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Omnipresent Noob

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                                            Now I lay you down to sleep. For your soul is mine to keep...

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                                            As Miss Autumn finished up speaking and prepared to take her leave, Nolan waved his hand up slightly. " Well I must say it was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to going out to the crash site. Go getcha some rest and relaxation now hon." He spoke over Hanyo's shoulder. Then he turned his attention to the woman on his lap with a mischievous grin.
                                            " Well...uh..where do I start..." he thought for a moment.
                                            Nolan's skin began to erupt in small goosebumps when she slid her cool fingers across his arms. It had been a long time since he was touched this way. She definitely was very forward, but that was to be expected of a succubus.
                                            " well uh...hehe...Not much to learn really. I'm a necromancer and as for my story..well...I came here looking for a new start." he explained and snuffed his cigarette out in the nearby ashtray.
                                            Nolan wasn't very good when it came to telling stories but he could put his in a nutshell if she were so interested.
                                            " Well when I come in, Necromancy wasn't very popular so I decided to try to make a living with being a medicine man but I kept getting run out of town. Apparently nobody is fond of skeletons running errands. So for about eighty years or so, I lived out in the woods. Just Amano and I. He started to nag at me how i should socialize. So I left and after a few years I ended up here."

                                            " And he still can't get a damn date" Amano shouted from Yuni's lap. " He's hopeless. As you just witnessed he has horrible people skills. Seems everywhere you go they just want you dead. Plus you were starting to go insane" The cat was never much help for nolans self esteem and he knew it. It was tough love.

                                            Nolan made an annoyed face before continuing. " Anyway...he thought I was going about after the third unicorn tried to rob me, I considered that he may be right. That place was gonna be the end of me...So what about you? Surely you didn't pop into this place just because it seemed a veritable buffet for a lovely creature such as yourself?...in hindsight that actually does seem to be a good reason...you guys get all the fun."

                                            Amano looked up at Yuni and didn't say anything about liking his belly being rubbed but he did leave it exposed. He still had far too much pride to act like a normal cat. His ears perked up when she mentioned pranks though. She said it wasn't a bad one which disappointed him a little but who said he couldn't add his own little twang to her prank.
                                            " Alright I'm in. Who are we getting and how is it going down?"

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                                            When you die, you will wake. Now your bidding is mine to make...

Partying Sex Symbol

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Location: Sitting Room BloodLust Level: Low


Lady Hanyo let her fingers dance from Nolan's shoulder, around his throat. She let the pads of her fingers linger there, feeling his pulse. Delicious... yet somehow cooler than usual. Intriguing. She let her hand trail down to rest, palm down, over his chest.

"Interesting. Necromancer, hm? I don't know much about the necro part, but I definitely know everything about the romance part. " she teased. She winked at Amano, acknowledging his teasing remarks. So many talking cats around here...

"As for me, well... I tend not to stay anywhere long. People run me out eventually after I've eaten enough of their friends," she said nonchalantly, apparently unperturbed. "So I wander around, wherever the winds take me. This place has a certain charm to it, I may make it my new haunt," she said as she gazed around fondly. "Not to mention, there is plenty of eye candy around here," she added, letting her hand drift a little lower down Nolan's chest. "Not that you could notice, of course. You'll just have to trust me on that. Or, see with your hands," she took his hand and hitched it higher on her thigh, so his fingers just touched on the hem of her dress.


Hilarious Fatcat

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Seeing the exposed belly as an invitation, Yuni's fingers gently scratched at the fur there from under his chin to the middle. She giggled a little as the meaniecat interrupted Nolan's life story, to which she gave a light little boop on his nose. "Meanie meanie. I nuh see ya gettin' dates, Amano-kun!"

Then again... she's the only female feline here, unless Ryuu's pet happens along again.

Grinning, the Nekojin tickled the male cat's sides with her fingers and thought aloud about her little prank. "I was thinkin' either Spike-man-without-spikes, or the funny man in the huggin' jacket. Funny man might be funnier to get, though." Yuni paused a moment to fix her hat, which had slowly shifted as her ears twitched to better hear everything.

"Or..." Here, her icy eyes lit up like the Fourth of July. "Everyone. What say ya 'bout helpin' me put everyone's furniture on the ceiling of their rooms? And puttin' spooky things 'under' everythin' for when they try to fix it all? I got some wicked glue, we jus' gotta be quick."

Omnipresent Noob

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                                            Now I lay you down to sleep. For your soul is mine to keep...

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                                            Nolan smirked at her 'romancer' comment. He'd never heard that one before and decided he would have to remember that one. " hah that was pretty good there."
                                            The necromancer could feel his own icy blood speeding up inside of him as she trailed her fingers down his chest. " Might have to teach me a few things" he was letting himself fall to her mysterious alluring powers. Not that she really needed to use them for a guy like himself.

