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Hilarious Fatcat

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While twirling, Yuni's eyes were only focused on the world that lazily spun around her as she slowly untangled herself from the tail. At first, she did not notice the change in her friend. It was her nose that told her first, crinkling at the smell of... Not-Loki. When her spinning had ended and the rest of her burger was in her gut, Yuni noticed the violet flames that streaming out from the tail's source.

Standing there now with icy eyes taking in this taller foxman, it took her a moment to register. Oh. Well then... A wide grin slowly spread over her face, ears swiveled forward attentively. Playfully her tail would sway behind her, a hand on her hip with the other holding the empty plate.

"Well hello, Mr. Meanie~" Yuni said, and snickered at the name she gave him. "I didn't know I'd be playin' with ya, today."
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Where am I? What i can only guess is hell.
What is this feeling... Mixed emotions..
My never ending thoughts. I must get free.
What am I. A bit of nightmare, a touch of pleasure.
what is that sound. Oh how the mighty do fall

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♥♦♣♠♪~ Loki Voncross ~♪♠♣♦♥

Cheshire smirked watching the kitty, she had a fairly impressive build. Great muscle layout and limb length. He quickly guessed she was fairly agile on her feet, maybe even had a fair amount of martial art's under her tiny little belt. This perked his interest in her ever more, Maybe this could be a creature he could go all out with and not break. As he gave her one last look over hos tongue flicked over his lips with a hunger in his eyes. Much like predator stalks pray she would be his game for tonight.

Slowly he hunched over just enough so his shoulders were square with the bar top. Moving to stand atop the tip of his toes he slowly started to make his way around the bar inching his way ever more for the kitty girl
. "Oh sweet cheek's, your tinny little heart shaped kitty rear has no idea what's in store for tonight."

Hilarious Fatcat

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He was a predator, with average-above average skill. Merciless, perhaps. Yuni's nose was wiggling, catching what it could to tell her more about her new playmate. He was much taller than her, but his build would suggest he could still move with great speed. The girls tail wrapped about her hips with her excitement, acting as a twitching, furry belt. Ha! She was a black belt now.

At hearing the comment about her rear, Yuni chanced look over her shoulder to try and take a glimpse of her butt. "M'butt is heart shaped? 'Ave ya been starin'?" She laughed, then looked back to the stalking man before nodding her head to the side. "Outside, Mr. Meanie. Saria will have the cow we jus' ate if we played indoors."

"Tag! Ya it!" And with that, the Nekojin frisbee'd her plate at Chesire before diving out of the window her heartless buddy had conveniently opened for her. Yuni would head towards the forest since the beach was a bad idea, figuring the trees would provide a good enough playground.
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Where am I? What i can only guess is hell.
What is this feeling... Mixed emotions..
My never ending thoughts. I must get free.
What am I. A bit of nightmare, a touch of pleasure.
what is that sound. Oh how the mighty do fall

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♥♦♣♠♪~ Loki Voncross ~♪♠♣♦♥

Cheshire watched the little kitty girl taunt and tease him, this was never a good idea. Not when a creature who enjoyed chasing cute little innocent creatures was his favorite pass time. As she left the building Cheshire would let go, his body bending down as he started a dead run. His arms flowing behind him due to drag as he exited the building. Sliding to a sop he sniffed at the air smirking deviantly, sniffing this way and that he would pick up faintly on her sweet scent.

Once more he pushed off heading into the forest, as he met the tree line he launched himself up in to the air with ease he landed upon a branch. Crouching low his knees bent to the sides while his hand's rested on the branch between his legs. Sniffing ever more he started to sneak about hopping branch too branch.

Hilarious Fatcat

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Yuni heard him from her place in the shadows of a fig tree, picked up his scent from the breeze. He was up high, in the branches. Strained ears could hear the faint creaks and groans of wooden limbs supporting weight. The girl has decidedly stuck with the thick trunks and the shadows that played criss-cross over the forest floor. These shadows flickered and swayed, trying to distort and confuse Chesire. Yuni even willed her inky flames to sputter out in patterns, attempting to lead the hunter in a random direction. A false image of her darting through shadows to lure him away.

