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          ( ) xxxxx ▬▬▬▬▬▬ XX AMBER BECK

                                            WHOxxxxn/a xxx WHERExxxxhecate living room xxx WEARINGxxxxoutfit

                                                        Amber hated Halloween and parties. You could imagine how she felt when the Nyx house announced their grand Halloween party."Really? Do I have to go?" she had protested, slumping into a chair when the news arrived to her. "Plus, isn't December a bit late for a Halloween party?" Whatever sailed their ship, she supposed. And you can imagine Amber was thrilled when she was told she was to wear a costume, too. Oh boy. She didn't mind the history of Halloween, it was the whole fuss about costumes and decorations and candy that the young witch didn't get. So Amber didn't bother going out to buy a costume, she figured she had something lying around. So when it came to an hour before the party, Amber had no idea what to wear. She eventually decided to go to the Nyx's Halloween party as the 'sterotypical witch'; black pointy hat, black shirt, black skirt, black shoes. Black everything, really. It was Halloween, there wasn't any harm in showing up to a party as a stereotype, right? She'd only dressed up for Halloween once, when she was 7. 11 years was a long time, she could hardly remember if there were any standard rules or guidelines for dressing up. Amber figured it would just be basic etiquette, like nothing offensive, wear something, be considerate, etcetera.

                                                        It wouldn't take long for Amber to get changed into her outfit, it was just figuring what the hell to do with her hair and face that would be the hard part. Amber made her way into the bathroom after changing, tucking her shirt into her skirt as she inspected herself in the mirror. She slipped on her jumper, making sure her shirt collar was out, and then got out her makeup. She decided to go with something different, not her regular everyday makeup. She applied more makeup than usual (only more eyeliner and mascara), but it was one night, it wouldn't do any harm. Amber wasn't going to make this a regular thing, she wasn't one for a lot of makeup. After she'd straightened her hair and cleaned her mess in the bathroom, Amber made her way into the living area. She carried her phone and pointy witch hat that she'd found lying around somewhere, and placed them both next to her as she sat on the couch, waiting until it was time to leave for the party.

                                                        ooc: hey hi hello
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        tab tab tab tab ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴxx House Zeus - living room

        tab tab tab tab ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏxx Noel

        tab tab tab tab ᴏᴜᴛғɪᴛxx click!

            Indent The girl stared at herself in the mirror, carefully painting on the last of her runes - the deflect/block rune that went along her neck across down to her collarbone. She and Noel had discussed going in matching costumes, but her step-brother had really put off deciding what he wanted to do until the last minute. And besides, what could she do that would do with a reindeer? It was far too early to be dressing as Santa or an elf or something. So, she went with something a little more fit for Halloween. A Shadowhunter. Perhaps it might have been a little obscure for some, but she loved the Mortal Instruments, and she'd been dying to do something like this for a while. The last couple of months since starting at Arkwright had been hectic, getting into classes and whatnot, but this place wasn't so bad. It was a lot better than high school had been. Not that that was a very high bar to beat.

            Indent Ariana kept her jacket off to let the black body paint finish drying. Her phone went off where it was sitting on her bed, so she went over to check who the message was from. It was Noel. Her smile was small, but soft, and she sent back a quick reply. It was supposed to be a little chilly out, but it was a short walk over to Nyx's house, so maybe she could head out without having to put on her jacket for a while. She took another look at herself in the mirror as she gently tapped her finger on a couple of the marks painted onto her skin to make sure they were at least partially dry. The costume was a little... Black, but she was happy with it anyways. With that out of the way she grabbed her jacket in her hand and left her room, heading down the stairs and texting Violet with her other hand. The other girl was probably her best friend in the house, aside from Noel, and it was great to have a female friend.

            Indent Ariana headed into the living room where her almost-brother was waiting, and she broke into a bright smile at the look of his costume. " Noel, you look so cute! " She walked over to him and gently gripped his shoulders, wanting to pull him into a hug put worried that she'd smudge her marks all over both of them. " The tail's adorable. And the bell. And those boots. " Her smile widened into a little grin. What could she say? It was a really cute costume. " Are you ready to go? " If it had been anybody else she'd have offered them her jacket for the walk over, especially since he was wearing so little. As it was, Noel wasn't bothered by cold at all - which was lucky for him. He did look nervous, though. Ari squeezed his shoulders gently, hoping that it was reassuring.


