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Desirable Genius

arrow Lian's Manor

"This may sound cruel sunshine...but the death of one can save many. Lovi said the place was empty, but there's no way we could have tampered with the briefcase without that vampire knowing it somehow."Julia said, rubbing his back when he sat up to look at his work on the table. It was still just a bunch of bobbles and pieces to her, but guaranteed, it would be helpful when it was finished. Frowning though, she shuffled on the bed and sat with him, looking to Lian who stood by the doorway watching them. "You sort of don't have a choice in your condition, Terry-bear..."She said, looking to Lian who now strode forward. She sat down on the bed with him, staring at him.

Lian had been changed back into an elf, her long ears protruding elegantly from her head but her eyes held a cold distance to them despite her often friendly demeanor. "I can set something up for you. Julia will be your liaison for whatever you need and you can use the company labs for any construction needs. Unfortunately, you'll still need medical attention. My doctors and healers on staff will be there to monitor your condition as you're working to hopefully keep your condition in check for as long as possible until you can fix yourself."Lian spoke gently, but Julia could see that she was in a foul mood.

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Terrance Vanguard

User Image"That's not the point, She was right I was being selfish, and now somebody else, somebody innocent is going to pay for it.” This revelation was made worse to him by the fact he could do nothing about it. He couldn’t make it up to anyone for the trouble he’s caused. Tilly was about to die, and Lovi was about to lose her home if Tilly didn’t do it KB would. The vision of KB returned to his mind. He can vividly remember the man laughing at the pathetic state he put Terrance in. He clenched his fist, only for his body to shoot up in pain. This forced him bac to lying down on his bed.

He was surprised Lian still wanted to help. Hearing her plans, Terrance raised his eyebrow, surprised at her want to help. However, he could not take her help not after all he had done. However, he had no right to deny her services, it'll just have him selfish in doing so. "Thanks Miss, I am sorry a...about everything..."

Aged Lunatic

"An apology means nothing." Arkravis chimed in, returning to the room after seeing Lovi storm off. He had heard the conversation - a mix of posturing and heated emotions. Each individual selfish in their own turn. "Focus less on how sorry you feel and more about what you intend to do from this point forward. Regardless of what is done about the bomb, and your weakness - there is still the matter about this assassin. He and his employers will have to be dealt with before this situation is resolved."

Arkravis would pause to look over at Lian, who had come down to speak to Terrance personally. Arkravis idly wondered if it was wise to leave Wren without a direct parent given the secret she kept. Regardless, the Avion looked over to his Elf lover and his tone took a considerable softer tone in his vice. "The woman should be followed, regardless of her desires. If she is linked to this, she will be targeted - which will expose the assailant." Lian could see a bit of the cold calculus of his profession reflected in the azure hue of Arkravis's gaze. Unlike the others, Arkravis did not seem to have an expression of concern for the woman. Arkravis had no personal ties to Lovi, so had no illusions as to looking after or protecting her. She was merely convenient bait to solve the matter expediently. "I can send one of my people if you prefer. This matter has cost you enough of your own."


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Ailsa Graystone

Human Female...

Mood: Calm I Health: Normal I Ki Level: Normal

Ailsa kept her arms crossed, and looked at the two with cool eyes. She knew that Ceaser hadn't slept well, or at least he looked like he hadn't slept well. But she wouldn't mention it to him. Though she cared for his well being still, her anger at him kept her from thinking of it. Instead she kept her focus on what was going on. Knowledge of the jailer was the important thing now.

"We need to know anything you can tell us about the creature," Ailsa said, speaking calmly.

Theme Song: Die Another Day
Beneath Sigil - The Hive District Sewers

"We have waited long enough. It is clear they have chosen the path of maximum despair."
"M'lord, it is possible they are still attempting to make a decis--"
"Silence. The decision is as simple for them as it is for all of you. Obedience or death. Their insolence will carry a price they cannot begin to imagine. Now bring me the blood of Sigil, let it flow freely until these tunnels are stained red for all eternity."

