

Kiro_Shinigami's avatar

Birthday: 06/28



Ahh, you've made it thiiiis far, Just click the link for a hangout where you can flex your roleplay muscles. Just read the rules and keep to em and jump in.

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Hello, I am Kiro, I was around when Gaia was born and still here to this day on and off as its been a wild a** ride! I seen some stuff that causes 1000 yard stare for sure and been through some eyes of needles when this magnificent rear of mine really doesn't FIT through eyes of needles.

I love to ramble and doodle and create, Im hella creative and if not here doing stuff I am making a Glampire on IMVU, Thats a Glamorous Empire, not some sparkly Vampire XD I create and wear the finest of Femboy clothes on IMVU.
What is a Femboy? An effeminate man who enjoys dressing like opposite sex ad some you cant even tell they are men unless they say so. Im a guy tho so Hello XD!

I am Gay and single but not interested in anyone on Gaia so no thanks.

Hobbies include, Music, Sci fi and anything space related, Cooking and creating art/items. Talk to me about Dark Souls or any From soft game, I will talk your ears off.

If you feel curious to know more, just contact me.


I create/created items, I have been so fortunate as to work with epic people and stand in epic circles. Its a happy flex and I consider myself lucky!
I am responsible for the items Gladsome Terra, Cosmic Hind Of Avalon and Kiro's Sinful Salacubus. AND NOW Anurla's Stellar Awakening and Stellar Salacubus, This is a joint item with Metropol Rubbish. My recolours of my ORIGINAL items designed drawn and dreamt up by me are all below as is the comprehensive guide to wearing them!

How to wear Kiro hair!

More items are coming my empire is no where near done growing!

My very first Silver Scissors hair "A Stars Ascension" My exclusive hair! SOLD OUT!
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And the free recolour, "A Stars return."
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My Third hair " A stars Luminosity!"

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Fourth Hair: "A Stars Love."
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Fifth Hair: " A stars Promise."
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Sixth Hair " A Stars Dream."
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Cheerio o;


View All Comments

TomKat_Sky Report | 08/19/2024 8:27 pm

Thank You, Ki!
yum_cupcake emotion_hug emotion_brofist

TomKat_Sky Report | 06/29/2024 8:28 pm

I know. I posted Late on the 28th.


TomKat_Sky Report | 06/28/2024 5:34 pm

yum_cupcake HAPPY BIRTHDAY! yum_cupcake

AshenWiitch Report | 05/20/2024 9:54 pm
It has been a very long time since I have seen your name. I hope you are doing well - Lix
Kuroshix Report | 03/18/2024 12:55 pm
let me knoow
Kuroshix Report | 03/18/2024 9:32 am
whaaa congraatzz!! send pics!!
Kuroshix Report | 03/18/2024 9:17 am
how ya been beauty?
Kuroshix Report | 03/18/2024 8:31 am
le~ smooch
Gweniview IV Report | 02/05/2024 8:54 am
Gweniview IV
Thanks for the purchase ~ heart
Verloki Report | 02/05/2024 7:10 am
Nahh. It's all dainty AF in order to blend in with the local melancholic civilization of this ghost town.

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