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Friendly Kitten

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OOC: *pouts* I wanna rp... *sulks like a child* xD

OOC: you can if you want?
Just no sulking. Stahp o_O
Heads up. My character is a b***h.... So sorry in advance sweatdrop

0.0 oh dear.... My character is a bit of a shy and nervous sweet heart so...

Friendly Kitten

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Yami sighed nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. Recently, the college student had transferred from a Tokyo school to an american one and he was not taking the transition well. The young human was paying for his... Indiscretions last autumn, and while he was wiser for it, he was also more on guard. He felt a nervous sweat break out across his alabaster skin in the cool night air as he looked around uneasily. There had been reports of strange happenings lately, and he was worried. He was small both in stature and figure for his age, a delicate human being who had suffered many illnesses as a child. This had caused him to be less capable of defending himself than the average human. So when he sensed a presence following him, he hurriedly ducked inside a building at random, not caring as to it's name though he might have thought better of it, had he seen the bright sign ablaze with the words 'Bloodlust'.

Upon entering the building, Yami was filled with a cold shiver, trembling and rubbing at his upper arms with chattering teeth. Looking around, he wondered at its... emptiness. "H-hello?!" he called out nervously, clearly uneasy with the silence. His messenger bag fell to the floor at his feet as he loosened out his arm and he dropped it, deciding to have a look around. The place seemed... old. Filled with stories. To the young artist and musician, it sang these stories to him, and filled him with wonder and awe. He slowly made his way up to the reception desk, still looking around curiously. The male was known to have moments of speechlessness but this was something more. This was reverence and the design to stay a little longer than he'd planned.

Yami had never been inside a hotel before, as that was what he assumed this to be, but this place seemed to have the markings of a great one. He was a little unnerved by the lack of voices in the empty halls but his curiosity met for a less than self preserving decision for a look around. Had he ever seen American Horror Story, he mightn't have made that same decision but being Japanese and unversed in the nature of American television shows, he was not aware of the idiocy of his decision to walk around an unmarked and seemingly empty hotel, with out so much as signing his name.

((I didn't know if this was a hotel or not, it kinda sounded like it so Yami thinks it is. Someone can correct him/me later. Also, don't forget to quote me so I know you're answering me >///.\< ))

Revered Bear


She took a deep breath as he rounded a corner with a tactical Seiga 12 gauge held tightly at her shoulder. She scanned the hallway for movement and as quickly as possible, while remaining silent moved down the hallway looking for Richter....AGAIN!!! What the hell was he thinking anyway!?!?!?!? She'd walked away for five minutes to find something to eat and as always was the case he'd just up and disappeared on her as soon as she was out of sight. If he wasn't constantly showing up just at the right moment to pull her out of some fire or life threatening situation she'd have shot him by now. MULTIPLE TIMES!!! Unfortunately she'd come to understand why he had such an impact on her emotional state and shooting him would do far worse to her than it would to him she imagined. Unless she got a clean shot through his shoulder...or maybe should could shoot him in the butt.

Thud! She snapped back to the present and crouched down. He was dumb enough to make noise but not so dumb as to make that much racket. Besides this was a bar wasn't it? How was it so huge on the inside?! Kristen crept closer to the noise origin careful to brush some loose blonde strands behind her ear while silently cursing herself again for not putting her hair up. She swung the gun around a corner and found the source was a humanoid but not Richter. Based on the information she and Richter had found on this place she wasn't ready to drop her guard over anything she found here not even some unsuspecting asian kid. Still not wanting to seem overly hostile she dropped her gun from her shoulder and held it loosely in front of her. She took a deep breath and strode out where he could more easily see her.

So I guess I'm not the only one here. Are you a bar regular or are you new? I guess as long as I'm asking questions I should also ask for a name to call you by. I'm Kristen by the way.

Kristen kept herself ready to move at any moment but also did her best to look like she was just casually strolling through. Honestly she'd been worse places with worse things prowling about and come out ok so she had no reason to doubt this would be any different but it was always better to err on the side of caution.

