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I joined on Sunday January 13, 2008.

I have been on Hiatus since Sunday March 20, 2016.
Now on Sunday January 15, 2017 I wish to leave for good.

came back...19/05/2017...for the art and
to give back to gaia what it has given me,
thought there's no point in me leaving random
items and gold in my account if others can have it,

09/06/2017 I think i got sucked back into gaia...

10/07/2017 ^ nope, no gold, majority of friends are gone and i'm not socially connected to this site anymore so bye bye Gaia,
i will miss you and all the fun times i have had but it is time to say goodbye & wish you well.
if anyone would like to keep contact, which i'd very much appreciate because i'll miss you all! then I'm most active on my Insta


10/09/2017 ^ nope? well while i'm still on hiatus, I am back and forth on this site mostly because new items are gorgeous and because i love avatar customization, that and it takes away the boredom when i have absolutely nothing else to do, so yes i'm here but also not here, am i a ghost?

07/10/2018 - hello again guys, just checking in and ghosting about, I bought some art and its hella cute.
but besides that I just wanted to plug my blog on here, which i'm seriously happy about, if you could have a read and leave a comment I'd be so super grateful, also if you have a blog of your own or know someone who has a rad blog then please link me to it because I need more blogs to follow and love.

*plug* *plug *plug*


07/04/2019 - Just thought I'd point out, as I'm English we write dates a little differently, so to put it in plain terms, it's the 7th of April 2019, I know you guys aren't stupid but I know people write it differently.


Yeah I'm BACK! ...Again.

...what is up with these flairs?! I love them! of course gaia would find another way of getting me to spend my hard earned cash on them.

Carrying on from flairs, I found these cute new item colours - Kashmiri and Blooming and oh my word they are gorgeous!
Funny I'm not a huge fan of green or pink separately but together they are my Favourite thing in the world.

I've started to be a lot more active in CB again and I'm loosely in the Art and Charity forums...
but other than that I sit in my "Questing for Junk" Thread,
which is a 'questing but not really thread' where I give away more gold than I get but I enjoy it.

That's all for now, speak soon, unless I disappear again c:

I'm boorrrreeeeeeedddddddddd ...

not the greatest start to the new year is it? *sigh*

btw ignore the long asf 'wishlist' its more for personal tracking than anything else, besides I like showcasing cute items on my profile ^^;

06 June 2020:
got hacked *sigh*

16 february 2021:
Finally got my account back!

wow been a while since I've updated this lil profile journal huh...
so looking at my profile and that 'wishlist' looks humongous, I'm going to have to seriously downsize because its wayy too expensive to actually try and get all of this... emotion_facepalm

also this site is just getting more and more out of hand as time goes on... like the minimum you can buy an item (not a silly rig or something) is like 600gc, which is like a minimum spend of 10$ or something, WHAT!, why gaia why!? I bet before long the little flairs that are normally 2.50$ will be like 5$ or 10$ cry I'm all up for 'helping' gaia out with its obvious money problems but for real, i just want to enjoy this site like i used to... gaia is dying and so even 'making friends' is non exisitent ; w ;

Hiya, again..
I have started a quest for a ticket, need collabs on it but oml,
I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time redface
if anyone was wondering what the ticket is for it's to
recolor the cubhai jacket and i know it's going to look so adorbs!
so wish me luck i guess!
...I'm finally in the place where the big top notch gaians hang

managed to downsize my wishlist too, it looks so neat, it took me a hot minute to organise and look cute, (not that anyone cares but me) but i like it, i most probs won't buy anything from my wishlist anymore because of the ticket but who knows maybe one day it will dwindle down //shrugs


I cry wayy too much...
just call me sailor moon.

...btw i'm so close to subbing my very first ticket!! how cool is that?! so excited! emotion_bigheart

heyyy back again its later ^ THAT day, I SUBBED MY FIRST TICKET!!!
I should have a cubhai recolored coat at some point in the future!! so excited!! <3

soo exhausted lately, running out of things to do on here again and i'm struggling for time in my day-to-day life. life sucks sometimes. I was late for picking my daughter up from school and I had a complete mental breakdown, thankfully my hubby came back and spoilt me so I felt a little better. I need more happy things in my life, more things to look forward to. 3nodding

- just came back to gaia after another lil hiatus,i feel like the only thing keeping me here is waiting for that recolour and occasionally talking to friends.

new news: been playing destiny2 again, it's the 30th anniversary and gjallarhorn is back so i'm thrilled to be playing with d1 weapons again. for anyone wondering what destiny is, it's a first person shooter, set in space with aliens running around trying to kill you... basically. I enjoy it.

