HELLO, MYYY NAAAME IIIS CAT. It's short for something, but everybody calls me Cat. My SUPERAWESOMEMAZING cousin goes on Gaia too and his username is HarryPottersomethingsomethingsomething. (not literally; all I know is it has the words Harry and Potter in it. And possibly the numbers 821 and a _). He is in my friends list like duh so kindly friend him and maybe me? WHEE. kbye <3
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Plan Old AnimeXGirl's Gaia Problem
I'm Plain Old AnimeXGirl (Call me AnimeGirl) and I plan to write about an interesting problem I'm having with Gaia.
"What the Hell is a party cast?"
~Kai Uketomero (BLooDY SILHOUEttE)
95% of teens would panic if Edward Cullen was on a 250 foot building about to jump. Copy this if you are one of the 5% who brought popcorn, a chair, and shouted "DO A FLIP!"
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