Beloved Vampire

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Ikaru Sentinal K-Valshar

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Appearing as if out of thin air, a dark figure rolled across the rooftop. Its fingers clawing threw the pavement, fighting the momentum that would have driven her over the edge. She stopped herself in time, but her legs dangled from over the side. Her breath drew heavy and disordered. It felt like breathing in needles. Her cough scratching at her throat. One last breath in, and she kicked at the wall till she gained her footing. Dragging herself up a bit at a time. Once she managed to get herself free from harms reach, the demoness collapsed. Having stopped breathing.

Covered in blood, cuts, bruises, a few broken bone. 2 whole minutes past before her eyes opened wide, gasping for air once more. In a panic she reached out, searching for the medication that would allow her to breath this dreadful poisoned air.

Finally having reached her pack, she pulled out what appeared to be a black cigarette. No time to wast, she simply stuffed one in her mouth. The herbs burned quickly, allowing her to breath in the glowing red smoke that came from it. The smoke itself reassured that it wasn't a cigarette at all. It smelled of cinnamon and spices. Slowly able to breath again, she swallowed it down. Grabbing another cigarette in its stead. This time placing it between her lips and lighting it up using the tip of her heated finger. With a sigh. The smoke traveled upward as she turned on her back to view the stars. " I hate this planet..." She muttered to herself.

(( Be sure to quote me or I wont know you posted ))

“Oh, yes! Happy day!”

Ikaru finished shifting through the contents of the fridge and found her prize, a bottle of A-, only a day old. Perfect. She happily grabbed the glass container and closed the fridge door; she turned to leap onto the bar counter and sat cross-legged. She warmed the blood with some warming magic to room temperature and then began to imbibe with a happy hum. Ana was quiet on her shoulder, almost drowsing. The small Bronze seemed like an extension of Ikaru, she was a lovely metallic creature with azure eyes and contrasted with Ikaru’s porcelain skin, crimson eyes, and ebony hair.

It was still quite still in the darkened bar, she wrinkled her nose and with a small wave of her fingers lit the candles in sconces on the wall and the gloom lifted slightly.

“So. Boring.” She groaned as she leaned back on her free hand, still sipping on her blood. It used to be so busy and crazy at Blood Lust, but over the years all her friends had moved on, she herself was only rarely here. But this was still home to her, and too many of the prior denizens. She still had a room here even. It must be so dusty by now. The thought of cleaning it made her sigh. But she did not have anything else to do at the moment.

A sudden sound on the roof made her grin.

“Yay. Anything to keep me from having to clean.” She muttered to herself with a chuckle before freezing as she suddenly recognized the feel of the presence on the roof. Illyria? Ikaru’s upper lip curled back in a snarl and her irises began to swirl with black. She felt a pang in her non-beating heart over the loss of Kuja, a dear friend of her’s from what seemed to be decades ago. But that woman was gone, and in her place was a Demoness, and while normally Ikaru was on good terms with demons, this one was special. Illyia had roused Ikaru’s ire well and good. Especially with her conflict surrounding Ikaru’s soul-sister, Namea.

Ikaru rose slowly to her her feet, staring at the ceiling, debating on whether or not she should confront the woman up there or wait for her to come down.

Beloved Vampire

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CRUNCH!!! A lone figure crushed cement and stone upon rising to his feet when he saw a female enter into the fabled haven of all things that go bump in the night. His thoughts raced, his blood burned and his bronze eyes tore holes in the world with their intensity at the sight. Truth rang clear when the female appeared and that was all that mattered.

Monolithic in stature the large man took up a fair amount of space and when he moved forward his gait was more akin to the barreling of a bear than a normal walk. Yet he moved with purpose after the female in eager anticipation of cresting the threshold into the domain of legends. Moving with a form of grace and an agility that belied his stature the man covered half the distance to the door seemingly in an instant and with each powerful stride the very earth and rocks almost imperceptibly rose to meet his feet and stubbornly refused to release him when he tore his body from contact with the earth almost as if the earth would have him remain motionless and desired to usher him towards his goal.

