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Where am I? What i can only guess is hell.
What is this feeling... Mixed emotions..
My never ending thoughts. I must get free.
What am I. A bit of nightmare, a touch of pleasure.
what is that sound. Oh how the mighty do fall

♥♦♣♠♪~ Loki Voncross ~♪♠♣♦♥

As Loki was flung through the window, the glass split his skin like warm knife through butter. Shards stuck from him as he somersaulted through the air, blood flinging every which way. As he hit the ground with a hard thud, his arm bent and broke bone protruding from skin. flipping every which way till he finally came to a halt his body mangled and broken. he choked back the tears as the pain ripped through him, as a pulsating sensation ebbed at the back of his mind. Struggling to stand he would scream in pain as the bone was pushed further through his skin. and so it began, he felt it welling up deep inside of him the deep voice yelling to be set free.

Loki choked and blood as he gagged out to himself.
" No, stay inside. Our own fault, we were bad. No play." Butt he voice grew ever stronger as it rung inside of his mind Loki would scream and start slamming his face hard into the ground trying to shut it up. " No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no stay inside, no play." But it was far too late. with a scream from pain it would start. First the minor change his eyes turning a deep yellow the pupil turning to a pin point. His arm twisted in an unnatural way as the bone was ripping back into place and healed. Struggling to his feet he removed shards of glass that seemed to enter one end of him and come out the other, the wounds healing up with a gurgling snap as they closed. His body started to elongate cracking and creaking as bones broke and mended to allow him to stand at a new six foot, taller than his previous five foot four.

his clothes turning into what one would call a regal almost militaristic uniform, his scalp split and from his deep purple locks two black horns protruded bending to face behind him, golden rings down their shafts. his long furry ears sliding down to rest at a more human place, and developing a second sat of ears that pulled out behind the first. As he looked up at the vines his smirk grew skin ripping around his muzzle as it grew longer mending a it did.
" Time to play, Little Loki. I think she called you Cheshire, i like that name I'll think I;ll adopt it." Inside Cheshire's head Loki pleaded for him to stop. but Cheshire smirked ignoring it, tears streamed down his cheeks as Loki started to cry within him.

With a light jump the base of his top flared around him as he spun, his arms spinning in front of him elbows bent firmly hand's opened with fingers bent at the first joints toward palm. As he landed he released his arms out with the motion the air in front of him super heated and exploded in a deep red flame that roared for the window. As the flames made contact Cheshire laughed deviantly clapping his hands, the flames would cause no damage to the building.
" come out and play little Elf girl, I believe you forgot something out here. And your good new friend the Cheshire found it for ya." His voice deeper darker and void of that childish innocence.

~( YAY fun! Don't boot Loki just have fun hurting him he is a rag doll. 3nodding blaugh )~

String x Theory

Beloved Sex Symbol

Walking in to the bar her head was pounding lightly in a headache, sadly she hadn't been able to stop it. Moving across the floor with silent feet Ania moved into the bar area and glanced around. Seemed that she missed a few things while she was out and about, oh well! Moving behind the bar and grasping a glass a drink might help the pounding in her temples and if that didn't work medication might half too. Now it wasn't the fact that she had to take the pills it was the bitter taste that it left on her tongue. And no matter what type of drink she hand, it never ever went away easily.

Grasping the neck of a vodka bottle she poured some into a tumbler then followed it with an orange juice chaser. Something simple and sweet, sipping it lightly while placing back the bottles. "Yum" she muttered to herself as a sweet sigh escaped her lips.

Thieving Rogue

Well this is just fabulous. Of course something honestly dangerous would just wander in under the disguise of a cute fox-man. Did this thought not rip through Saria's mind last night when she met him? Of course the one guest that she didn't interrogate and threaten immediately upon entering would be the one who had a devil inside.

She glanced to the space where the window once was and her vines now sat. They were unharmed, but she could feel the heat that came surging towards her window. She stared silently at the vine-wall, debating what she should do. Now would be a perfect time to call her allies at Malevolence of Innocence. She looked at the phone curiously, debating whether or not to call for backup.

Deciding that she could always use the portal if necessary, she wouldn't call for backup just yet. She also debated staying in her bedroom, as she was safe in there. Any wall that was destroyed could easily be built back up in a matter of seconds with her foliage. But she also had a duty as the owner to protect her patrons. She sighed angrily, annoyed, and exited her bedroom via the door, her vines once again securing the door as she closed it behind her.

She quickly made her way down the steps, listening for signs of life. She heard Ania in the bar area, and she peaked inside.

"Ania!" She exclaimed. "We've got ourselves a bit of a problem outside. Be prepared."