"Yes my master, we will do as you command." A gathering a black robed figures responded in unison before breaking away to oversee their own responsibilities. Each of them had been delegated their own unit of zombies with which to assault the Hive. It was expected that as they slew the inhabitants of the area they would increase the numbers of their force. The vampire expected to be leading a battalion but had to make due with much less resources due to a variety of unexpected comeuppances.

He himself did not leave the center of the chamber as the congregation of undead and their handlers made their way to the surface. Instead, the vampire just tilted his head up to the ceiling. It seemed as though he was staring at something beyond the worked stone there, his golden mask glowing fiercely from the souls contained within even in the absolute darkness. Far above the Hive in the sky of Sigil a dark cloud was quickly forming, blotting out the insufferable sun. The stormcloud was a magical form of darkness that was drawn to his necrotic core, a miasma of negative feelings and experiences become corporeal. It did not rain as a normal storm would - no, it merely rumbled and crackled with nefarious intent. Not a single drop of live-giving water would fall from it to nurture the earth.

"Typhentus." KB summoned, speaking the new name quietly. The response was a familiar roar and the shuffling of many bodies beyond repair. From a corner of the chamber a hulking form shoveled aside the dead and stood to full stature, easily over ten feet tall and nearly as wide. The creature's gorilla-shaped body of thick metal slabs and bundles of cable dwarfed that of its creator with ease.

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"Go to the surface. There you will find the few capable of resisting us. Destroy them completely." Smiling behind his mask, KB lifted his hands to waist level. The darkness of the chamber and the connected halls shuddered at the movement. His subordinate however simply nodded, breathing out a heavy cloud of poisonous air before lumbering away. Each heavy footstep crushed bones and muck underneath it.

Alone, the nexus of recent events had time to think about what he was doing. His assault on the immediate Hive area would attract a lot of attention. More than that he was concerned that the small stock of remaining virgins in the area would be ruined. Their pure blood would mix with the soiled and become useless to his mask. His greedy and powerful mask which even now fought against his wishes. He tsked under his breath at the cursed item he wore, a battle of wills forcing it to a subdued position. When it finally surrendered the area around him reacted swiftly. An inky blackness pulled itself off the walls and ceiling and flowed to him, allowing for the interior of the sewers to be viewed properly. Whatever had been coating the bricks of the sewer was quickly absorbed through his skin. Even the blackness of his suit bled into himself until the material was a pristine white and he stood in the disguise of a benefactor, a mockery of god.


With a thrust of his right hand to the sky, a tunnel was punched through the rock and soil by an unseen force. Debris scattered in every direction around the hole as KB ascended through it, the dank underground in his sights giving way to a refreshing scene of destruction. The streets of the Hive were alive with chaos as zombies drove their powerful fists through people's bodies or simply tore them apart. The few undead servitors that fell to combined arms were reanimated by the necromancers tucked safely behind the hordes, using their fell magic to rouse their dead victims to violence in between maintaining their initial zombies and lashing out with bolts of fire or acid.

KB floated down to the ground calmly, observing as Typhentus appeared in the distance. The massive creature shoulder-checked an armored vehicle of some successful crime boss into a dilapidated building before turning on the guards surrounding it. Their gunfire reflected off his hide in a shower of sparks before he took them up into his mighty three-clawed hands, crushing them with ease and biting their heads clean off. When he roared in victory to the sky it was with a pink mist of disintegrated human flesh.

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Wave after wave of the dead worked their way through the Hive killing all they could reach. They broke through barricades and into houses to consume the poor. Without mercy they dealt death to the injured, the feeble, the defenseless. Soon it was the same scene everywhere that you looked. Just blood and body parts.

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KB loved it.

Desirable Genius

arrow Lian's Manor--Ladies Ward

"She already will have to pay for what she did. Tilly failed to follow my orders and you lost an arm...And now Lovi's going to use her home for a while. Whatever is in that case is going to kick her out but it won't kill anyone but Tilly. Worse to worse, Tilly has a good head whenever she's making sense....She'll be alright."Julia said, bringing a hand up and holding his face by his chin, frowning as she stared at him. Of course, it was a lie. Tilly may or may not survive this. Not even a nymph could survive an explosion.