CRASH! Bronze eyes shifted upward searching when the cacophonous sound of the earth screeching rang out across the rooftops into the hollowed streets below. The rocks screamed in pain yet this too spoke but one message, that truth rang clear indeed and it appeared that when it started to ring it wasn't content to ring just once and others would soon follow but what would happen if he were deterred from his goal? Ponderous eyes shifted back to the door frame and the wonders it might hold. Longing filled him...patience and endurance has paid him in spades but could he chance losing the opportunity given now? Hesitation was banished almost immediately as the mountainous man concluded which goal held more weight and resumed his advancement on the door frame. He paused, but for a moment, in awe and appreciation of the door itself. Simplistic in its design and function yet there was a reverence present as he placed his hand on its handle. Then it was open and Richter strode inside.

Ikaru was all but yanked out of her consideration of the rooftop when the door was unceremoniously thrown open and an old and familiar face strode in. She blinked at him slowly for a moment, trying to place the face. She tilted her head quizzically and then grinned.

“Oh, hello Richter, long time no see!” She quipped cheekily. She waved her free hand and then glanced back up at the ceiling for a moment. She grimaced ever so slightly, the smallest twitch of her lips. She turned her attention back to the bronze eyed man with a bright, slightly forced smile. “How have you been? Can I get you something to drink?” She asked as she leapt backward lightly and landed soundlessly behind the bar. She put her half drank bottle of blood on the bar top and turned towards the vast array of alcohols arranged neatly on the wall.

She glanced back towards the man, waiting for his response, her vixen ears twitching. He seemed very focused.

Beloved Vampire

10,975 Points
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Yami sighed nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. Recently, the college student had transferred from a Tokyo school to an american one and he was not taking the transition well. The young human was paying for his... Indiscretions last autumn, and while he was wiser for it, he was also more on guard. He felt a nervous sweat break out across his alabaster skin in the cool night air as he looked around uneasily. There had been reports of strange happenings lately, and he was worried. He was small both in stature and figure for his age, a delicate human being who had suffered many illnesses as a child. This had caused him to be less capable of defending himself than the average human. So when he sensed a presence following him, he hurriedly ducked inside a building at random, not caring as to it's name though he might have thought better of it, had he seen the bright sign ablaze with the words 'Bloodlust'.

Upon entering the building, Yami was filled with a cold shiver, trembling and rubbing at his upper arms with chattering teeth. Looking around, he wondered at its... emptiness. "H-hello?!" he called out nervously, clearly uneasy with the silence. His messenger bag fell to the floor at his feet as he loosened out his arm and he dropped it, deciding to have a look around. The place seemed... old. Filled with stories. To the young artist and musician, it sang these stories to him, and filled him with wonder and awe. He slowly made his way up to the reception desk, still looking around curiously. The male was known to have moments of speechlessness but this was something more. This was reverence and the design to stay a little longer than he'd planned.

Yami had never been inside a hotel before, as that was what he assumed this to be, but this place seemed to have the markings of a great one. He was a little unnerved by the lack of voices in the empty halls but his curiosity met for a less than self preserving decision for a look around. Had he ever seen American Horror Story, he mightn't have made that same decision but being Japanese and unversed in the nature of American television shows, he was not aware of the idiocy of his decision to walk around an unmarked and seemingly empty hotel, with out so much as signing his name.

((I didn't know if this was a hotel or not, it kinda sounded like it so Yami thinks it is. Someone can correct him/me later. Also, don't forget to quote me so I know you're answering me >///.< ))

Ikaru stiffened slightly in shock when she heard the bar door open once again and her nose let her know immediately that it was a human who just entered. She leaned away from the alcohol to lean half on the bar and watch the boy enter. He seemed so nervous, so innocent. Poor thing, how had he wandered in here? He clearly had no idea where he was. He was a slight, delicate little thing and her mothering instincts went out to him.