Beloved Sex Symbol

"What kind of trouble?" Ania questioned her voice weary as she glanced at the vine yielding elf woman. A brow rose up in question as well, this was something that was not expected. Downing the rest of the drink she might as well do as said and be prepared for what was going to happen. Tilting her head to the side glad that her hair was already pinned up so it wouldn't get in the way. Her neck cracked and popped as she got ready for what ever was about to come. "What exactly happened while I was out and about my friend." All the time she was with in the walls of the heartless she had never used her powers before.

Ice licked her nails as the pour flowed around her hands, it was a gift that her father had wanted Bane to have it would of made him unstoppable, yet that wasn't what had happened. That was a different story though.
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Where am I? What i can only guess is hell.
What is this feeling... Mixed emotions..
My never ending thoughts. I must get free.
What am I. A bit of nightmare, a touch of pleasure.
what is that sound. Oh how the mighty do fall

♥♦♣♠♪~ Loki Voncross ~♪♠♣♦♥

Before any more could be done, Loki was starting to grow annoyed the energy inside of him swirling about in a violent vortex, as every second past Loki was losing his grip on the now named Cheshire, before Loki merely called it the other but now the fool named itself. With inside their head he waged a battle with himself. As Cheshire started to move for the building his right leg would stop, with a struggling motion he fell on his face. Growling he forced himself up and fought to make his leg move but it would not.

Cheshire growled and yelled at him self.
" let me do this Loki, she threw us out a window we could of died. Stop being a weak little brat. " Within moments Loki's voice broke free from the shared bodies lips " NO! Our fault, broke into her room. not happy because we do bad, she deserve kill if we do bad. You're a meanie and i wont let you hurt new friends. Kitty lady, gave me hug i like hugs." With that Cheshire's left arm went limp with a growl he started to punch his left arm. Soon his left grabbed his right and he fell to the ground struggling about. " Let me go Loki, you signed that contract you said i could protect us." "No! You meanie you do bad, Loki play pranks you hurt people bad."

As they rolled about screaming the left arm rose to grasp his Loki's neck, as Loki started to choke himself. " I kill us both meanie, you stop now or i make it dark again." For once Cheshire sound afraid screaming at Loki " NO YOU FOOL! The dark is bad for us both, stop it you child." with more struggling it appeared Loki was winning and rightfully so he was. As his fur lost hue as he choked himself , his body would stop struggling and soon go limp. The solid yellow eyes turning solid black as his tongue hung from his lips. His frame entirely silent and cold.

String x Theory

Thieving Rogue

Saria shrugged in response to Ania's question. "Not really sure. Foxman came in, guy named Loki. He was pretty cool at first. Stayed the night. Then randomly busted into my room. Wouldn't leave, I shoved him out a window, now he's pissed and throwing fire around. It happened kind of fast."

Saria furrowed her brow, realizing that her story was kind of ridiculous. However, she smirked when she saw ice forming around the fae's nails. She too realized that Ania had yet to show her power, and this was actually a bit exciting. If not for the danger and stuff.

"He's out back," she said, referring to Loki. "I think he wants to play. I'd really appreciate some backup, though."

With that she glanced down the hallway which lead to the back of the manor. She sighed again, not really in the mood to deal with this. Her mannerisms were more like a parent that has to go take care of their child throwing a temper tantrum.

Beloved Sex Symbol

"So in other words the guys throwing a hissy fit cause you knocked him out of a window?" she summarized while rolling those blue orbs of hers. Sighing she wanted to laugh at the story, it seemed so...so stupid. "Alrighty then, shall we?" asking softly while motioning to the back door; ears picking up the sound of something. A voice the more she listened to it, was slightly distorted...was he talking to himself? "Saria, is he ******** in the head" Oh hell Ania was in that kind of mood, were she tossed being nice out the door.

Then again when her head was pounding she turned into a slight b***h, not that there was any thing wrong with that. Some times thought it sucked!

Shaking her head lightly feet walked silently on the floor making her way to the door stealthy as she could

Thieving Rogue

Saria smirked at Ania's question. "I don't know. I just met the guy 12 hours ago."

She reached the back door and opened it, peering outside. She saw the motionless body laying face-down on the ground. He didn't seem hurt, so she assumed his trip out her window didn't do any damage, or he landed nicely. She was surprised to not see any cuts, however.

She opened the door further so that Ania could also see outside. She remained where she was, watching the lifeless body of the foxman ahead.