All she needed to do was stay downwind and out of sight.
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Where am I? What i can only guess is hell.
What is this feeling... Mixed emotions..
My never ending thoughts. I must get free.
What am I. A bit of nightmare, a touch of pleasure.
what is that sound. Oh how the mighty do fall

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♥♦♣♠♪~ Loki Voncross ~♪♠♣♦♥

Loki had scoured what he sensed was a good portion of the tree canopy in the thirty minutes since this game had Started, the signs of impatience were growing with each passing tick. Loki kept his mouth quit, his breathing to a snail pace and his muscles tense so muscle memory would not fail. As he landed gently on the ground, he looked about sniffing and licking at the air trying to pick up her taste and scent. This was going no where, she was a cat he should of known better,

As he lowered his body close to the ground in a crouched hover, he closed his eyes tight. as his hand ran across the ground he picked up the focal point of a magnetic center, a small pebble became his point. With a deep solid breath he raised his hand and with a closed fist brought it down. Dirt and debris lifted up around him he did it three more times, his eyes closed tight in his internal vision rings pulsed out from the hit's. The tree's lit up like bright green sparks, rocks a blue hue and many other hues. He thought he picked her up a bright purple orb in the center of so many natural tones. Opening his eyes he would push off moving for her.

Hilarious Fatcat

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Her shadowy display was getting him nowhere, which brought an amused grin to her face. Yuni was quick to cover up her smile with a hand in fear her pearly whites will give her away. But now he was out of the branches, her ears twitching at the sound of light feet touching ground. Wait, what was that sound?

Was he punching the ground?

Confused, Yuni's brow would scrunch up in thought. Was he frustrated? If so, good. She became rigid at hearing him move from his spot, ears twitching ever so faintly to catch where he was going. An evergreen pine tree, six meters to her left. There was a mass of her black fire there, built in her shape within the shadow. Yuni smirked. She willed the shadows of the trees to cease their dances, as other fiery masses built up in them.

Once Chesire was close enough to the 'Yuni' he scouted out, all of the Yuni's would pop out of their hiding places. Not mere shadowy forms, though. Replicas, almost exact in appearance. Slight differences could be spotted if one looked hard enough, like the shade of hair or eye color or even height. But they were all moving around the tall man, giggling in maddening choruses. Including the real Yuni, unable to pass up such fun.

"Catch me, catch me, catch me, come and get me, catch me!" They would say.

"Catch me if you can!"
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Where am I? What i can only guess is hell.
What is this feeling... Mixed emotions..
My never ending thoughts. I must get free.
What am I. A bit of nightmare, a touch of pleasure.
what is that sound. Oh how the mighty do fall

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♥♦♣♠♪~ Loki Voncross ~♪♠♣♦♥

Cheshire grew ever closer to the location, each step moving him to his prey. As he snuck up behind it close enough to reach out to grasp it. As he grasped for her the now apparent decoy dissipated how it saw fit and soon he was surrounded by the little kitty girls dancing and singing around him. He watched them move around, her scent on all of them a soft chuckle would pass his lips. It had been many years since someone did this little trick on him, and he now resided in the body of that one.

As the sung and danced about him teasing him ever so, he thought of a cute little way to tease this kitty girl. Slowly his hand's would move about in front of him, spinning and twisting over each other fingers spread wide leaving behind small trails of wind, as the trails got trapped in the center of his palms he smirked stopping his palms above each other flat he swiped them quickly apart his right hand going right and left going left.

The gust of wind should out in all directions, but the intent was not to harm no something far more sinister. As they blade like wind disk shot out around Cheshire they would make contact with the kitty girls. And instead of harm, oh no every article of attire they wore would rip from their frame leaving not a piece of fabric on them. His eye would perk up as he gazed at them all.
"As i said, nice heart shaped rear."

Hilarious Fatcat

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He was doing something with his hands and fingers, toying with the air. Only the real Yuni took notice to this, a slightly worried expression on her face. This could only mean good things... though her clones have yet to pass up on their fun. And then he smirked.

Yeah. This could only mean good things....

The Nekojins squeaked at the blasts of wind, the real one and another face hiding behind the closest clones and hugging them like meat shields. Yuni felt the wisps of wind blades cutting at her clothes, but at least her front parts were decently safe with her huggable meat shield. The others weren't so lucky, squeaking and covering up before poofing out of existence. With them gone, the only ones left were the two that had meat shields.

They both were pouting with their arms crossed to keep the tatters of her shirt to her front, tails wrapped around their hips to covered exposed nether regions. Two pairs of icy eyes narrowed at the devious man, a foot tapping.


"I knew sooner or later I'd end up streakin' 'round 'ere..."

"But this is ridiculous."

