- Birthday
- 12/26
- Favorite Movies/Anime
- My favorite movies are:Silent Hill Inkheart Howl's moving Castle Ponyo and Spirited away.
- Favorite TV Shows
- My favorite t.v shows are: Bakugan Beyblade Inuyasha Deathnote Bleach Fruits Basket Tsubasa and many others.
- Favorite Reads
- My favorite books are: Inuyasha series Deathnote series Bleach series Tsubasa series Fruits Basket series Howl's moving castle Ink - trilogy the shadow children books and many others.
- Favorite Music/Bands
- My favorite singers bands ect. are : Taylor Swift Martina Mcbride Owl City Colin Raye Cascada Casting Crowns Riannah and Miley Cyrus
- Hobbies/Interests
- I like to: read go on the computer watch t.v play video games draw write sing and play with my sister
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