"This could be a trap." she said quietly to Ania.
User Image
Where am I? What i can only guess is hell.
What is this feeling... Mixed emotions..
My never ending thoughts. I must get free.
What am I. A bit of nightmare, a touch of pleasure.
what is that sound. Oh how the mighty do fall

♥♦♣♠♪~ Loki Voncross ~♪♠♣♦♥

As he laid there for a while, his body numb and silent. The change would start again. This time a purple vapor would start around his feet slowly gaining momentum as it climbed up his frame. until his entire body was consumed. Within the vapor sparks of light popped here and there, slowly churning within the vapor. And as quick it appeared it faded, and in it's place sat a small ball no bigger than a dinner plate of purple fur with a tail that was at least twelve times it's size in length and bushiness.

As big yellow eyes fluttered open, they looked about, it's short fox like years twitching before the entire ball rolled about to situate itself. As it came to a rest propping itself on it's tail the small ball of fur took the time to look around once more, a wide mouth opening to yawn. As it started to hop about on it's tail like a spring, confused on where it was or how it was to get back to where it had been. Bouncing about in the backyard outside of the building.

~( blaugh lol, Loki has only three forms, when loki and the now named Cheshire fight. If Loki win's he becomes a powerless puff ball puggle.)~

Thieving Rogue

Saria watched dumbfoundedly at the transformation that just happened. Her mouth opened just slightly, not even sure how to process what was going on.

"What the hell?" she said, looking at this... ball.. bouncing around and then looking at Ania. She blinked before smacking the palm of her hand against her forehead.

"I think we have ourselves a magical case of multiple personality disorder." She said, flustered. "I don't even know what's going on."

She looked back out the door, watching the ball bounce around, not really sure what else to do at this point. She wished Yuni would show up; Yuni seemed to have the same tendencies as Loki, and so she could probably handle this... situation.. well.

Beloved Sex Symbol

Ania widened her eyes as she watched what ever the ******** it was bounce up and down, her eyes turned to the owner of the manor. "The ******** is that!" she pointed a finger to the ball wondering just how much she actually missed. "You know what, I need a drink, what about you?" she asked while turning on her heels and heading back to the bar. Now they had someone with more then one personalities that turned into a fluff ball.

Yeah she needed a drink after this one that was for sure

Hilarious Fatcat

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Yuni had sleptwalked out of the manor again after Saria bid both her and Loki goodnight, ending up again at the beach. This time, however, she did not wake up kindly. Her Heartless buddy was busy doing whatever he/she/it does when not around the Nekojin, and thus could not wake her. A very cold slap of water from a crashing wave startled the teen out of her walking dreams, earning a satisfactorily loud scream of terror.

Sputtering, flailing, Yuni flopped back onto the sand as the wave receded. Blinking owlishly at the ocean before her before letting loose a long, paint-peeling string of curses. Soaking, salty, and now grumpy, she would shake off what sand she could before trudging back to the manor. She stopped on the way, spotting a bouncy... fluffball and smelling less than expected smells. Is that the smell of madness? And frustration... most likely Saria's...

Well, before the Nekojin would find out what she missed, she's gonna scadaddle on up to her room to change into dry clothes.
After Ralic ate, he had taken to the woods to wander in wolf form. He wanted to look for deer or something of the sort to make a stew but he also just wanted to explore. He spent many hours there when he heard the commotion from the manor. He dropped his deer and went dead sprint to return, stopping at the lining, stalking the creature talking to itself. If he hadn't missed the elf girl part, he would have pounced immediately. Instead, he watched, standing on two feet like a person as he took deep, calculated yet wet and drooling breaths.

The ebon beast looked confused when the creature disappeared into a purple cloud. He flopped back onto all fours, padding slowly towards what had remained. He was just about to it when it started bouncing. This caused the wolf to snap and jump back defensively before realizing it was just doing it to do it. He sniffed at it hesitantly. There was blood in the area that had his fragrance though he looked unscathed. Ralic was confused, full of questions, but most of all, strangely intrigued by the fur ball.

Thieving Rogue

Saria frowned as Ania made a remark about needing a drink and walking away. She continued to stare out the back door for a moment as she heard Ralic's wolf panting. She could not see him from her particular vantage point.

She stayed at the back door, not sure what to do now. Should she just shut the door and let Loki bounce happily? Should she ask him to leave?

Hilarious Fatcat

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"Looks like I missed some fun..."

Yuni's voice resounded from a flickering shadow, preceding her petite form stepping out of the fiery vortex to stand some way behind Saria. Her hands were in the pockets of her loose jeans, the sweater replaced by a tank-top with some pretty design embroidered up the sides. The girl gave out a yawn and cracked her neck before leaning to try and peek around the elf, feline ears swiveling curiously with her tail swaying smoothly.

"Ever wonder why there are weird things out in the multiverse? My opinion is to keep things innerestin'." The Nekojin said with a grin, rocking back onto her heels. "Jus' gotta know how to take the joke the weird things give."

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