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Desirable Alchemist

15,125 Points
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I'm First Year, Sarah Rosalyn Kingston...

Outfit Location - Dining Hall Company - Stranger (Jasper) OOC -

Sarah grabbed a small breakfast consisting of a bowl of fruit, hot tea and toast. She was never really hungry in the morning. At least not when she hadn't slept for a few days. She looks around the dining hall and heads towards one of the tables, which another girl was sitting at. She pulls out her schedule before taking a bite of a strawberry. She was making a mental map of where her classes would be. Satisfied she would be able to find the classes without much trouble she puts it away again and looks at the girl whose table she'd sat at. "Good morning, I'm Sarah." She says with a smile before taking a sip of her tea.

Sarah noted that the girl was much taller then her petite height. This wasn't unusual for Sarah though. She was only 4'8" after all. She was use to being the shortest person in a room. She was a petite girl, she knew that well. But being so small had its advantages, though many more disadvantages. She always had trouble reaching things on higher shelves. Which was why she always wore heels. Those extra inches helped sometimes.

I'm Headmaster Kingston's Niece...

Class Schedule

World History
Home Economics
Earth Science
Creative Writing
Bonding Class on Tues & Thursday. Mon., Wens. & Fri. Horsemanship


Dapper Noob

850 Points
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tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Goin' in the wind is an eddy of the truth and it's naked'
Jasper Althuis

tab tab ( Dining Hall ) tab ( Sarah. )
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                                                    Jasper had finished her sandwich and was idly reading her book whilst taking sips from her juice. She was startled when she heard another voice. "Oh..uh, hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Jasper," She said a bit nervous "Sorry, I get lost in books." At this Jasper brushed some of brown hair off of her forehead. She got a good look at the girl and made sure to remember her name. "Is that a map? Do you mind if I take a look at it? I kind of forgot to grab one yesterday" she said with a soft laugh and then a sigh. She usually forgot to do important things because she was stuck in a fantasy world in her mind.

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          tab tab It's verbatim and it's shakin' No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no more getting' elated No more listless invitations

Desirable Alchemist

15,125 Points
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I'm First Year, Sarah Rosalyn Kingston...

Outfit Location - Dining Hall Company - Jasper OOC -

Sarah tilts her head upon hearing Jasper speak. A boy? She hands over the map, smiling at what Jasper said. "I know the feeling very well. I always lose track of time when I'm reading." She says with a smile. She only had the map because her uncle had mailed it to her after returning to the school two weeks ago. She hadn't actually gotten a chance to look at it until today. She really should have but at least it would help Jasper as well. "I almost forgot I had it until this morning myself." She says as an after thought before taking a bite of some more fruit. She always preferred something light in the morning, even when she had gotten some sleep. It was more out of habit then anything else really. "What were you reading by the way?" She asks, curious to know if she knew the book or not.

I'm Headmaster Kingston's Niece...

Class Schedule

World History
Home Economics
Earth Science
Creative Writing
Bonding Class on Tues & Thursday. Mon., Wens. & Fri. Horsemanship


Dapper Noob

850 Points
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tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Goin' in the wind is an eddy of the truth and it's naked'
Jasper Althuis

tab tab ( Dining Hall ) tab ( Sarah )
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                                                    "Thanks" She said taking the map and looking at it, memorizing where her at least her first few classes would be before handing the map back to Sarah. She smiled when asked about the book. It's called 'Eleanor and Park.' It's a teen romance drama set in the 1980's in America. It's my favorite book." Jasper explained, hugging the book a bit to her chest. "The ending is pretty depressing though.."

                                                    She looked at the girl's fruit and wondering if she was a vegetarian, a vegan, or just ate light. After her small episode of fruit staring was over she looked up and asked "What's your favorite book?". Jazz thought she would try to get to know her new friend.

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          tab tab It's verbatim and it's shakin' No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no more getting' elated No more listless invitations

Desirable Alchemist

15,125 Points
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I'm First Year, Sarah Rosalyn Kingston...

Outfit Location - Dining Hall Company - Jasper OOC -

Sarah takes the map back and folds it up before putting it back in her backpack. At the name of the book she realizes she hadn't read it. Didn't sound like the type of book she'd read though. "Don't believe I've read that one. I usually stick to fantasy books." She says. At his question on her favorite book she blushes slightly. "Grimm's Fairy Tales. Its rather childish I know." She says before looking down at her breakfast.

