Russell Peters

CSI Russell Peters's avatar

Birthday: 08/03


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My name is Russell Peters. I am a criminalist, or a 'CSI' if you find that easier to say. I specialize in Hematology and Fingerprint Analysis. I love my job and I'm good at it. I am currently employed as a private forensic consultant for Deathsayers Inc. though I hope to return to my old job at the Central City crime lab.

I have a major in Bio-Chem and a minor in Criminal Justice. I attended graduate school where I obtained an additional degree in Criminology.

My secondary line of work, which takes up most of my evening time, is acting as a Mediator between Supernatural creatures and Humans. It's an interesting, and rewarding, mode of employment. My specialty as a Mediator is contracting with and summoning a variety of supernatural beings. Apparently Mediating is the family business.

Mediating means that I act as a go between for the supernatural and non-supernatural residents of Central City. My job is to try and keep the peace between the two groups as best I can, and to take care of any problems that pop up along the way that could cause tension in Central. You meet a lot of interesting beings in this line of work. Fortunately for me, I've found most of them to be pretty friendly.

I'm not married. My parents are deceased. I share my apartment with a striped, grey tabby named Sasha, a black and white Siberian named Asche, and a brown American Shorthair named Bubs. I enjoy cooking. I'm a vegetarian. When I have free time (which is rare as crime scene analysis is an unfortunately busy line of work) I enjoy reading true crime novels and light fiction, and watching terrible, b-list horror movies.

Recently I've also gotten into yoga, though mostly as a side effect of going through physical therapy for injuries sustained in the line of duty three years ago. Fortunately for me, I have some good work out partners, including my protege, Ivan Macomb.

I think that's all I want to say about myself right now, but feel free to ask my any questions you have. I just might answer.


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Skadi Sundermount Report | 08/03/2016 6:44 pm
Skadi Sundermount
Jatel Report | 03/21/2016 11:58 pm
My dear friend,
I greatly miss you! I have returned though probably, just briefly. There's just enough of a lull in my schoolwork
but I imagine everything to be kicking off again soon.

I hope we can catch up some time, if you still come online. We are now busy with grown-up things, I know.
Love you!!
Elemes Kant Report | 12/25/2015 9:37 pm
Elemes Kant
I understand "ugly cute" sweaters are a fashion thing now, so I got you one. Merry Christmas!

(that means go pick one from gofusion that you like on Russell best, so I can craft it for you. I got lots of snowflakes from lake kindred) heart
Chris ex Machina Report | 11/30/2015 8:51 pm
Chris ex Machina
Heheh, wow.
Most of the time I tend to be off.
To be honest, that's actually an adorable image, of a younger Russ playing with his fey friends.
Elemes Kant Report | 11/25/2015 10:43 pm
Elemes Kant
I am liking the apartment. You worked very hard on all of this.
Barefoot Necromancer Report | 10/19/2015 11:36 pm
Barefoot Necromancer
"Go for one of the smaller ones, first."
Barefoot Necromancer Report | 10/19/2015 11:09 pm
Barefoot Necromancer
"Okay, got it." She nodded, leaving the room as she grinned to herself. "Oh you know, accuse them of trying to steal my work, treat them like I would any rival."
Barefoot Necromancer Report | 10/19/2015 10:35 pm
Barefoot Necromancer
"Yeah, a way to lock the attic would work, for now. We'll have to make sure we're not too loud either..."
Barefoot Necromancer Report | 10/19/2015 10:10 pm
Barefoot Necromancer
She nods and looks at Russell. "Well they're a lovely pair. I hope we can get rid of those teenagers for them."
Barefoot Necromancer Report | 10/01/2015 7:52 pm
Barefoot Necromancer
"Maybe we could etch a couple of small wards on the doors. Something that could be sanded down afterwards." She suggested

"Ok, I got it."

The necromantrix faces the two orbs, offering a smile and a polite nod. "I'm Rhea Byrne, as Russell introduced me. I'm a necromancer, but don't worry, I'm here to help."


[b:bc71ceae39]Currently: Russell Peters - CSI, supernatural mediator, crazy cat guy[/b:bc71ceae39]
[i:bc71ceae39]The feeling of dread Russ was experiencing earlier has only gotten worse as the night has progressed. Unable to put himself at ease, Russell clears a spot on his living room floor, digs out a piece of chalk, and tries to figure out what is happening the supernatural way. The phoenix, Maiar, shows up shortly after. Death and Rebirth. A New Beginning.[/i:bc71ceae39][/align:bc71ceae39]


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