“Hello, love.” She cooed soothingly. “Welcome to Bloodlust, can I get you something to drink, or eat? You look hungry.” She continued cheerily as he walked further into the bar. She grinned at him cautiously, hiding her fangs for now. No reason to terrify the lad yet. There was something about his eyes, he seemed like a rabbit that had seen the shadow of a hawk. Well he’d be safe here.

“It’s odd to see a human in this kind of establishment, are you in any trouble? This place is something like neutral ground, so you’ll be safe here.” She added, to put the boy at ease. She brushed her knee-length ebony braid over her shoulder and ran her fingers over the elaborate twists while she watched him. Her black vixen ears were focused on him, but flicked slightly every so often to keep track of the Demoness on the roof and the Richter.

The boy was looking around the large open room, curiosity mingling with something like fear. She twitched her fingers and allowed the candle flames to burn a bit brighter, to allow the room a semblance of more cheer. Of course that allowed her to see that the furniture, while still in good condition, sturdy and comfortable, was dusty. So she’d have to clean after all. Not her night.

She glanced at Richter, still waiting for his order, and then looked back at the boy, trying to look as least dangerous as she could. It helped she was only 5’1”, and barely 100 pounds. She was also a little on the frail side, so she looked harmless enough if she worked at it.

Revered Bear

Ikaru Sentinal K-Valshar

Ikaru was all but yanked out of her consideration of the rooftop when the door was unceremoniously thrown open and an old and familiar face strode in. She blinked at him slowly for a moment, trying to place the face. She tilted her head quizzically and then grinned.

“Oh, hello Richter, long time no see!” She quipped cheekily. She waved her free hand and then glanced back up at the ceiling for a moment. She grimaced ever so slightly, the smallest twitch of her lips. She turned her attention back to the bronze eyed man with a bright, slightly forced smile. “How have you been? Can I get you something to drink?” She asked as she leapt backward lightly and landed soundlessly behind the bar. She put her half drank bottle of blood on the bar top and turned towards the vast array of alcohols arranged neatly on the wall.

She glanced back towards the man, waiting for his response, her vixen ears twitching. He seemed very focused.

Richter looked down at the girl who'd spoken his name and stared. That was unexpected to say the least. He had been creeping down a wall in the dark when the lights all suddenly flickered on and then she was there! He put a hand to his eyes while contemplating all the possible outcomes of this but she knew his name so perhaps she knew him.

"Hi!, Yeah its been a while..." Richter racked his brain for a lot of things, a name for this girl, a reason why he'd been to the Bloodlust before now, memories of actually being here. He had some hazy recollections of things that he couldn't be certain placed him here once but the fog on his mind prevented him from getting anything concrete. For the millionth time he cursed whoever or whatever had blocked his memories and decided to be straight forward about things.

"I don't want to be rude or anything but I actually came here looking for information. I woke up buried under the rubble of a building destroyed during a war about a year ago with no recollection of how I got there or memories prior to waking up even. All the information I've been able to find and the few memories I've been able to reclaim seem to point towards someone named Cryovix. I was told he lives here or something like that? Have you seen him?"

During his explanation Richter had walked over to sit on a bar stool to speak with her. Due to his large size of 7'6" he didn't want her to have to look up quite so much although he wasn't sure it mattered she could probably do all sorts of things to mitigate the height difference. He also found himself looking at the bronze dragon curiously as well. This place did seem familiar. The faces the decor, somehow even the dust seemed familiar but he couldn't explain why. Almost in frustration he started pulling all the dust in the area towards himself. it floated through the air or rolled across surfaces all throughout the bar and coalesced into a "pool" that changed shape depending on his emotions.
OOC: You go, guys. I'm very impressed with you for RPing. Have fun!

Shameless Lunatic

Taking her last drag, Illyria flicked the butt over the edge. Vanishing, she reappeared facing the entrance before the butt even reached the ground. Kicking the doors open, she found Yami in her path. " Ugh... "she snarled. " Even for a human, you are weak... " The demoness pushed him out of her way " Not even worth a meal." Ignoring the others, she walked over to the bar. Her eyes finally making contact with Ikaru. " Are you ALWAYS here? " Just to irritate Ikaru, Illyria reached over the bar to grab a bottle of bourbon. Chugging down the entire bottle, ignoring anything Ikaru would have to say.