The book was never far from her. She kept it in her backpack and it was the book she had been reading on the train. It had been a gift from Emmett for her seventh birthday. Most girls had grown out of reading such books and had move onto romance books. Sarah however loved stories with princesses and princes or daring knights. If they had knights they were all the better in her opinion. She always thought they were more heroic.

I'm Headmaster Kingston's Niece...

Class Schedule

World History
Home Economics
Earth Science
Creative Writing
Bonding Class on Tues & Thursday. Mon., Wens. & Fri. Horsemanship


Brainy Bookworm

7,500 Points
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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                          Sunny's face cringe, being awaken by the sunlight shining through the window. Soon after having waking up, there was a knock on her door. She suspected no one but her older brother, Yesung. It would be typical of him, because he would always got into her room, at home, to help her out in the mornings. She brought herself up and dragged her feet across the floor, making her way to the door and opening it. Good morning, Sun-Sun. Sunny flashed a smile at him, letting him in. "I wanna wear that blue dress, she started, "you know, the one with the peter pan collar?" Yesung nodded. ' Of course, I know the dress. That was your favorite one. You loved the color.' he thought to himself, looking over at the neatly hung dress.

                          Sunny sat her bed, waiting patiently for Yesung to begin brushing her hair. Her face cringed in pain with every stroke. "Oppa," she started, "ease up, okay?" Yesung's cheeks turned a slight pink, apologizing directly after. "It's okay, Oppa," she started, "just be gentler." Yesung did just that. After finishing up with her hair, Yesung let Sunny change on her own. When she was finished, asked Yesung to hand her the violin case and her walking stick. "I think I want to head off to the garden to squeeze in some practice before class," she told him. Yesung nodded, knowing that was her alone time.

                          - time skip ; @ T H E G A R D E N -

                          Sunny smiled, smelling the floral scene surrounding her. "Beautiful," she spoke aloud, wishing to be able to see it. She sighed, as she opened and removed her violin from its case. She brought it to her shoulder, placing her chin on the rest. She took in a deep breath. 'It's been a long time, friend.' she thought to herself, bringing the bow to the strings and beginning her song. It wasn't perfect and she was determined to make it so.

                          ooc: j o u r n a l | o u t f i t


                          #bd4646 #e99444 #576c93

Dapper Noob

850 Points
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tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Goin' in the wind is an eddy of the truth and it's naked'
Jasper Althuis

tab tab ( Dining Hall ) tab ( Sarah )
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                                                    Jasper smiled "No one ever really grows up, we just masquerade as adults because we're expected to." She opened her bookbag and shuffled through it to pull out another book, showing it to Sarah. "I don't often read fantasy but I prefer the original Brothers Grimm versions of the stories the book was a condensed version of the original, darker stories. She handed it to Sarah so she could look at it and borrow it if she wanted.

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          tab tab It's verbatim and it's shakin' No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no more getting' elated No more listless invitations

Desirable Alchemist

15,125 Points
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"Most people say first impressions are everything."

| O U T F I T | L O C A T I O N Her Dorm| C O M P A N Y | O O C |

Kris yawned as her phone goes off, letting her know that yes it really was time to get out of bed. Kris ruffles her short hair before grabbing the outfit she had laid out the night before. She pulled on a pair of white jeans, a cropped off the shoulder red shirt. She slipped into another pair of boots headed to her half bath to put on her makeup and jewelry. She grabs one of her hoodies, the black and white stripped one today, and ties it around her waist before grabbing her backpack which she slings over her shoulder before heading out of her room. Just in time too, she sees Yesung entering his sister's room. Seemed he'd beaten her to helping Sunny. "Pity too, I wanted to be first. Ah well. You win this time mio beniamino." She says with a smirk before making her way towards the dining hall.

Yes she knew the shirt was most likely breaking a few school rules. But she didn't care. If the boys were distracted that was their own business. Besides, she planned this so she'd have to go see either the school councilor or the headmaster. She wanted to see what the knight and king of her chess game were like. Evaluate her opponents as it were. Best to find out early then late in the game. She liked having all the cards, as it were. Better to be informed so you knew what you were dealing with. With that in mind she heads to one of the lines to grab breakfast. She decides on french toast and over easy eggs with coffee. Not that she needed it. She just liked coffee. She finds a table to sit at and goes to eating while watch people enter and leave. Lets see how this first round goes.