Lian though listened to what Arkravis had to say. Looking to Terrance though, she shooed Julia away a moment and patted Terrance's stomach. "Think nothing of it. You are missing something that is vital in saving your life. I have the means, you have the skill to help yourself."She said, getting up from the bed, then moving back to Arkravis' side. Wren would be fine, considering Lian had her own tricks up her sleeve for taking care of her children. There was a ward around her bedroom, connected to a spell circle she had drawn on the underside of her wrist. If something went wrong, it would burn and glow. "As for Lovi...It'll piss her off, but we have to keep an eye on her. The moment the beast rears his ugly head, we can cover her. Protection isn't what she needs, but just an extra pair of eyes on her back and behind her."She said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight a bit. "Your mages that have been following me for some time now are already busy. Let me handle the security issue. I know someone who can help. I'll start making a few...'calls'."

Aged Lunatic

Lian Feaorne
arrow Lian's Manor--Ladies Ward

Lian though listened to what Arkravis had to say. Looking to Terrance though, she shooed Julia away a moment and patted Terrance's stomach. "Think nothing of it. You are missing something that is vital in saving your life. I have the means, you have the skill to help yourself."She said, getting up from the bed, then moving back to Arkravis' side. Wren would be fine, considering Lian had her own tricks up her sleeve for taking care of her children. There was a ward around her bedroom, connected to a spell circle she had drawn on the underside of her wrist. If something went wrong, it would burn and glow. "As for Lovi...It'll piss her off, but we have to keep an eye on her. The moment the beast rears his ugly head, we can cover her. Protection isn't what she needs, but just an extra pair of eyes on her back and behind her."She said, crossing her arms and shifting her weight a bit. "Your mages that have been following me for some time now are already busy. Let me handle the security issue. I know someone who can help. I'll start making a few...'calls'."

Arkravis was not going to sit and back down from the idea as easily as implied. He would raise his brows and chuckle lightly.

"Is that what you think? We've both been more or less bed-ridden since the dance. There is no purpose in having you tailed at home. Besides, doing so would have exposed my condition to the Conclave - the last thing I needed was my position revoked due to illness." It was true enough, Lian hadn't been tailed since the masquerade. Arkravis had made a personal query to investigate the condition of the child she was carrying at the time to keep the Conclave off of her back about it. If anyone had to have made an action regarding that matter, Ark would have not allowed anyone else to do it but himself anyways. Now that the child was born and they were both recovered, Ark saw little need to keep Lian extra protected as many of her previously suppressed powers had returned.

"But I'm sorry. Lian, this time I can't go along with your wishes. Please keep your men out of it this time." His words were firm. He wasn't exactly pleased with having to tell Lian more firmly that she was stepping out of her bounds as merely a corporate head. It would have been acceptable if Lovi had asked to be looked over, but having so venomously discarding all aid, Lian could no longer step in as 'looking after her interests' to protect Lovi.

Desirable Genius

Lian was definitely not used to being told 'no' by anyone. She could slip by, get involved and step out again but for this...She cast Arkravis a bit of an evil eye. Perhaps being on the Sigil planar had influenced him some? Normally he was a bit more compliant, but she knew that was a part of his culture. Women were leaders and courtiers...men not so much. "What?"She questioned. Frowning, she rose on her toes and stared at him. "You're kidding...I can't step out of it. Not if what's going on has affected Terrance and Lovi. I am not going to stand idly by."She shook her head, lowering down to the flat of her feet again.

"There can be a compromise in this I think. Why don't we combine our forces in this? Someone has to go investigate where Terrance was attacked anyway and then someone needs to keep an eye on Lovi...We combine your Conclave and my personal mage, then I don't see why the two can't keep in contact?"Lian said, rubbing her chin a bit as she thought on this. It was possible he could say 'yes' to this, but in addition, it was time that perhaps the mages of Fal'lain and the Conclave met at some point. What better than the one she trusted the most? "What do you think?"She asked.

Aged Lunatic

Arkravis would lean against the rail of the door way, finding himself a more comfortable position. It looked like he had a bit of explaining on his end to do.

