Hello! I am Bell. My top favorite movies are The Labyrinth and Drop Dead Fred. Who framed Roger Rabbit would be right up there too. I cant list favorite songs or musician's for it all depends on mood and whims. I ❤❤ book's with faries and magic and anything to do with knights and dragons and saving thy fair maiden from certain DOOM!!!! I have so many interests and things I'm passionate about, some come flying out like asteroids with rapid fire and great success and others fizzle out like distant shooting stars that its hard to keep up with what im into and what I'm not but give me a holla, shout out, what ev's or read my blog that i don't keep up with 😭 . Also on a side note oni kori ryu is my number 1 favorite and a great story teller AND most interesting person in *zee woldz* #my sister. So you should totally check her out shes been on here for YEARS and i do mean YYYYEEEEEEAAAAARRRSSSSSS. 😘
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