"I think they can be rather deceiving."

Class Schedule

Political History
Elective – Free Period
Computer Science
Lit 101
Bonding Class on Wens. & Thurs. Mon Tues & Fri Study Hall

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Dapper Reveler

1,275 Points
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  • Partygoer 500
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tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab Goin' in the wind is an eddy of the truth and it's naked'
Jasper Althuis

tab tab ( Dining Hall ) tab ( Sarah )
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                                                    Jasper smiled "No one ever really grows up, we just masquerade as adults because we're expected to." She opened her bookbag and shuffled through it to pull out another book, showing it to Sarah. "I don't often read fantasy but I prefer the original Brothers Grimm versions of the stories the book was a condensed version of the original, darker stories. She handed it to Sarah so she could look at it and borrow it if she wanted.

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          tab tab It's verbatim and it's shakin' No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no more getting' elated No more listless invitations

Margherita Alyssa Reede

User ImageLocation ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜Dining hall Company ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ Sarah and Jasper OOC:

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Mags woke with a yawn and rubbed her eyes. After a shower she examined her schedule and took her books for the first part of the day. Mags entered the dining room and noted Sarah sitting with a girl she didn't know. Fear clutched her, but Sarah liked her she was probably okay.
Moving through the line Mags felt her stomach rumble and ordered scrambled eggs, and bacon, she made a cinnamon waffle and grabbed some coke before heading to sit with Sarah and the new girl. “Hi,” she chirped and smiled, “Mind if I join you?” she asked. She studied the books, “Oh! Grimm's fairy tales? I like the darker ones better too.”

Bonding and dance

⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ

Desirable Alchemist

15,125 Points
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I'm First Year, Sarah Rosalyn Kingston...

Outfit Location - Dining Hall Company - Jasper & Mags OOC -

"It was considered too dark when it was first published and revised for children if I recall correctly." Sarah says with a nod. She looks over the book but returns it to Jasper. "I have a copy of it back in my room." she says with a smile before looking up to see Mags. "Not at all, please join us. Sleep well?" She asks, her usual kind smile in place. She was thankful she'd thought to put makeup on today, otherwise she'd have looked like a raccoon with the dark circles around her eyes. Sadly Sarah was use to not sleeping for several days at a time, it was simply something she'd gotten use to over the years. She could only hope she'd actually get some sleep tonight. "Oh did you need a map for the classroom? I have one in my bag if you need it." She says before taking a bite of a strawberry.

I'm Headmaster Kingston's Niece...

Class Schedule

World History
Home Economics
Earth Science
Creative Writing
Bonding Class on Tues & Thursday. Mon., Wens. & Fri. Horsemanship



Brainy Bookworm

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                          Yesung left Sunny's dorm, closing the door after him. He grew hungry so to fulfill his cravings he headed in the direction of the cafeteria. He nothing else to do anyways, but eat. When he got there, he scanned the area. Not many people here and the ones there didn't interest him, not even at the slightest. He sighed once more, gathering up his food and finding an empty table to sit and munch at.

                          ooc: j o u r n a l ( there's a poll now, cause i can't decide which dress is cuter for sunny. > < ) | also i am so sorry for this post. i don't even know what i am doing with yesung. OKAY WHO LET ME HAVE AN a** MALE CHARACTER?! okay. i am guilty.

Desirable Alchemist

15,125 Points
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"Most people say first impressions are everything."

| O U T F I T | L O C A T I O N Dining Hall| C O M P A N Y | O O C I'm having the same problem with Sarah. Too many cute things she'd look good in xD |

A smirk crosses Kris' lips for a moment when she spots Sunny's brother Yesung. She'd found her quarry again. Kris really was a cold woman to think of it that way. But it was much more fun to her this way. Her interest in him was more due to the fact he shared some of her personality traits. Although it was also because Sunny was his sister too, but she was curious about the two. Once Kris had deemed someone interesting it was hard to get rid of her. She takes a sip of her coffee, her eyes never leaving Yesung. If he noticed she wouldn't care. Much more interesting if he did something about it. Though it would be interesting to see if his reaction differed from his sister's. She would make an experiment of this with that thought in mind.

