Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon's avatar

Birthday: 10/30

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Oh Sweet Lucifer Report | 10/06/2024 2:11 pm
Oh Sweet Lucifer
Lol I have that item too
Sailor Jupiter Report | 10/01/2024 7:42 pm
Sailor Jupiter
I know it will emotion_kirakira
EEEEE!!!! Thank you, Moonie. I am so happy with this Jup emotion_yatta emotion_bigheart
Tuxedo Mask Report | 09/30/2024 4:13 am
Tuxedo Mask
Sailor Jupiter Report | 09/29/2024 11:47 am
Sailor Jupiter
You got this you're gonna have so much fun emotion_kirakira
Sailor Jupiter Report | 09/29/2024 10:54 am
Sailor Jupiter
Hope October goes well for you emotion_bigheart
Sailor Jupiter Report | 09/28/2024 8:35 pm
Sailor Jupiter
Star HeaIer Report | 09/22/2024 8:02 pm
Star HeaIer
emotion_hug 💚
SaiIor Mars Report | 09/22/2024 4:14 am
SaiIor Mars
Marveling Adventurer Report | 09/18/2024 2:22 pm
Marveling Adventurer
Odd Cinderella Report | 09/17/2024 3:44 pm
Odd Cinderella
I WAS AT WORK! crying


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Hello there! My name on Gaia is Moon User Image
Formally known as Princess Tsukino, that name now resides on a mule.

I'm a Forum Assistant for Gaia Online, as an FA I move misplaced threads from forums to which I'm assigned.

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User Image Ngl I'm a bit of a profile lurker, I'm incredibly shy, awkward, and introverted, so it's rare for me to reach out.
I tend to keep to myself most of the time.

User Image I'm a cosplayer irl and have been on a hiatus due to making cosplays and props currently for 2024 cons ^.^

User Image Sailor Moon is basically owns my life right now, I collect merch, plushes, figurines, proplicas, magazines, and the list goes on!
My other hobbies and likes are reading/writing/roleplay, playing on my switch/computer, Pokémon, sleeping, trying new food, watching movies/series, and many more!

User Image I used to be active around 2010-2012ish as Sailor Moon Kou/Senshi Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon` is my old main from 2006!

User Image Tuxedo Mask is my husband irl, he doesn't go on Gaia much but feel free to comment him for some daily plat lol

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Sorry, I don't accept random friend requests.
Please talk to me first =)

Forever Questing: Triple Treat Tickets
Blooming is my favorite color scheme

Collections completed: Usa Usa Chan

My guilds:
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Old usernames from 2010-2015:
Sailor Moon Kou
Senshi Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon Hime (can no longer access anymore but it's still there!)
Minako Aino Love
iMakoto Kino
I Dark Mars I
I Dark Neptune I
Senshi Sailor Mars
Senshi Michiru
Sailor Mars Rei Hino
Senshi Sailor Sun/ Sailor Sun Naomi

Princess Tsukino - (2022)

Gaian since 2006 c:

I don't mind answering what item my avatar has on, but please do not copy my entire avatar.

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Tuxedo Mask
Marveling Adventurer
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus
Sailor PIuto
Eternal SaiIor Uranus
Sailor Mercury
Chibi Moon