                                            When she started telling her story he listened with interest. When she explained about being run out of town for eating to many of other peoples friends he let out a chuckle. " oh yeah? The nerve of some people. Thats when they call in a guy like me and have them ressurected." he ended his sentence with a joke. He let her continue. " you know my rooms haunted."
                                            Her hand slid his up her thigh further. His hand shook ever so slightly out of a slight nervousness. Though when she started talking about eye candy he let his hand slide up a bit further. " I just get hand candy" Nolan let out his usual goofy grin. " that sounds wrong doesnt it? So you eat breakfast yet?" he still had a few pancakes left over but he was certain that it wasnt pancakes she was after. It got him wondering how his own blood did taste. Not a very sane thought but it was classic Nolan. The mistress did show a certain amount of bloodlust after seeing it but that didnt mean it wasn't anything special. he bet it was more like a frozen drink. " I wanna slushy now..."

                                            Amano kicked at her hands some as she tickled his belly and quickly rolled around on his feet. " Hey that sounds funny. We could do all three. Shave's Spikes head, we could really mess with the funny man couldn't we. Dress up like aliens or something. " the glue idea really struck it as interesting. " Hah classic! That would really mess with Nolan...Go get the glue!"

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                                            When you die, you will wake. Now your bidding is mine to make...

Partying Sex Symbol

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Location: Sitting Room BloodLust Level: Moderate


Lady Hanyo smiled widely in delight. She was succeeding so well with this one. She wasn't sure how he would react to her, not being able to see her. Missing out on her best weapons: her physique, her posture, her outfits, her carefully chosen facial expressions. All of it, unusable. This made things more fun. She had to use more subtle tactics, ones she wasn't as adept at using- her choice of words, her tone of voice, and a well placed physical touch. Very fun.

"Haunted? Really? Hmm, maybe someday you'll invite me to see your private room and I can experience it for myself. " Her hand on his torso slipped a little lower. Her palm now rested at around navel level. "I had breakfast of sorts... as I said before to Spike, Breakfast seems a little miffed at me this morning. She seems to have taken something I said rather personally. I'll have a little chat with her later, straighten things out."

That same flash of concern came over her features again as she glanced towards the door. She hadn't meant to hurt Himiko's feelings. She was rather hoping there could be something ongoing between the two of them. The female flesh was so enjoyably different than the norm, after all... much sweeter and softer... The memory of the previous night made her mouth water. She wondered idly if the strange man she was happily sitting upon could sense how her muscles seemed to quiver slightly, her eyes flash brighter, a small heat flow over her cold skin. The blind, after all, have stronger senses than those with sight. She might need to control herself around him. Then again, this opened up a whole new window of possibilities as to how he would be in bed... She was eager to try her talents on one such as he, who could appreciate and experience them in a more intense fashion...

Yes, Nolan was fun. She was very glad to have chosen to stay at this quaint inn full of interesting characters.


Hilarious Fatcat

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Yuni laughed as Amano agreed and suggested his own plots, letting him stand before she rolled back onto the balls of her feet. This would certainly be amusing! She didn't really like the thought of shaving Spike-man's hair. It looks too fluffy to cut...

"How 'bout we spell-glue Spike-man's hands so he'd be stuck to pretty dragon when he touches her? That might be funnier. They like to touch each other any way~" The girl whispered to the other mischievous feline, smiling with humor. "We should put a disco ball and laser pointers in FunnyMan's room! All dem shinies..."

Her hands searched the pouch pockets of her pants, though she didn't bring out the bottle for fear of suspicion rising. Standing now, Yuni rocked on her heels as she looked around the Sitting Room again. She looked thoughtful, not really remembering where the guest rooms were. "I follow ya, kay?"

Omnipresent Noob

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                                            Now I lay you down to sleep. For your soul is mine to keep...

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                                            " I dunno its kind of spooky in there" he wiggled his fingers for effect. Though how she spoke of Himiko as breakfast made him laugh. He loved a good sense of humor. " Oh yeah? Upset your tummy a little?"He took his hand off of her thigh and gave what he thought was her belly a gentle poke. Luckily he guessed right and took the opportunity to feel around for a second. Tight stomach. She must work out, he thought.

                                            She started going on about Himiko again which brought a small smile across his lips. " Well I thought you two made a cute couple. She's so sweet and innocent and you're all sexy and know how to work it. I'm sure you two will kiss and make up. Haven't spent much time with her but I did go through a stroll in the garden. She don't seem the type who can stay angry for too long. So she's up bathing the the Mistress? I thought about going to the springs but I figured I'd better leave our host. She's got enough on her plate without me following her around like a little lost puppy."
                                            While she was talking about the young woman he could feel her tense up and he could even hear her heart beat faster. Even her temperature changed as well as the scent she gave off. She was turning herself on. Now who had who right where they wanted?