            Indent To: Noel
            Indent From: Ariana
            Indent xxxx I'm just about done! I'll meet you downstairs. I'd say on time, but I hate being late. It makes me awkward. But hopefully we don't get there first, because that's sort of awkward too, and -- I'll be right down.

            color=white]Indent To: Violet
            Indent From: Ariana
            Indent xxxx Hey! Are you going to the party? If you are, Noel and I are heading over there soon, if you want to join us.


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        tab tab tab tab ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴxx House Nyx - living room

        tab tab tab tab ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏxx Nobody

        tab tab tab tab ᴏᴜᴛғɪᴛxx click!

            Indent Oh god. Why did he ask? Of course it would turn into one of these hour-long rambling sessions. Tyler rolled his eyes and took a seat on the arm of the couch, watching Agustin with a blank look on his face. After about the first five seconds without his question being answered he started zoning out - try though he might to pay attention. His mother wouldn't have approved of tuning out of a conversation, but it was just so hard when August did this. Thankfully he tuned back in by the end of it. Something about a dress that August had forgotten to buy, and then his nails, and... Dirty foot water. Ty's nose scrunched up and his lips twisted into a disgusted frown. " What? " Why had somebody dumped foot water on Agustin? One-night-stand gone wrong or not, that was just disgusting. Not to mention.... " Why did you rub it all over me, you p***k?! " Ugh. He felt like he needed another shower.

            Indent Tyler grimaced, rubbing one arm with his other hand. Suddenly August was dropping to his knees in front of him and pouting. Ty stared down at him as he began to beg him not to be angry. " August -- " He didn't have much of a chance to say anything as his friend continued. The mention of holy water had him giving an amused snort. " Not a myth, definitely real. " He stood and was prepared to offer August a hand to his feet before the other vamp was throwing his arms around his waist. Tyler cracked a little, lopsided smile and patted his head twice. " You keep the holy water - and foot water - far away, and we'll be good. Promise. " What could he say? As aggravating as it sometimes was, this was all part of Agustin's weird charm. " Could never break up with you, mate. But I don't think we're getting married. You owe me a date or two first, yeah? " Abruptly the blonde was getting up and wandering off to grab a snack - but not without winking at him first. Tyler chuckled and shook his head. ' Nut. '


            Indent The next few days passed a little slowly for his liking. He had begun to keep in touch with Noel more, now that they had exchanged numbers. Not that he always had much to talk about. His life was usually fairly boring for a vampire. But after a time the Halloween party finally came about. He spent the morning skipping class to help set up for the party, going out to buy food and liquor (and to obtain more blood for his own housemates). When he came back it was to sit and have lunch before getting involved with decorating and whatnot. By the time seven o'clock had come around the house looked fairly impressive, if he did say so himself. His phone went off in his pocket, and he pulled it out to catch a text message from Noel. " Shite, costume, " he muttered, grimacing. He'd gotten so caught up in everything else that he hadn't even changed yet. All the same he texted Noel back with a fairly positive response as he took the stairs up to his room two at a time.

            Indent To: Noel
            Indent From: Tyler
            Indent xxxx Hey Noel. The party is about ready. I'm sure there's no need to be nervous - it'll be fine. I'll see you soon?

            Indent He took a quick shower and went to put on his costume. The lip scar took a little effort - it wasn't too complex, but special effects weren't his forte. Aside from that, everything was pretty quick to put together. And Tyler, being a touch of a secret nerd, couldn't help a grin as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Yeah, the outfit was pretty badass. Totally worth the money he'd paid for it. He flexed one hand in its brown leather glove before leaving the room and heading downstairs again. They still had some time before people were supposed to start showing up. " Oi! Get down here, you tossers, we're starting soon! " He had no problem yelling for his frat brothers when he had to. This was one of those times.