New years resolutions:
Be more original be more me.
finish whats started.
accept myself for who I am.
be kinder to myself.
allow my personal growth to grow.
be happy with the little things

"practice is improvement, not perfection"I heard this just the other day, I can't remember who said but it's stuck by me. You can't be perfect, no-one can be PERFECT, perfection is an illusion the media creates, but what IS possible is to improve and learn along the way.
Every fail is just like roller skating, you fall, you get back up, you try again and you get better.
Everything in life is a learning curve, nothing is straight forward and easy to achieve. No matter what, you can do this! WE can do this! <33

18:17 - Happy New years btw!!

oh is this the first post back in 2022.. wow. been doing this lil 'journal' type thing on my profile for a long while now.. i think since 2017.. didn't think it was going for that long o 3o

^ later that day.. 12:36pm
i didn't post here when it happened but my item released!!
it's called 'umm cuddles?' and its the cutest lil item with the cutest colour schemes! i'm obsessed! i hope people love it as much as i do.
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it came out on 03/03/2022, and it just so happened to be a day i wasn't online but nevertheless i'm so super thrilled with the item.. it might be 'common' and it might not 'sell well' but i love it and i hope others love it too.

i'm hoping to bring out a whole scheme in the future called meadow magic with all my favourite sof colours, it'll be so cute but maybe thats an idea for next year?
I also want to bring out the cubhai legs and the bullet hell bangs, and of course another jacket but that one'll have to wait <33~

its been a few months since i was last here, i've decided to take a little break from gaia, just life getting a little to overwhelming. i will be back, i assure you, i'm never gone for too long <3

friday 15th July 2022:
back for a little while, decided to just clean things up a bit like my invo and wishlist.. although with this wish list glitching i can't really remove or move anything in there which is a bit annoying but i'm sure it'll be fixed soon.

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also managing to stay somewhat active between my quest thread and keeping that updated and this here thread in the quest/charity forum called 'cat street', its the cutest lil thread it truly is, you basically get your own house on cat street and theres events that take place kinda like those mmporg games and you get to clean and do gardening and basically just live out your life in this imaginary beautiful place. honestly juri did a great job at making it come to life and creating this dream place and sugoi squirrel recently decorated some houses including mine! (^shown at the top of my profile) and its just so aesthetic and cute! honestly if i could move in irl, i would! <3

anyways i think thats enough of an update for now. ttyl all c:

Mon 14 Nov 2022:
it's been another long while since I was here, not a lot of things have happened since i've been gone but to name a few, my daughter started back to school, my car broke down, my computer died, i've been doing a lot of reorganising and decorating around the home, its been hectic but not a whole lot is going on, i came back today out of boredom, but it doesn't look like a whole lot has changed, anyone want to tell me what user items have been released this past month? unfortunately i cannot buy anything as i only have 20kp ; w ; but i can pine for it and window shop all i like sweatdrop
I NEED to make the legs to the coat I made too but i don't know if i can be bothered to do it redface

anyway off i go and i guess i'll update this later? <3

Wednesday 1st Feb 2023:
I can't believe its 2023... FEBRUARY ALREADY?!
I don't know if i've much love for being here anymore I have to be honest, i used to love talking in the threads and staying active and 'questing' or dressing up my avi but i just don't know if I want to come here anymore, not just that but i don't get the time to be here, since becoming a mum and trying to figure out my own life and ways of things everything online has just slowly gone down hill.
there'll probably be a time where instead of every couple of months it'll be every couple of years *eek*

-things which have happened in the last month-
my bunny died, which i know to some might not seem like much but she was home bunny that i loved and adored and really bonded with for 6 years (ever since my daughter was small) and so she really became a part of the family, i thought of her as just another daughter to be honest. she was my little fluffy rock and used to ground me after a super bad day/week. I still have her husbun and i feel we're keeping each other company but i am worried for his wellbeing on his own.
christmas was a bit of a s**t show i feel. i didn't spend any time with my sister which is normally the best bit and i kinda missed her (she was with her partners family over christmas) but also it just didn't feel festive, financially it was spread thin but also we weren't really surrounded by family, we did what we could but it just hasn't seemed magical these last few years...
other than that, its all just very stressful being alive and being present. financially with the obvious strain on living and mentally with the way the world is and the way my personal life is. and physically as i feel like the older im getting the more my body is stopping... I've been trying for a second baby for about 4 years now and its just seemingly impossible, no doctor wants to see me, everyone tells me i should be grateful for having 1 child and my body is slowly slipping, before i know it, i'll be in menopause and there'll be no biological way of me having a child.... *sigh*
rant over but i'll be taking a long break and i don't know if i'll check in and i don't know for how long. ; w ;
(watch i'll probs be back next week with a new post sweatdrop )