"That would actually do more harm than good. We have already tried sending one individual down, and you can plainly see the results of that." Arkravis would nod over to Terrance, who seemed to be preoccupied by Julia. "If we were to co-ordinate, I would recommend you add whomever you had in mind into the sewer investigation, and leave the stalking to another of my operatives. I know you wish to aid Lovi - but you should not willingly throw away what friendship you have with her when alternatives exist. If she were to somehow link her shadow to you, she may be tempted to completely sever all ties. I, however risk nothing in this exchange, as I am acting out of the interests of the Conclave to capture and interrogate this 'KB' or one of his operatives."

Arkravis would look over to his lover with calm eyes. "Besides, a direct confrontation with this assassin may result the same as with Terrance here. Can you tell me honestly that you could sacrifice this individual you intend to send after Miss Lovi? You tend to play your pieces too close to your heart, m'love."

Lian could delegate, but often she ended up sending people she cared deeply for. Arkravis loss of memory as well as his oft dangerous position of power had taught him that the task at hand needed to be prioritized over personal connections. At least with his version of the compromise, he could be sure that Lian's special 'call in' had a guardian. But in truth, he also knew that if Lian sent someone after Lovi, that person's first concern would be the protection of Lovi's life and not the capture of the assailant. Such a difference could be costly to the investigation. Akravis, however, would not voice that concern, as it would seem far too cold for Lian to agree to.

Desirable Genius

arrow Lian's Manor--Ladies Ward

Lian's ears flattened out a bit, not very happy with the result. Though...he was right. She had been the one to send Terrance to the Hive. It was her fault for sending an over-eager kid. Lian ran a hand through her hair, shifting and moving over to the infirmary bed closer to the door. Now there was this heavy guilt sitting on her shoulders in the fact that a kid had lost an arm, a debilitating injury...Lian shook her head, furrowing her brow. "You're right...Sorry..."She said, sighing. "But I know he's capable and competent. He's sturdy and wise for his age...but Byrn would probably never forgive me if something seriously happened to him. Even if he chose to enter the Mage academy in Fal'lain on his own."

Lian looked up to him, a little hurt though but she was fairly understanding with it. "He'll work with the investigation of the sewers...but I want to get updates from your personal stalkers about what's going on around Lovi. We work together on this, not disjointed."Lian added firmly. "And you'll meet him before he goes to investigate."

Wicked Healer

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The Hive District

Click-Clack, Click-Clack, Click-Clack, Click-clack.... The heals of her shoes rang out against the broken surface of the old road, each step deliberate and measured, confident and carefully placed to avoid the debris and trash that littered parts of the road.

Her eyes were half closed, sight could be distracting, she had found, so there was little chance that anyone would note her strange eyes... not that she thought anyone would note much about her beyond her eye catching outfit... it was best that way, people always underestimated her when they were busy looking at her clothes and making assumptions based on the inappropriate outfits!

This outfit was wildly inappropriate for the ramshackle, run down area of Sigil that was called The Hive. Red kitten heeled shoes that upped her total height to five foot two, a candy apple red pleated skirt that came down only to mid-thigh, and a white school girl style short sleeved shirt with a red cape style collar. Her long red and black stripped hair had been coiled into two small buns on top of her head with the remainder left to spill down her back, but her bangs were still long enough to cover her eyes if they hadn't been carefully curled to keep them out of the way, the outfit was finished off with finger-less red leather gloves, and a large leather-bound book was slung over her right shoulder with a thick red satin ribbon to hold it in place instead of a book bag.

She was looking for someone... but at this point it was almost a better bet that they would find her before she managed to find them, hence the "I'm an idiot, come rob me!" outfit. At the worst she figured she would have a bit of fun trying to find them...

So the heels clicked along as she paid no attention to where she wandered and who might have noticed her progress thus far.... either trouble would find her, or she would find KB.....
KB... obviously wasn't expecting a visit from a kinky schoolgirl. In all the chaos of his zombies and necromancers spilling out through the Hive it wasn't too hard to go around unnoticed. That being said as one got closer to the epicenter of the conflict ( KB himself ) the chances of them being mobbed by zombies increased. Luckily for people on foot however the monstrosity KB had created was busy taking apart cars and such.

