My Adoring Fans

imabadspeler on 12/17/2023
Fluffy Floof on 11/17/2023
DarkMoonSlayer on 08/08/2023
EnlightendMind on 01/16/2022
Mister Banter on 03/31/2021
Neori-Salem on 01/30/2021
Scentrus Darmoset on 08/09/2020
JadaDoesArt on 09/12/2019
SiinSama on 06/19/2019


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PEERLESSxMAVERICK Report | 03/21/2022 4:27 pm
A stray cat wanders by but, there is no home in this world but the one you seek out when all others fade to dust. We wander on in a short passing as we cross our paths. We may yet meet again. My load is light and cares are free, may this someday also be thee.
kurl Report | 05/22/2017 3:48 am
Yeah add me on there, i think it's fantastikurl. i dont use it much but im down to talk to ya whenever im free
kurl Report | 05/21/2017 12:53 am
pretty good. taking it easy i guess, working. not much else
kurl Report | 05/20/2017 11:10 pm
Yeah I spoke with her
kurl Report | 05/20/2017 11:56 am
Hey Kor sorry things haven't gotten easier with the homelessness. It must be rough, I feel for you. I'd gladly be your friend again if you really have changed. The only reason I cut ties with you was because you had an unhealthy obsession with getting back in the guild and people there didn't treat you right but you never listened. I'm sure you remember that but yeah it was never because of who you were or anything, just because it was best to cut you off from that.
Not Your 13aby Report | 03/25/2017 5:51 am
Thank you for buying~ yum_puddi emotion_bigheart
Liessa Morgan Report | 03/15/2017 2:23 pm
Thanks for your purchase heart
Have a nice day wink
MasterNinja99 Report | 03/07/2017 5:24 pm
Thanks for buying!
Aliraluna Report | 03/07/2017 11:13 am
Hiiii thank you so much for your purchase heart heart heart heart
Feline Dominatrix Report | 03/03/2017 3:30 pm
Thanks for buying. It seems you know my mom.

Name: Shon Branin

Kor Saiyajinkami's avatar

Last Login: 04/15/2024 1:18 pm

Gender: Male

Birthday: 06/17

About Me

Facebook:______ Kor.D.SJK
DuelingNetwork:_ LSSJ2 Kor SJK
DeviantArt:_____ KorSJK
Skype:_________ Kor_the_Legendary_Kami

Fave Food:_______ Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco Supreme w/ No Lettuce
Fave Beverage:___ Strawberry Dr. Pepper (3/4 Dr. Pepper + 1/4 Strawberry Fanta)
Fave Dessert:____ Cookie Dough Cheesecake
Fave Anime:______ Dragonball Z
Fave TV Show:____ Supernatural
Fave Movie_______ To Be Determined
Fave Video Game:_ Darksiders (Haven't Completed It), Ratchet and Clank: Tools of
___________________Destruction (cuz the Rhino IV is ******** awesome), and Jak 3 ___________________(IT'S A 3-WAY TIE)
Fave Book Series:_ Game of Thrones (haven't read past book 3 yet), Harry Potter,
___________________and Hunger Games (IT'S A 3-WAY TIE)
Fave Webcomic:___ Dragonball Multiverse

Bio: Put aside all the information that I've already provided and this would be what else I want to inform you of. Basically I'm currently unemployed & homeless and am working to get off the streets with help from a Mental Health Program known as The STAY Process that is a program that is part of Providence Community Service. Currently am looking for a job that is a Supportive Employment Job or an Under-tghe-Table Job and not a Competitive Employment Job for reasons I won't specify other than Saiyan that I am unable to keep a Competitive Employment Job due to Mental Health reasons.

I am a very big fan of anime/cartoons of non-Jap variety, but as of currently don't read manga tho I am seriously considering reading it due to some of the Spoilers that I've allowed some of my friend to give me for certain anime and because the dubbed version of Bleach is coming to an end and it doesn't look like they plan on continuing any time soon if at all.

I also love to play Video Games on Console Platforms whether they be Playstation/X-Box Consoles or handhelds like the NDS/N3DS or the PSP/PS Vita, but since I am homeless and currently don't have any Console Platforms I don't get to play them very often. Also since I don't have a Cell Phone at the moment since it is broken I also am unable to play NDS Games on it using a NDS Emulator tho I do plan on continuing to play them as soon as I fix my phone or get a new one.

I think that is all there is to know about me, but if there is more you wish to know about me then shoot me a PM and I will most likely let you know since for the most part I'm an open book as long as the info you ask for me to let you know isn't too personal and isn't against Gaia Rules/Guidelines/ToS.
Scentrus Darmoset
Dusky of Old
Mors Morza
Strikers Daughter
Princess Angelishia
shinigami gr4ve
Scentrus Darmoset
Suzie Rue
Hinote Tosatsu

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