12/03/23: 13:59
funilly enough this ^ lasted about a month...
in fact i seem to be more present here because of me not wanting to be in my personal life..., doesn't that apply to most people who are still on this site though? redface

I'm doing better now though, doesn't feel like the WHOLE world is caving in, just a bit of it. hopefully adulthood gets easier at some point ^-^"

Friday 19th May 2023 @ 11:48am

life is s**t...

wed 19th July @9:17am

rant rant rant...


don't think i ever acknowledged that this has turned into a somewhat journal/thoughts dump...

10 dec 2023
...I'm thirty flirty and thriving...

19/12/23 @19:56pm
just 6 days until Christmas !
actually having a better end to the year than when it started...

: : :

Paige | 30 | Mummy of 1|
Been on gaia officially since 2008
on and off since 2014
I mostly hang out in the cb/art forums.

if you like...

✿ travelling,
✿ yungblud,
✿ lotr,
✿ snails,
✿ plants,
✿ thrifting,
✿ gaming,

chat with me although
don’t expect quick responses
orz i'm so slow sorry.

: : :

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-Lunar Ice goddess- on 07/01/2024
OtakuKat on 06/26/2024
starcell on 06/19/2024
milkufistu on 06/17/2024
River of Night on 06/10/2024
Noir Faye on 06/08/2024
Uchi-Michi on 06/05/2024
Gummie Bandit on 06/01/2024
LaVidaBonita on 05/30/2024
Cannabean on 05/28/2024
honey lattes on 05/21/2024
TurtleTots on 05/20/2024
assetiquette on 05/20/2024
Phylea on 05/13/2024
HalationArt on 04/30/2024
jinn in a bottle on 04/22/2024
Shy Vessel on 04/15/2024
cchalk on 04/14/2024
Milfy Hinata on 04/07/2024
Tahyang Shiness on 04/07/2024

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I made this item
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-umm cuddles-
♡ ♡ ♡

View All Comments

3LANC Report | 06/05/2024 12:29 pm
I wasn't sure if I should post this in your thread. So I figured this would be better. Gaia is going to be hosting a virtual pride parade in Zomg later this week. If you're interested. Here's a link to the thread with all the details There's also going to be an avi art contest, a pride sign contest, and tons of other fun things on top of all of that. All throughout the entire month of Pride. emotion_rainbow emotion_rainbow emotion_rainbow
-Lunar Ice goddess- Report | 05/14/2024 4:41 pm
hi honey, I hope you're doing well <3
I miss you. heart
Phylea Report | 05/13/2024 1:36 am
Your avi is adorable
-Lunar Ice goddess- Report | 04/11/2024 2:11 pm
little fishy fishy glub glub

tbh i feel like EVERYTHING is wrong with me :c
i.. dont want to be.. existing. :c

swimming all around me

-Lunar Ice goddess- Report | 04/11/2024 12:58 pm
i really dont know what's wrong with me.. but thank you honey, i appreciate it.
LickYouToDeath Report | 01/06/2024 9:17 am
LickYouToDeath Report | 01/05/2024 8:35 pm
Thanks for buying from my store pls revisit again soon
Paper Mache Dollfie Report | 12/13/2023 2:43 am
No problem. <3 Hope you had a lovely birthday, and that you have a good Christmas!
Paper Mache Dollfie Report | 12/11/2023 3:38 pm
Happy belated birthday wishes. ^^
honey lattes Report | 12/10/2023 6:01 am
whee happy birthday !!!! heart

Meet Snail

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Artist: sugasu

Meet Bunny

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artist: hanjeoo
xX Lil_Gem Xx
Brooklyn Hyuuga
Rose Colored Boy
Akimoto Chiaki
Liv Smiles
Milk Sugar Intolerant
hana seong
Paper Mache Dollfie
-Lunar Ice goddess-
honey lattes

xX Lil_Gem Xx

Lil ol' Me

A r e Y o u S t a l k i n g M e ?

T a l k . T o . M e

M y . H o m e

W L . T r a c k e r

ʚɞ⁺⸝⸝˖ ✧˖°.