
Hi guys! I'm Rufus, Ian's loyal companion through thick and thin... THICK AND THIN, I TELL YOU! We've had a lot of horrible, life-threatening adventures, but we've stayed best friends through it all.

So, in case you guys are all wondering "why the hell is this cat talking to me? How is he typing? Does he have thumbs?!?" let me clear a few things up.

I come from a long line of talking cats. That sure caught Ian off guard when he first found out. I used to pretend to be a normal cat and meow when I was around people, but sometimes I'd slip in a bark when they least expected it. That was hilarious! But then I just said "to hell with it," and decided that talking was just fine-- which worked out great when Ian needed me to cover for him in the shop for a while.

As for how I'm typing, I'm keeping that my little secret!

When I'm not helping out in Ian's shop, I enjoy dancey dancey time and searching for fish. I'm not nearly as good a fisherman as Old Man Logan is, but I do what I can. And when I can't, I just buy from him! Mmm... that reminds me... fish...

My Aquarium

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


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