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  • Artist Info: Hey people, you can just call me, Dave. I live in New Jersey, i've been playing video games since i was 2 years old. i was born the 24th of October in 1991. i don't know why but i think that was a Thursday. i usually consider myself a bit of a nerd but i'm pretty athletic for what i am. i really like cold weather, the summer is never a good time for me, but winter is just amazing, the cool always feels great.<br />
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    Ladies, i'm sorry to tell you but i'm taken. i am in a very happy relationship with the most perfect woman in the world, Angel. god, i love her so much, i can't believe it. there are so many things i want to tell her but i can never really find the right words. who knows, maybe someone here will be able to help me with that.<br />
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    at school i'm on the track team for winter and spring. i just throw shot-put in winter, and i throw shot and disc in spring. being apart of the team is rarely a dull moment and the practices are usually fun. the best part of any practice is getting to lift, i feel so alive when i'm lifting, it's one of the best feelings in the world. <br />
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    the only feeling better than that is when i'm with, Angel. there is no feeling better than the way i feel when i'm with her. she always makes me feel so complete, like we were meant to be together. i know that that's just a bunch of nonsense that's spewed from every terrible romance movie ever made, but i swear to god that it's true. i even believe in reincarnation, who knows, maybe she and i were together in a past life too.<br />
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    well that's pretty much all that comes to mind. you can also find me on Sheezyart: http://keldorix.sheezyart.com/
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