At 1st she had been too injured, to realize. But the instant she finished the bottle she turned her gaze to Richter. A grin cracked the side of her lips. " I can feel you..." She pointed at him with the hand she held the bottle with. Being what she is and where she was from, Illyria had a strong connection to the elements, nature and all things. Even though she hated coming here, you would eventually come to resize she would even carry out long conversations with the Bloodlust. In fact the only one she like in this whole building, was the building itself. Though she would never admit to it.

(( Sorry its not longer. Gotta get ready to work out. ))



(( this is more of a Bar than a hotel. But it Does have rooms above it ^ ^ ))

Ikaru Sentinal K-Valshar

Shameless Lunatic

OOC: You go, guys. I'm very impressed with you for RPing. Have fun!

catches and eats you whole
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and where are YOU going >D

Friendly Kitten

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Ikaru Sentinal K-Valshar


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Yami was very confused by the state he was in. It seemed he had suddenly many people requesting his attention. The first person to direct his attendance at them was a woman who spoke very little and passed by very quickly, giving him a sense of vertigo as he spun in place for a few seconds until he grew dizzy and stumbled across a bar stool with an oof. The second person to interact with him, a motherly woman made him blush and smile timidly.

"I-I'm sorry... I was just... n-needing a place to hang out for a bit... I-I'm Yami. N-nice to meet you." He flushed in shyness as she fussed over him, shaking his head furiously. He had always felt mildly uncomfortable when women fussed over him like he was a fragile little doll. When he was in high school, it had made him acutely aware of how gay he was. Now, he found this slightly less uncomfortable because she was.. motherly. And as having never seen much of his mom, he appreciated it.

Opening his mouth, he was going to respond when a woman for some reason commented how 'weak' he was, making him hunch his shoulders and attempt to make himself as small as possible. "Weak is a subjective term. One is only as weak as their will. Those mentally or physically strong won't have the capacity to work for what they want or need, leaving those who always work the ability to know how to plot, plan, and conduct in ways to thus satisfy their desires," he said in a ghostly monotone, clearly not appreciating being called out for his fragile frame.

Beloved Vampire

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Ikaru Sentinal K-Valshar

Ikaru was all but yanked out of her consideration of the rooftop when the door was unceremoniously thrown open and an old and familiar face strode in. She blinked at him slowly for a moment, trying to place the face. She tilted her head quizzically and then grinned.

“Oh, hello Richter, long time no see!” She quipped cheekily. She waved her free hand and then glanced back up at the ceiling for a moment. She grimaced ever so slightly, the smallest twitch of her lips. She turned her attention back to the bronze eyed man with a bright, slightly forced smile. “How have you been? Can I get you something to drink?” She asked as she leapt backward lightly and landed soundlessly behind the bar. She put her half drank bottle of blood on the bar top and turned towards the vast array of alcohols arranged neatly on the wall.

She glanced back towards the man, waiting for his response, her vixen ears twitching. He seemed very focused.

Richter looked down at the girl who'd spoken his name and stared. That was unexpected to say the least. He had been creeping down a wall in the dark when the lights all suddenly flickered on and then she was there! He put a hand to his eyes while contemplating all the possible outcomes of this but she knew his name so perhaps she knew him.

"Hi!, Yeah its been a while..." Richter racked his brain for a lot of things, a name for this girl, a reason why he'd been to the Bloodlust before now, memories of actually being here. He had some hazy recollections of things that he couldn't be certain placed him here once but the fog on his mind prevented him from getting anything concrete. For the millionth time he cursed whoever or whatever had blocked his memories and decided to be straight forward about things.

"I don't want to be rude or anything but I actually came here looking for information. I woke up buried under the rubble of a building destroyed during a war about a year ago with no recollection of how I got there or memories prior to waking up even. All the information I've been able to find and the few memories I've been able to reclaim seem to point towards someone named Cryovix. I was told he lives here or something like that? Have you seen him?"