Sensing a lull in the violence, KB stopped to pull off his golden mask. It's interior was dripping wet with condensation, and that same water dripped off his chin to the broken cement below. Using his free hand, KB swept it through his hair to put it back a bit. The mask itself continued to glow searing hot, smoldering his cold flesh where he held it.

"Ahhh... beautiful." He remarked, watching an explosion erupt down the road where a vehicle got thrown into a storefront. Broken glass and mangled bodies everywhere. Buildings caving in on themselves. The sky dark with smoke. A vision of perfection.

Aged Lunatic

Lian Feaorne
arrow Lian's Manor--Ladies Ward

Akravis's plastered appearance broke into a warm reassuring smile. Lian was making decisions as a leader, but she did one as a devout one in a situation that took advantage of that fact. Arkravis loathed it himself, but his former personality had some policies right: You had to be ruthless against the ruthless.

"Both of those can easily be done. Actually, I have been meaning to speak with you on that matter... but the location here is poor for such a discussion. We will speak of it again on Pastan, once this business here in Sigil is finished. For now, I will keep you up to date personally of everything that occurs with Lovi." The Avion would reach a gloved hand to rub the middle of Lian's spine affectionately.

"If you are ok with it. I would like to tend to and speak with Terrance a while still. Call your contact and I will meet with him as soon as I am finished?"

There was that assuring dominance again. Lian remembered how calm and in control Arkravis always seemed to be, and how he used that to comfort her the first time they met. The warmth of his hands seeped into her skin like a blanket fresh out of the warm summer sun. Lian may not have liked passing on the torch to him, but something in that warmth beckoned her to trust him.

Desirable Genius

arrow Lian's Manor--Ladies Ward

Lian managed to crack a smile, rubbing the back of her neck in a modest fashion. She patted his leg, perhaps a little higher than most would, getting to her feet. She leaned down, giving him a brief kiss and smoothing down his hair. "Of course. I'll be out in the hallway if you need me."Lian said, shrugging and heading toward the door. Down the hall there was an old telephone that was an old turn-dial phone but on the body of the phone there was another spell circle. She could use it to communicate through the planars, but also, to get into contact with those who didn't quite favor telephones, Cameron being one of them. She waited until she heard a rustling, and a soft spoken, deep voice answering. "Cameron! This is your Auntie Lian. I need a favor."She sung a bit.

"Any favors you have asked has been dangerous in the past...What is it?"Cameron said over the phone, his version being a gemstone on his staff that glowed and spoke.

"An investigation. Not too dangerous, but you need to prepare a transport circle for Sigil. I need you to be here within the day."Lian said. There were few words after that before Lian hung up the phone.

Wicked Healer

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A car exploded a few blocks down the road, the fire and rain of bits of metal, flesh and glass being enough to actually catch her attention... chaotic orange eyes blinked and focused on the shambling remnants that were trying to rip the vehicles and buildings of The Hive apart. "Interesting...." To say that she had not been paying attention before... was a serious understatement!

However, Rae had always wondered what would happen if if she tried to use her power on the undead. They had no life force to steal, but they were powered by... something... was it something that could be stolen, or was it more akin to the power that animated the Reapers...A question that she might be able to answer today, yay! whee

Well, when in doubt... ask! 4laugh

A zombie was tearing at car just a few buildings down, and so Rae decided that this would be a good opportunity to ask for directions... or at least attempt to make her intentions clear. She moved quickly over to the beast, hoping to find something a bit more intelligent, but most of the humans were fleeing in terror, and she tended to think of them as less than intelligent most of the time anyhow. "Excuse me, I'm looking for an old acquaintance of mine, he goes by K-Blob, or KB... have you heard of him?" Raven was smiling that sweet smile of hers, the one that her friends knew as a precursor of serious trouble... not that she had any friends left who knew the meaning of her smile.... besides, the fact that she was trying to talk to a shambling corps was more an excuse to cause trouble than anything that could have been given away in her smile!

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