff too. Not to mention I need my dinner!" She waved and said, "Thanks again!" And then she disappeared into the kitchen to make food...

((Sleepytime for Alvs... emotion_zzz ))

Aged Ladykiller

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With Whom: Jean, Fenris, Evan, Natalie ;
Where am I Again?: Cafe ;
Calculated Thoughts: "Why is it ALWAYS a woman!?"

                                                              Dante huffed; "at least I'm remembering s**t. You sound like you're just starting to notice. What are you, deaf or stupid?" He raised a brow, almost thinking he should have a dink in his hand right about now. Something hard; maybe a whiskey.

                                                              Natalie was going off about this and that. All answers for his kind words, all of hitch he had answers to. She was trying to pass off payment; "******** that, I'm rich. It's the Don's money anyways; is rather it go to a... Better cause..." Keeping freaks off the streets. Sounded good to him. The Elsa he had to see them the better.

                                                              He rubbed his eyes; she'd said it. Hah. Viola's resources? "You give we way too much credit, "one not her sister, I'm an investment." Right... He was tired now.

                                                              He tested his arm again before he gave up; "I'm going back upstairs to hide from anymore women that feel obligated to ruin my day." He pushes off the counter and half a** waved; "night, y'a*****e."

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Evan didn't rise to the bait. He let Dante make his retreat. "Don't die in your sleep b*****d," he shot back. "I want a chance to pound you into the pavement before that happens." The demon hunter could pummel the blond for that last comment once they were both back in fighting shape. Which reminded him..... as if on cue, his stomach growled. He shot his sister a glare when she laughed, though she did take pity and joined Natalie in the kitchen to whip something together that wasn't fed to him through a tube.

Evan frowned, going over what he'd observed of the blond since their first meeting. The other man seemed to have a deep seeded issue with women in general.... Especially if the sight of one managed to force him to pass out. Evan had a lot to consider....
(Sorry guys, I dozed last night.)

Melanie yawns and rubs her eyes, sitting up in a bed.
"I must have dozed off.. "
She pushes her self out of the bed and looks around the room.

Beloved Agent

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User Image Compared to yesterday, today was blissfully calm, at least during Natalie's shift at work. Like yesterday, she'd probably spent a grand total of about ten minutes at her desk; instead, she'd once more been sent on a rigorous list of small courier and surveillance assignments. She was completely worn out when she got home, and she was still questioning why she was suddenly no longer chained to her desk...

She opened the door of the cafe and softly called out, "Anybody home?"

Aged Ladykiller

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With Whom: Natalie
Where am I Again?: Cafe ;
Calculated Thoughts: "Another day..."

                                                              "Yeah..." The only reply from the lonely and quiet room. From the corner sat Dante. He seemed to have himself together again finally. It wasn't his usual tuxedo, but it was still nice clothing. Obviously it screamed money; a light blue polo and a pair of khaki's. He'd managed to redress his own wounds, and got his wallet back safe and secure. As much as he'd like to hit the road, though, the airports wouldn't let someone as injured as him on board, and he wasn't a huge fan of ships and taxis.

                                                              He relaxed back a bit, sipping a mug of coffee he had been nursing for some time now. Luke warm; still good.

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Beloved Agent

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User Image Natalie smiled and waved, noting that Dante was wearing a better-put-together outfit today and just generally seemed to be looking like he was improving slowly. She hoped Evan was also on the mend now...

"Hey there, Dante!" she greeted. "Feelin' any better today? And would you like a top-up on that coffee?"

Aged Ladykiller

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With Whom: Natalie
Where am I Again?: Cafe ;
Calculated Thoughts: "Another day..."

                                                              "Yeah.... to both." He placed his mug aside and rubbed his tired eyes. He hd an eventful day. He snuck into a hospital for his wallet; he bought clothes from a store whilst looking like a hobo-- (it was fun having to get them to leave him alone with the whole no shirts no service going on every which way,) but he'd found a place that wouldn't bother him after he made the contents of his wallet known. "Another fun day at the office, then? Which one's your part time job, the government, or waitress?" He obviously already knew the answer.

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Beloved Agent

13,925 Points
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  • Object of Affection 150
User Image "How do you take it? Black, or cream and sugar?" Natalie asked, already moving to the coffee bar. "And I'm glad you're feelin' better! All of that...had to be pretty traumatic." She could only imagine. She'd been tortured before, but never by a demon who wanted to sap her of her abilities. That was always a possibility, as she'd been warned that her family's curse was to attract demons with their unconscious thoughts. But it had always been a vague threat, a boogeyman in the back of her brain. Most of the enemies she'd tangled with thus far had been human or vampire. And sometimes the humans could be the worse of the two.

She had to give a little chuckle over Dante calling her out as a government agent. Really, he'd probably figured that part out during the first shootout, if someone from his family hadn't already informed him. She would neither confirm nor deny which agency she actually worked for--known simply as the Agency, it was a strange cross between law enforcement, intelligence, Torchwood, and Time Cops--but sometimes, in the line of duty, it was necessary to let it slip that one indeed worked for some kind of agency.

"Waitress, without a doubt!" she replied. "My office job makes me tired enough, and I don't even get paid for runnin' this place. But the owner kinda left me in charge since I'm here more than anybody else. And he's always gone. Or drunk!"

Loyal Gaian

Juju came inside. He yawned and moved to go stand behind the bar to do his job. He had some personal things to take care of, it was why he was gone.

JJ carried the basket with the twins. He took a seat with his back to the bar. He smiled softly, picking up one of the girls and holding one of them happily while the other slept and sucked on his thumb softly.

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