During his explanation Richter had walked over to sit on a bar stool to speak with her. Due to his large size of 7'6" he didn't want her to have to look up quite so much although he wasn't sure it mattered she could probably do all sorts of things to mitigate the height difference. He also found himself looking at the bronze dragon curiously as well. This place did seem familiar. The faces the decor, somehow even the dust seemed familiar but he couldn't explain why. Almost in frustration he started pulling all the dust in the area towards himself. it floated through the air or rolled across surfaces all throughout the bar and coalesced into a "pool" that changed shape depending on his emotions.

OOC: Sorry, love, I barely remember who Richter is. XD Do you want to PM me the pertinents?

Ikaru turned back to her old acquaintance Richter when he responded to her greeting; he seemed a little out of it so she gave him more of her attention. Her ears straightened with shock at his explanation. He had been buried in rubble? It did not surprise her that he was alive after that, but the amnesia seemed a bit odd. Not that she thought he was lying to her, but it was still strange. He sat down at the bar and began to play with the dust and she wrinkled her nose in amusement.

“Ah, sorry about the dust, hun. I’ve only just come back to here myself. I’ll get it cleaned up…” She lifted her hands to shoulder level and pulled some power out of Chaos, melded it with her own to give it shape and then spun it about the room, cleaning it of the dust and the grim of years of semi-neglect. It took a bit out of her to wield Chaos like that, but she was satisfied with the results. The only dust left in the room were bits that Richter had begun to manipulate. She decided to let him keep his hands busy while he was frustrated.

Safer for everyone that way.

“And as for Cryovix, well…do you want the long story or the short?” She asked slowly, her eyebrows furrowing in thought as she began to marshal her memories of the bionic Werewolf. “And did you want a drink while we talk?” She added after a moment.

She was still keeping an eye on the human boy while she talked to Richter, she did not want him to feel neglected or get scared away. Something that could easily happen if Illyria decided to come down, but that was somewhat unlikely, really.

Shameless Lunatic

Ikaru Sentinal K-Valshar

OOC: but but she did come down gonk

Beloved Vampire

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Dfrnt luv


Of course, the moment Ikaru thought about how unlikely it would be for Illyria to come down into the Bar proper, who should walk in but she. Reality was really a b**** sometimes. She could not resist baring her fangs at the woman, her pupils retracting into slits and her irises swirling with a navy blue. But she resisted the urge to start a fight and merely growled softly when the Demoness reached right next to her to grab a bourbon. Unasked! How rude! Ikaru would have offered her a drink of course, it was only proper! She took a deep breath, a slow exhale, and then grinned brightly at Illyria.

“Yup!” she agreed brightly with a small curtsy. “Bloodlust needs a Bartender, so when people are here who need a drink I am usually called to attend their needs.” She added with a thoughtful moue. She shrugged and turned back to the human boy whom Illyria had thankfully not harmed, he was most definitely beneath her radar. She ignored what the Demoness was saying to Richter and spoke to the human who had introduced himself as Yami, albeit with a slight stutter. He was adorable. His response to Illyria made her grin, although she was a little worried that Illyria might take it as a reason to attack him, she had a short fuse as Ikaru recalled.

She gestured to the boy to come to the bar.

“Hello Yami, dear. I realize that I forgot to share my name as well, forgive my lapse? I am Ikaru Sentinal-K’Valshar. You are welcome to stay here as long as you like. And you are quite correct; weakness is a matter of perspective. You are very well spoken, and obviously you take this very personally, but, I do ask you not to take too much offense. In all honesty, you are the weakest creature in this room right now. I am a Vampire Queen, Illyria is a Demoness of fearsome power, and Richter is a powerful lycantrhope....werewolf.” She shrugged slightly and waved a hand dismissingly. “But does not mean you are weak, just…not to our level. It’s not a bad thing.” She looked thoughtful for a moment.

“But you just settle in, get comfortable.”

Shameless Lunatic

(( OOC: truth I don't remember much about Richter either. I wanna learn O_O

side note: I'll post after Cryo ^ ^ ))

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