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Cʟᴀʀɪᴇ Nᴇssᴀ Hᴀᴡᴛʜᴏʀɴ

                      Friday, October twenty – sixth had ended rather…well. Actually, part of that was a lie, Clarie had been at a loss for words and in complete and utter shock when she went into Orchestra. Emmanuel was in this class. He was in this class. How had she not noticed before? Despite the internal panic (and the odd sense of, “How did you not notice this before? Pay more attention Clari!” had run through her mind) she had enough sense not to drop her violin case. Right behind Smokey, her violin was her baby; she couldn’t have anything happen to it. Part of it being that she didn’t want to head out into town to a local repair shop because quite frankly, she honestly thought they’d seen enough of her for quite some time.

                      After that it had been relatively normal, or about as normal as it could get with a dash of awkward. After Orchestra she set out in search for a costume. Unlike others, she preferred to try and use things she already had or if it came down to it, she’d cave in and go get something that she needed to complete the outfit. This year, however, was looking better than last year (when she had to go out and find something else entirely because she wasn’t sure how the staff was going to take to her wanting to dress up like some walking corpse. She really considered going through with it, though, but backed out the last minute.) This year was different.

                      She had waited until the absolute last minute to put her costume on. Part of it was because she was working on her pumpkin for the contest and was being three times more delicate than usual…mostly because she wanted to preserve the seeds to bake. Something she had accomplished for a good half hour due to carving two tiny pumpkins to put outside of the Hecate House. The other part being embarrassment, despite living with her sisters for a good few years now, some more than others, Clarie wasn’t sure what they’d think about her costume. They all loved each other dearly and they all knew that. There was little to no judging and yet that didn’t stop her from freaking out.

                      The only problem that she really had was the mere fact that her hair utterly refused to cooperate. Normally this something that did not bother her, but dammit all, all that time spent on making that dress was not helping matters. She had spent endless hours practicing in some vain attempt at getting the long brunette strands to at least be presentable – if not decent. There were a few swears muttered while wrestling with her hair, something about corsets being fair easier to deal with. Which, unfortunately, was partly true for Clarie; though she refused to wear anything with a corset – unless it was by itself and not in some dress after an incident that happened a few years ago. “So it’s just a matter of which poison I should pick,” her words were somewhat bitter. At this point she was practically walking on eggshells because of all the things she had to pick; it had to involve some insane intricate hair design. Unfortunately, after a few frustrating minutes of trying to at least get her unmanageable tresses under control she opted for her second option.

                      It’d be a little odd, what with her hair slightly curled now, but it would have to do. “Oh,” muttering as options began to run through her mind. She couldn’t stay behind – not this year, last year was the only exception due to nearly wearing herself thin and there was no excuse this year. Even if there was, she’d be called out on it within seconds. Truth be told she kind of snuck around to make sure everyone else was getting ready while she had taken pumpkins apart (mostly for the seeds). Surely her sisters would know something was off if she didn’t step out of the House. Almond eyes glanced down at dark nails, lightly biting lip, it’d be a perk…sort of, she’d forgotten about the nail polish. Adjusting jacket as an afterthought, Clarie spun on her heel calling out a farewell to her cat out of habit.

                      Making her way to the living area she noticed Amber was already waiting. Biting down on lip to keep from smiling at what she’d chosen to wear. Interesting choice, she mused before greeting her sister. “Is it just us? Or are we perhaps waiting for a few who are running fashionably late?” voice laced with teasing, almond eyes roaming around the other corners lest the rest of their sisters popped out unexpectedly. A small grin tugged at the corner of her lips, despite all the hassle that she had gone through minutes prior resolving that she would wear that dress just not for tonight.

outfit | thoughts: Well. | with: amber | ooc ; meh. as always, can edit if needed.

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[ W.ith: Ari ] <<>> [ F.eeling: Unsure ] <<>> [ L.ocation: Nyx House || living room ]

                                                              " Noel, you look so cute! “

                                                              The voice of a girl made the demigod quickly spin around. His face instantly flushed into a bright pink, his eyes blinking. “I thought - “ he said softly but stopped as his almost-sister kept at her compliments. He nodded as she gripped his shoulders as if to hug him. Personally he was grateful being as he say the black body pant that decorated her body. A giggle escaped the Swedish boy’s lips as he shook his head. “Thank you.. “ he said, pausing as he remembered what he was going to say. “I thought we were suppose to match.. “ The teen just shook his head playfully as his giggling continued. Pressing his lips nodded, responding to whether or not he was ready to head out. “Mmmhmm.. “ Another vibration signaled his phone receiving a message. This message was from Tyler, and only made Noel feel more nervous. “One second” Noel had found walking and texting at the same time to prove quite unuseful. Lowering his head he quickly typed across his I-phone screen a message for Ty.