                                            Her hand reached his stomach and instantly a cold wave exploded from his stomach and through the rest of his body causing him to get cold sweats for a second or two. Though he showed no external signs of how he was feeling. " no dinner and a movie first? Thats alright I'm not much on movies." he joked.

                                            Amano raised a brow. She did have better ideas, even if they werent as mean. " Yeah I should probably smoke a stogie in the room too so when he walks in and sees all the shiny stuff, he will trip out even more." The feline had no clue what she mean't by 'Dragon Lady' " Hey got got these tiny little bombs I like to put in Nolan's cigarettes. When he smokes them down far enough they blow up in his face" he laughed as he led the way down to the guest rooms and wondered who to hit first. " I wonder if we can get Spikes away from him long enough for me to pop a few in there....

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                                            When you die, you will wake. Now your bidding is mine to make...

Partying Sex Symbol

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Location: Sitting Room BloodLust Level: Moderate


The succubus purred in a growling sort of way, obviously amused.

"I hope so. She'd be missing out if she didn't get a round two."

The succubus shifted her weight slightly, recrossing her legs the other way, left over right this time. She purposely let the movement shake her rear end over some sensitive areas in his lap. She let herself lean back more, so that his hand had more access to her core.

"I didn't know you were close with Himiko. Maybe next time you can watch," she hinted, with a wink that he couldn't see.


Hilarious Fatcat

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Yuni blinked owlishly, head tilted to the side some. "What's a 'stogie', Amano-kun?" What an odd word... But if it meant pulling a better prank, then she was for it. With her hands in her pockets, the girl followed after her partner-in-crime while listening intently. Feline facial expressions were difficult, she knew personally.

"Oh! The funny smelling stuff Nolan and Mistress smoke in the baths? That stuff's weird..." Yuni's nose crinkled at the memory, but the image of a smoke blowing up in the blind man's face. "Why nuh take some 'o his thingies and put little firecrackers in them to make funny-smelling bombs?"

"I could try distractin' Spike-man?" The Nekojin spun on her heel a little as she looked at all the doors, slipping her hat off to let the orange feline ears freely swivel to hear which ones were empty. "Eenie meenie, miney, moh..."

Malevolent Star

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Hey guys, I am very sorry for not keeping up as much as I should.. I feel so bad about it, but right now is an extremely busy time for me and I must prepare for a trip out of town on friday. I'm being interviewed for the program I want to get my degree in and it's in San Antonio. I will not be around at all friday due to interview/errands, BUT I'm still going to hold spiritual cleansing classes Nov. 17th and 18th.

Again, I'm really sorry for not being around as much, but I hope everyone is still having fun. This week is catch up week for me since I've finally got a break in homework... kinda.... >.>

Hanyo, love the new layout.

Thank you everyone for being so patient with me.. I'm so stressed out right now..

Omnipresent Noob

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                                            Now I lay you down to sleep. For your soul is mine to keep...

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                                            " round two eh?"
                                            he smirked wondering what kind of fun they had during 'round one.' His mind begun to sink into the gutter. Though he often had pervy thoughts anyway. She wiggled around on his lap and his eyes lit up. Her growl was doing something for him. " woah now hehe...hold on..or wait maybe I shouldn't of said that" Nolan was having fun now too. he pulled his flask out from his robes and reached around her to pour some in his coffee and then he drained it. The necromancer didn't really need any liquid courage but it helped loosen him up.
                                            He wrapped an arm around her small waist and took another swig from his flask before setting it down on the table.
                                            " Hey now, her and I are just friends....you think I gotta shot?" he laughed again.

                                            " Yeah..Stogie, joint, MJ, blunt, tater...its got alot of names and as funny as that would be, if i put one of those things in his joints that would be drug abuse. Drug abuse is a terrible thing."
                                            Amano informed her and went over to one of the doors and sniffed it. Then walked over to Nolan's room and heard a faint ghostly crying of a little girl and his fur spiked up. " eeeh haunting hour...lets go put shiny stuff in the crazy mans room."

                                            ( Hi Mission. Sounds like you need some R&R )

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                                            When you die, you will wake. Now your bidding is mine to make...

Malevolent Star

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Hiya darkblade
R&R would be nice. I just got done writing yet another essay.. I'm so tired...

Omnipresent Noob

( well you said your free right? Should getcha some sleep. Sounds like you went through a lot of mentally draining activities )

Partying Sex Symbol

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((offers mission a cookie))

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