The fire-twins finished each other's sentences as a black flame licked up their legs, coating her petite frame before dissipating. A new outfit was left in the flames' wake. A black sweater with intricate designs embroidered in gold and blue with faded jeans that tucked into black combat boots.

"And I knew ya were starin'..."

"Bad Mr. Meanie." This one, the real Yuni, waggled her finger at the man in a tut-tut fashion.
User Image
Where am I? What i can only guess is hell.
What is this feeling... Mixed emotions..
My never ending thoughts. I must get free.
What am I. A bit of nightmare, a touch of pleasure.
what is that sound. Oh how the mighty do fall

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♥♦♣♠♪~ Loki Voncross ~♪♠♣♦♥

Cheshire simply let loose a laugh bending over holding his sides at the look on their faces, and the words that she spoke. If only this kitty girl knew how much worse he could of done. As he righted himself he would give her a quick wink before turning his back to her. As he did so he hand's slowly slipped into his pant's pockets, with a lurch he started walking back toward the direction of the inn. A hand slipping from his pocket to give a teasing taunting wave at the kitty girl.

"I had my fun, and you can't blame a man for looking. Blame one for not." With that he slipped his hand back into his pocket and vanished from view behind a tree growing ever closer to the inn.
Ralic had been in wolf form for days now, his beast form seeming much more appealing than any other at the moment. He spent most of his time wandering in the forest, hunting game and prowling around in every nook and cranny he could find. When he was back in the manor, he laid up against the hearth in the dining area, curled up like a dog, snoring loudly.

Today was no different, but instead, he searched around for someone. Anyone really, at the the moment, that might pique his interest. If he spent any more time by himself, he'd just go find his daughter or perhaps an old companion. He was sticking around presently for Saria, but the elf was no where to be seen. Actually, he didn't see much of anyone as of late.

Hilarious Fatcat

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Brava to the Yuni's, they were able to keep the small glare on their faces as Chesire laughed and started to head back to the manor. However, grins cracked both of their faces when his back was to them. And then laughter erupted from them, when they saw him vanish. The fire-twins had to support each other to keep from collapsing, and they managed not to just barely.

"Dude! D-dude, does that mean--" More laughter. "That we actually 'ave a shot o' gettin' a guy? With our heart-shaped asses?"

"I dunno!" The real Yuni was wiping tears from her eyes, trying to calm down enough to at least stand on her own. "But we 'ave got to get 'im back!"

"But hooooowwww? He got less shame than we do!" The copy chortled madly, patting the oringinal on the shoulder.

"How do ya think? We classic, hm?"

"And classy."

"Not as classy as Oto, though, sad to say... Oh well! Last one to the ballroom is a rottin' corpse in Gertrud's 'ol belly!"

The two raced, spurring jokes and playful insults from each other while dashing through the forest. Once back at the manor, the Yuni's would dive back into the open window in the kitchen and make a mad dash for the ballroom, bursting through the doors and tumbling onto the other. Out of breath, the Nekojin's would then begin the banter of who won while heading towards the piano.
Ralic's ears perked as he heard a voice. Well, two voices though they nearly sounded as one. The tone of each barely differed from the other and he trotted quietly to investigate. The big, bear sized wolf moved nimbly, despite his size, stepping carefully to remain on his pads moresoe than his toes so his claws would not click.

He did his best to raise a brow as he saw the two nekos. He had seen the girl before. Yuni, he recalled her name being but he never remembered there being two of them. He slipped into the room silently, staying closer to the wall. They seemed to be so caught up in their own conversation to pay attention to the shift in the air. His eyes brightened and he let out a large bark in attempts to frighten them.

Once found, his mouth would gape open, his tongue bouncing up and down in a large smile as his tail wagged.

Hilarious Fatcat

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The two spazzed at the sudden sound of the bark, nearly scared out of their hides as they spun about. Yuni had a big reason to be fearful of dogs, though that's backtracking in her background. Wolves, no problem. Dogs? Forget it, and yes, there is a difference. And unfortunately, the girl didn't know the difference between wolves and dogs in this realm.

"Quick! Ya the copy!" The copy would pick up the original and bowling balled her to the large canine.

"BUT IM THE ORIGINAL YOU IDIOT." Yuni rolled anyway, stopping just before Ralic's muzzle with wide icy eyes. Cautiously, she would wiggle her nose and poke at his furry snout. Looking relieved, Yuni would called back to her copy. "S'all clear! He's a wolf! Jus' a really big one."

Hilarious Fatcat

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(( Im gonna get me some breakfast! Brb ))

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