                                                                      To: Tyler Breckenridge
                                                                      Frm: Noel Lund
                                                                      Msg: O.K. Uhm.. see you soon! .

                                                              “All right.. ready.. “ Noel said looking in the mirror really quick. The blonde walked to the door opening it up for Ari only to follow her out as well. “I like your outfit too.. you look hot.. “ he giggled nudging her. “Though… you would have looked hotter if you were going as Bane. Just saying. “ As they were waling over Noel suddenly stopped. “åh gud. Did Violet or Min say they were coming?” Of coarse there were other members of the Zeus house but those were the only ones Noel closely associated with. Maybe they should have waited, though they could always find each other at the party. A head Noel could all ready see House Nyx. “Vampires… “ Noel muttered this under his breath blushing a bit. The teen continued his pace, walking along side Ari. “Have you talked to my dad lately? I forgot to call him this past week.”

                                                              It wasn’t much longer before the two were standing at the front door of the vampire fraternity. House Nyx was quite amazing even if they did have a lot of unnecessary stairs at the front of their house. It was odd that the frat house had a lot of windows. It was pretty and useful at night, however Noel did know that the sun was almost deadly to vampires. “Do we ring the door.. or just go-?” Suddenly the door opened up one of the Vampires ran out from the door scream, just like your typical college fraternity boy. “Uhmm-m… okay then.. “ There was music pumping loud however if Noel was going to do this there was no looking back. The demigod followed his sister inside looking around. Mostly there were only vampires in the house at least from what Noel could tell. Then again most everyone had their customers on so who knew who was there or not. “Party time.. “ he said a little unenthused.

                                                              || Translations: "åh gud.." - "Oh, God"

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Blessed Cleric

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                                                                              "Oh goddess, oh goddess, oh goddess..." Violet mumbled to herself as she rushed about her room putting the finishing touches on her costume. She adjusted the braided twin tales to lay flat against her shoulders and pulled the quiver, filled with those fake suction cup arrows, over her head. The heels she searched all over town for gave her an extra five inches of height, bringing her to a towering five-foot-ten. She felt as if she was walking on stilts.

                                                                              Her ears perked up when she heard commotion downstairs and she started hobbling quickly to gather her phone and themed basket-like purse. It was going to be an interesting night with her walking around in these things. Her phone jingled to the 8-bit tune of Feel Good Inc. and she fished it out of her bag once more to read the text from Ariana. 'Okay, quick now, Vi.'

                                                                              TO: ARI
                                                                              FROM: FAWN
                                                                              wouldn't miss it for the world! head on over. I'll be there in a bit

                                                                              "First I have to figure out how to walk again." She mused at the thought that the shoes made her much like a baby deer, just adding to the just picking of her middle name. Carefully, she walked around her room a few minutes more until she adjusted to the new height properly. It resulted in an odd walk, mostly focused on the knees instead of the toes, heels, or ankles, but she at least felt like she could move without falling on her face every few steps. Hopefully she wouldn't have to run anytime soon.

                                                                              Slowly she made her way down the stairs and outside. Noel and Ariana were already gone, and few of the other Zeus kids were about. So Violet made her way across campus to House Nyx, the vampire lair. It sounds much more ominous than the actual building looked. Too many windows about for it to house scary creatures of the night. Inside, most of the current party guests were vampires, figured. The two freshman demigods should be around somewhere, but where Vi had no clue. Come to think of it, she didn't even know what they were supposed to be dressed as tonight. Though it couldn't be too hard to pick the two out of the crowd. Noel was a fair haired snow bunny and Ariana was a strikingly pale daughter of darkness. They tended to stand out, even on Halloween.

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