

Raised By Bats

Raised By Bats's avatar


Call me Sin.~
Pansexual and Polyamorous heart
Literate role player! Very selective!
Para and up preferred.~ Less is fine but give me something good to work with.. quality over quantity.~
I'm here more for chatting than role playing though.
I have many interests in anime and video games.
Of course I love all kinds of music.~
I used to draw all the time ages ago.. thinking about getting back into it.. avi art is always nice xD
I do have discord but I will rarely ever give it out.
I am only here to make friends and chat on my spare time.
Not looking to date anyone here, sorry.~
I do have boundaries when it comes to my personal life, I hope you can respect it.
If you are prone to drama and being overly clingy.. Please don't bother with me. I have enough to deal with in my end.
I'm pretty chill to talk to so hit me up.~
You can friend request me if you'd like, it would be nice to know why before I accept but if not well hopefully we can chat and become friends anyway!
Please try to be respectful, I don't mind flirty or affectionate people but don't expect anything from me.~
Creeps will get blocked!
Cuties are always welcome though! I'm a sucker for cuties.~
Please be my friend! redface




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Sultry Criminal Report | 06/09/2024 5:04 pm
Sultry Criminal
Moneygrab comment attack!
flower sign Report | 06/07/2024 10:44 pm
flower sign
heart Hope you've been doing very well, my friend!
Melty Bats Report | 06/01/2024 12:32 pm
Melty Bats
I'm so jelly! Thats seriously awesome!
Ive always wanted something like this but the PRIIIIIIIIIIICEEEEEEEEEEEE
Melty Bats Report | 06/01/2024 11:47 am
Melty Bats
Aw, thats so amazing!! I dont know if youve heard of Wednesday 13, but they're in the stratosphere... kind of XD
And I got to meet them two years ago, and I felt SO bad because I was holding back tears and he was like "Hey hey whats up?" And I told him I'd been trying to see them since I was 12 years old, and how they made me so normal in my style and things I liked and was made fun of for, and I swear to god he was trying not to cry himself XD

Only took 21 years for me to finally see them XD

I COLLECT CRYSTALS. At least, I used to! I still have some Fluorite [my favorite <3] and angel aura quartz [not real, but GORGEOUS anyway]
Thats so cool!!!

And you're welcome <3!!
Melty Bats Report | 06/01/2024 11:29 am
Melty Bats
Melty Bats Report | 06/01/2024 11:28 am
Melty Bats
OMG AURAL VAMPIRE ;3; I HAVENT HEARD THEM IN FOREVER!!! I love darkwave and industrial.

And Kanon Wakashima, too! My god she was BRILLIANT.
And yes yes yess! add me! <3 I love making new friends, especially ones with *FANTASTIC* Taste in music AND people!
Voltaire has been to Kansas [where I live] multiple times, just for Halloween Haunting funsies, and his Gothic home makeover show is amazing XDD

Have you heard of Sulfuric Acid, or Plastic Tree?
Melty Bats Report | 06/01/2024 11:10 am
Melty Bats
bat** wow XD

I love how Gaia is being literally overtaken by bats xD
Melty Bats Report | 06/01/2024 11:10 am
Melty Bats
I was like "Surely...SURELY one of my favorites wont be on the list...SURELY" lol!!!
Though I do love Hyde, and Tommy Heavenly6 too. They ALL did a huge Halloween music "orchestra" years and years ago that I wish they would have done more with ;3;

And I had a bad named Voltaire, so, when I saw your username I just HAD to come over here and creep.
Melty Bats Report | 06/01/2024 10:50 am
Melty Bats
I too, was raised by bats! <3 I love your avi, your name, AND your profile. Absolutely adore Jrock and Jmetal too.
Whose your favorite artist? =O
k a n r a d e s u Report | 05/29/2024 4:20 pm
k a n r a d e s u
Aww too kind redface
It's worth the risk, I promise.
The knife will protecc not attacc

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