"I think they can be rather deceiving."

Class Schedule

Political History
Elective – Free Period
Computer Science
Lit 101
Bonding Class on Wens. & Thurs. Mon Tues & Fri Study Hall

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Dapper Reveler

1,275 Points
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I'm First Year, Sarah Rosalyn Kingston...

Outfit Location - Dining Hall Company - Jasper & Mags OOC -

"It was considered too dark when it was first published and revised for children if I recall correctly." Sarah says with a nod. She looks over the book but returns it to Jasper. "I have a copy of it back in my room." she says with a smile before looking up to see Mags. "Not at all, please join us. Sleep well?" She asks, her usual kind smile in place. She was thankful she'd thought to put makeup on today, otherwise she'd have looked like a raccoon with the dark circles around her eyes. Sadly Sarah was use to not sleeping for several days at a time, it was simply something she'd gotten use to over the years. She could only hope she'd actually get some sleep tonight. "Oh did you need a map for the classroom? I have one in my bag if you need it." She says before taking a bite of a strawberry.

I'm Headmaster Kingston's Niece...

Class Schedule

World History
Home Economics
Earth Science
Creative Writing
Bonding Class on Tues & Thursday. Mon., Wens. & Fri. Horsemanship



Margherita Alyssa Reede

User ImageLocation ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜Dining hall Company ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ Sarah and Jasper OOC:

⚜ღ⚜ ღ ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ

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Mags gratefully accepted the map. She looked the schedule over and noted her courses as she dug into her breakfast. Again, she was delighted by the flavors and closed her eyes to savor them. With a blush she turned to the other girl. “Hi, I'm Margherita, everyone kinda calls me Magsy,” She blushed. She didn't dislike the name, it was pleasant enough. Something her father had given her as a child, she was his Magsy and from that derive Mags. She tossed her still damp hair over her shoulder and smiled. “Literature first, should be fun, and I'd be up to checking the library out with you afterwards. She grinned, I could use some fantasy books, at the least.

Bonding and dance

⚜ღ⚜ღ⚜ ღ ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ ღ⚜ღ

Brainy Bookworm

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                          Yesung felt a pair of eyes looking straight at him and it was creepy. He turned his head slightly back and forth, looking for those pair of eyes. When he realized who it was and where it came from, he rolled his eyes at her. "You're really annoying," he spoke aloud, not caring if anyone else heard him. He looked over at the girl. "You know this would only be amusing to little kids," he spoke. He refused to get up and go over to her, only because he didn't care for long conversations nor did he care about being heard.

                          ooc: j o u r n a l ( there's a poll now, cause i can't decide which dress is cuter for sunny. > < ) Poor Yesung isn't having any of it.


Desirable Alchemist

15,125 Points
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"Most people say first impressions are everything."

| O U T F I T | L O C A T I O N Her Dorm| C O M P A N Y | O O C I'm having the same problem with Sarah. Too many cute things she'd look good in xD |

Kris raises an eyebrow at him as if she'd done nothing wrong. "Ah but it was amusing watching you try and find who it was who was watching you. Took a little too long in doing so though. Your sister was much quicker." She says before waving her hand as if to dismiss his next statement. She turns slightly so she can get a better view of him, in doing so she was also giving him a better view of herself. Not her purpose in the movement but never the less there it was.

"You are rather straight to the point though." She says, her voice careless as her manners. It was hard to gauge whether she was truly interested in the conversation she was having with him or not. "Not a bad thing though. Better to be brash then waste one's words." She says. She didn't look like she was going get up and go to him either. It was almost as if she was challenging him. She crosses her legs before yet again taking a sip of her coffee, her eyes on his while she does so. She was use to unnerving people. What else did the Italian girl have to do when her mind was always on strategizing. She was basically telling him without saying so that it was his move. As she'd told Sunny, she viewed the school as a chess game.

"I think they can be rather deceiving."

Class Schedule

Political History
Elective – Free Period
Computer Science
Lit 101
Bonding Class on Wens. & Thurs. Mon Tues & Fri Study Hall

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