Just A Bit Witchy's avatar

Birthday: 12/26/1987


"Never put your faith in a Prince.
When you require a miracle, trust in a Witch."
-Catherynne M. Valente, In the Night Garden

Currently: RIP, Cookie.


Just call me Jen, please!

Little things you should know about me

I am non-binary with she/they pronouns.

I'm constantly covered in glitter due to working on crafting both art projects and witchy things lol.

Leave me a hex message

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Ghostboy-no1 Report | 07/22/2024 5:42 am
Thanks for buying from me! Make sure to stop by again ya hear!💫
the purple mew Report | 07/19/2024 2:36 pm
the purple mew
Thank you for the purchase!
tunafone Report | 07/17/2024 12:48 pm
TY for your purchase!
Rae Starshine Report | 07/09/2024 10:44 am
Rae Starshine
I know that feeling. You just lost a member of your family, one of your four-legged babies at that. I remember when my mom had to have the family dog put to sleep bc she was just in too much pain. Losing a beloved pet is the worst, and I'm sending you all the love and good vibes I can spare. 😔💖

Grief is like depression; it never really goes away forever. Sometimes it comes back, even after a long absence when you think you're over it.
I lost my stepdad on Easter Sunday from lung cancer. I deal with the grief by working a lot and not thinking about it.
Everybody deals with grief differently, and I hope you don't let it consume you. I know myself and how I can best deal with mine, just like you'll know how to deal with yours.

When it stops hurting, maybe in the future you can tell me some funny stories about her and Cinders. That will keep her memory alive, and maybe it'll get easier with time. 🫂
chrom0 Report | 07/05/2024 7:55 pm
Thanks for buying! Nice scenic avatar!
Rae Starshine Report | 07/05/2024 6:32 pm
Rae Starshine
Out here doing my best lol. 😔
I'm so sorry, dear. I know how much your babies mean to you.
I hope you'll be ok. Know that I'm here for you if you need someone to listen.💖
Rae Starshine Report | 07/02/2024 5:52 pm
Rae Starshine
You're too kind!! 😭💖
I check in like once a day, just to see what's new. I work overnight now at Walmart. I'm ok for the most part, I just work a Lot. Some nights, I work 10pm to 8 or 9am if they let me, so I'm usually dead tired by the time I make it home in the morning lol.

How are you, queen?? 😊
Rae Starshine Report | 06/30/2024 6:00 pm
Rae Starshine
It has been YEARS since anyone sent me Anything!!! 😭
I'm smooching u on the face, thank you!! 😔💖
Heartsalysa IV Report | 06/29/2024 11:40 am
Heartsalysa IV
Thanks for the purchase ~ heart
Luthien Tinvuiel Report | 06/21/2024 11:24 am
Luthien Tinvuiel
I love your avatar! How have you been by the by?

Spooks and Spectators

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